rain in ur mind

rain in ur mind

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

"The sea, it swells like a sore head
And the night, it is aching
Two lovers lie with no sheets on their bed
And the day, it is breaking

On rainy days, we'd go swimming out
On rainy days, swimming in the sound
On rainy days, we'd go swimming out

You're in my mind all of the time
I know that's not enough
If the sky can c r a c k, there must be some way back
For love and only love

Electrical Storm
Electrical Storm
Baby, don't cry

Car alarm won't let ya back to sleep
You're kept awake dreaming someone else's dream
Coffee is cold, but it'll get you through
Compromise, that's nothing new to you

Let's see colours that have never been seen
Let's go to places no one else has been

You're in my mind all of the time
I know that's not enough
Well, if the sky can c r a c k, there must be some way back
To love and only love

Electrical Storm
Electrical Storm
Electrical Storm
Baby, don't cry

It's hot as hell, honey, in this room
Sure hope the weather will break soon
The air is heavy, heavy as a truck
Need the rain to wash away our bad luck

Hey-yeah, hey-eeyay

Well, if the sky can c r a c k, there must be some way back
To love and only love

Electrical Storm
Electrical Storm
Electrical Storm

Baby don't cry
Baby don't cry
Baby don't cry
Baby don't cry"



"Three months in here
Can't catch the tears
Time never lands
Our love is all that stands now

Streets feel strange
And longer lives can never change

I'm so glad to have you
And it's getting worse
I'm so mad to love you
And your evil curse

I feel out of place
Just look at my face
Stuck in the mud
Knee-deep in blood girl

Eyes, blindfold
You never said I'm growing old

I'm so glad to have you
And it's getting worse
I'm so mad to love you
And your evil curse
I'm so glad to have you
And it's getting worse
I'm so mad to love you
And your evil curse

My my my my heart is very light
My my my my heart is still reliant still still reliant

Tell them I've gone
And nothing's wrong
In from the past
A sudden blast bang

Spring has gone
And summer keeps on coming on

I'm so glad to have you
And it's getting worse
I'm so mad to love you
And your evil curse
I'm so glad to have you
And I'm getting worse
I'm so mad to love you
And your evil curse
I'm so glad to have you
And I'm getting worse
I'm so mad to love you
And your evil curse
I've a plan to save you
from my misery
I'm a man too brave
to follow history..."



a 'bonus' (Duran Duran - Come Undone)

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