naj se vidi (might as well)

naj se vidi (might as well)

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

"Can you be the light
and love us all
then you don't need to be angry and avoid our calls
With a portrait face
looking out in space
your mind's a hyper tool that fixes everything
Can you see them all
having no control
when you try to keep your distance from another fall
If you open up
and enjoy my touch
we might as well be happy even if it's dark

Can you be my rented love
Can you be my rented love

Dive in my little dice
I can see the reason when you say goodbye
Feel and just let it ride
don't be just another one who leaves me dry

Can I be the light
and love you all
then I don't need to be angry and avoid your calls
With a portrait face
looking out in space
my mind's a hyper tool that fixes everything
Can I see them all
having no control
when I try to keep my distance from another fall
If I open up
and enjoy your touch
we might as well be happy even if it's dark

Can I be your rented love
Can you be my rented love

Dive in my little dice
I can see the reason when you say goodbye
Feel and just let it ride
don't be just another one who leaves me dry

"Če bi imel ves denar
in doma zlato
se bojim da bi naenkrat vse izginilo
Še nedolžen smeh
spremenim v jok
in na Zemlji priredim velik vihar tegob
Če bi bil vladar
in imel to moč
nenamerno bi ugasnil dan naredil noč
Se le meni zdi
da mi te stvari
sledijo kot vohun ki me ne izpusti

A ne vidiš da samo
A ne vidiš da samo

Dajem ti strup v čaj
zdaj vem kaj je razlog da te ni nazaj
nimam izgovorov
jaz samo ne bi rad na koncu sam ostal

Če bi imela denar
in vse zlato
ti bi znala narediti iz tega pravljico
In nedolžen jok
spremeniš v smeh
in na Zemlji prirediš vsem nepozaben ples
Če si ti vladar
bi imela moč
vsi ljudje bi se zabavali vsako noč
A le meni to
ni nikoli šlo
moja ladja še na suhem potonila bo

A ne vidiš da samo
A ne vidiš da samo

Dajem ti strup v čaj
zdaj vem kaj je razlog da te ni nazaj
Nimam izgovorov
jaz samo ne bi rad na koncu sam ostal ..."


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Hehe, oni su meni jaaako gotivni... (iako u poslednje dve godine slušam mnogo 'težu' muziku)
Imaju, što se mene tiče, nekoliko moćnih pesama..!


Eto meni jos jednog MySpace druga Smile Zaboravila sam na ove ljude.. ali zato je tu Neko da uvek podseti Poljubac

sec'am se svoje reakcije kad sam videla spot na MTV-ju...sedeli smo kod dechka u sobi i ja sam se potpuno "izbezumila"(pozitivno Mr. Green smešak )kad sam videla spot a tv je bio neshto stishan i bila sam u fazonu:"daj mi daljinski...daj mi daljinski odmah da si ga nashao.." (daljinski Smile )...i tako je sve pochelo... Laughing
(znam da vam je svima jako drago shto sam to podelila sa vama) Laughing

(one of my) favourite(s):

"(...)For the ballast they're pulling down the dominoes
The salt on the edge of libido
The forbidden meat was for encore
Well, it's not, it's not just like that
For the pride they're pulling down the dominoes
The force shakes the hard ground
Pure Mystique."

Dobar lyrics, samo malo preteska muzika za moj ukus Smile

"The city feels clean this time of night
Just empty streets and me walking home to clear my head

I know it came as no surprise
I'm affected more than I had guessed on what was said

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it, I won't see it's broken

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it, I won't see
how it's broken

It's the quiet time before the dawn
And I'm half past making sense of it,
was I wrong?

Should I claim to give it all
In a world where not much ever seems to last long

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it, I won't see
it's broken

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it, I won't see
how it's broken

How ... how...

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it, I won't see
it's broken

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it, I won't see it's broken

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it, I won't see
how it's broken

How it's broken...

How it's broken...

How it's broken..."

(Late Night Alumni - Empty Streets)

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(Late Night Alumni - Empty Streets - DJ Tiesto Remix)

Franz Ferdinand - Bite Hard

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