oh, how I wish..

oh, how I wish..

  • Pridružio: 02 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 901

I Wish I Could Go Travelling Again

"I wish I could go travelling again
It feels like the summer will never end
And I've had such good offers from several of my friends
I wish I could go travelling again

I want to sit in my shades
Sipping my latte
Beneath the awning of a famous café
Jet-lagged and with our luggage gone astray
I wish I could go travelling again

I want a waiter to give us a reprimand
In a language neither of us understand
While we argue about the customs of the land
I wish I could go travelling again

I want to sit in traffic, anxious about our plane
While you blasé comments drive me half insane
I want to dash for shelter with you through the tropical rain
I wish I could go travelling again

I want to be awakened by a faulty fire alarm
In an overpriced hotel devoid of charm
Then fall asleep again back in your arms
I wish I could go travelling again

But how can I ever go travelling again
When I know I'll just keep remembering again
When I know I'll just be gathering again
Reminders to break my heart

I wish I could go travelling again
It fells like this summer will never end
And I've had such good offers from several of my friends
I wish I could go travelling again."
Stacey Kent

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