pricha o ljudima i snovima...counting fish.

pricha o ljudima i snovima...counting fish.

  • Pridružio: 02 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 901

Axel Blackmar: Most people think I count fish, but I don't. I look at them. I look at their souls and read their dreams and then I let them into my dreams.


Axel Blackmar: Whenever I try to remember my dreams, I always turn 'em into stories. But dreams are like life. You can't catch it with your hands because you can't catch something you don't really see. If you believe in your dreams, you could be sure that any force, a tornado, a volcano or a typhoon, wouldn't be able to knock you out of love; because love exists on its own.

Axel Blackmar: Columbus wouldn't think I was crazy for building a flying machine, because history is all dreams. No rules or books. It's just there, waiting to be discovered like when Columbus found this place. I don't know if he found his dream.


Axel Blackmar: But what's the point of breathing if somebody already tells you the difference between an apple and a bicycle? If I bite a bicycle and ride an apple, then I'll know the difference.

Axel Blackmar: Elaine, I was trying to tell ya the other night: Eskimos believe that even though you die, you're never really dead.
Elaine Stalker: What are you then?
Axel Blackmar: Uh, you're Infinity. See they believe that when the physical suit of skin dies, it becomes apart of the Earth. But your soul, keeps going, y'know? Into other things like uh, trees or fish or rocks. Or even other people who're actually at that point you.
Elaine Stalker: What if you don't like what you've turned into?
Axel Blackmar: You just wait. You wait a few years and then you'll turn into something else.


Axel Blackmar: If you and I were to die in a plane crash it wouldn't matter, because our souls would keep on going and we would love each other from place to place - because it is infinity.

Grace Stalker: I'm not going to die. I'm going to live forever until one day I'll wake up and I'll be a turtle.


Axel Blackmar: After the storm, I couldn't say life was beautiful. But all I kept hoping for was the Eskimo boy of my dream to run out of one of these doors and hug me. And even though I no longer felt like a fish and realized I knew nothing, I was happy to be alive.
Arizona Dream


odgledala juche dva puta, ponovo, s razlogom....

...u nedostatku svojih postajem dreamcatcher...Wink
pozdrav kindergirl

eh, dobro jutro(: ja trenutno razmisljam kako bi bilo da nekako isprogramiram dugmence "Shut down" u snovima jer ovo pochinje da zamara i smor je ponekad& vrlo naporno kad svaku noc imas novu sopstvenu projekciju. Neutral
no, u nedostatku dugmenceta, uchim da prihvatim svoje snove... bolje da sanjam nego da insomnishem:xD... (::
enivej, odoh u offtopic,a da, film je magichan, gledala sam ga dva puta za jedan dan, jednom sa "pracenjem" radnje, a drugi put samo slike....
merci za link. smešak

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