"we were strangers but...& noone told me that I'm gonna find you...and it was wonderful journey..."
think about this on crazy day...
Drowning Lessons
dreamnig of you...
"i never had a dream come true 'til i found you...somewhere in my memory i lost the sense of time"
"...like you Deamon, your drug...like i can't breathe...without your arms..."
"I loved J.C. so much and talked about him so much and it was like he lived inside me ...like taking possession of my soul or smth....and then one Day I got over him... Freedom Dance..."
i kakve su shanse da bash na ovo danas naidjem...moja najomiljenija...kad sam imala 10-12 godina... a onda "podudarnost" sa nekim i nechim mojim malo "kasnije"...shto ne biva vishe... ali ja sam valjda retro junky or smth like that pa( nekad) nedostajem sama sebi iz tog perioda... narochito na ovakav Dan.