to See...All...


to See...All...

  • Pridružio: 02 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 901

I've seen it all
I have seen the trees
I have seen the willow leaves
Dancing in the breeze

I've seen a man killed
By his best friend,
And lives that were over
Before they were spent.

I've seen what I was
And I know what I'll be
I've seen it all
There is no more to see

You haven't seen elephants
Kings or Peru

I'm happy to say
I had better to do

What about China?
Have you seen the Great Wall?

All walls are great
If the roof doesn't fall

And the man you will marry
The home you will share

To be honest
I really don't care


You've never been
To Niagara Falls

I have seen water
It's water, that's all

The Eiffel Tower
And the Empire State

My pulse was as high
On my very first date

And your grandson's hand
As he plays with your hair

To be honest
I really don't care


Björk & Yorke
I've seen it all
I've seen the dark
I've seen the brightness
In one little spark

I've seen what I chose
And I've seen what I need
And that is enough

To want more would be greed
I've seen what I was
And I know what I'll be
I've seen it all
There is no more to see

You've seen it all
And all you have seen
You can always review on
Your own little screen
The light and the dark
The big and the small
Just keep in mind

You need no more at all

Björk & Yorke
You've seen what you were
And know what you'll be
You've seen it all
There is no more to see

Hard to believe in men

videti Sve...a nac'i snage da gledash svet "ocima Deteta"...da se razumemo...kindergirl davno gledala film...ali neshto je podseti ovih dana bash na...i biti Dobro posle svega toga ...lako? ne...moguc'e? DA!

:"Ja sam svet poznao, Uroshe!Ti si samo nachuo za njega."
(odlomak iz drame"Smrt Urosha Petog, poslednjeg srpskog cara")

"...Jedanput bismo primetili da mala kazaljka stoji na šest a velika na dvanaest, i ne bismo se čestito ni okrenuli, a kazaljke su ponovo stajale na šest i na dvanaest, samo bi između ta dva pogleda protekao ceo život. I on se traži – taj život što promiče od danas do sutra, onaj život što je kolao, ključao, puzio, preklinjao, voleo, cmizdrio, čekao, bogoradio, zaustavljao se, podizao i ponovo padao i opet se dizao ispod onog uličnog časovnika koji se traži, a koji je ko zna kuda odnesen."
Momo Kapor

It was a very good year
Frank Sinatra

"...When I was twenty-one
It was a very good year
It was a very good year for city girls
Who lived up the stair
With all that perfumed hair
And it came undone
When I was twenty-one..."

"znash npr. ja sam ti od onih ljudi koji mogu da oproste lako i sebi i drugima, ali bez mogy da zaboravim... uvek u meni ostane neki talog, neki oziljak koji se vidi samo pod specificnim uglom sunca, negde mozda u dubini oka, nesto mutno u meni....mozda je tesko proci kroz zivot bez tih "ranica"... i taman kad mislish da su zauvek nestale,one bljesnu u tebi i budes potpuno siguran da ce one vecno biti deo tebe... valjda ja to prihvatam kao deo sebe...ko zna.... "

after All:oprostiti neke stvari]

"Life is like a unreaded book like a taken trip that involves a lot of excitement and pleasure . But anyway if we don't find anything pleasant at least we shall find something new. So don't hesitate to experiment and to want new things happend to you" Smile

"Prolaze brodovi, trube u chast zvone na uzbunu... deca uche da plachu, deca uche da poznaju svoj glas..."

Ovih dana (od kako sam napunila 21. godinu) u meni se nesto lomi, previja, rastache, rushi, slama... Nije to smrt... Naprotiv, zivot dolazi... Boli... Neko to ne razume... Nekima je zivot jednostavna stvar... oni ne pitaju... Neki misle da sam postala ohola, zla i da nisam vise ono dete... Neki su dovoljno bezbrizno odrasli da me vise ne prepoznaju, da ne uspevaju da vide dete, zgrcheno u polutami mikrosveta... Neki samo osudjuju, a ne pruzaju ruku da me iz tog sveta povuche... telo pulsira samo jednu jedinu jebenu rech: "POMOC"... Neki su dovoljno jaki, neki su dovoljno srecni u OVOM SVETU,Neki misle da ja nisam... neki mi kazu da sam se promenila... NEKI, moji nekad najbolji smo u to verovali... Ali, NAJBOLJI ne postoje... bar ne ovde...jer uvek ce te NEKO ostaviti (pa makar bio najrodjeniji, pa makar bio Bog:). Uvek ce te neko zajebati...a ti izdrzi dokle mozes...I ja vise nisam mogla... vise nisam dala da me gaze... I oni se sad bune... Pitaju sta mi se to tako strasno dogodilo... za One koji Vide I Osec'aju

Ти,међутим,дишеш,у ноћној тишини,
до звезда,што казују пут Сунцу у твој сан.
Ти слушаш свог срца лупу,у дубини,
што удара,ко стеном,у крачни Калемегдан.
Теби су наши боли ситни мрави.
Ти бисер суза наших бацаш у прах.
Али се над њима,после,Твоја зора заплави,
у коју се млад и весео загледах.
А кад уморно срце моје ућути,да спи,
Узглавље меко ћеш ми,у сну,бити,Ти.

..јер волим,да тако,склопим очи,и ћутим ....................................

...da se nadje harmonichno reshenje za sve disharmonije u unutrashnjosti...

.. као сам чин стварања(песме,слике).као стих упамћен лакоћом.река дана што тече сваким педљом тла твојих својствености.насмејати се свему томе.
у само дно твоје услклађености.календар сатканих слутњи.дан,већ испијен тмином.до самих врхова,до самог бисера(чина).окачити страст о вешалицу,к`о да је бунда зимска.за документарни филм свих прегнућа.за обгрљеност душе,што љушти се.преображава,зри.
Smile Wink Wink

"Who am I
Who am I
Was it all planned in advance
Or was I just born by chance in July
Who on earth am I
My friends only think of fun
They're such a curious a lot
Must I be the only one
Who thinks these mysterious thoughts
Some day I'll die
Will I ever live again
As a mountain lion
Or a rooster, a hen
Or a robin, or a wren, or a fly
Oh, who am I
Do you believe in reincarnation
Do you believe in reincarnation
Were you ever here before
Have you ever had dreams
That you knew were true
Some time before in your life
Have you ever had that experience
So you must question
All the truths that you know
All the love and the life
That you know and say

Who am I
Will I ever live again
As a mountain lion
Or a rooster, a hen
Or a robin, or a wren, or a fly
If I'm one of those lives
That have been reincarnated again
And again, and again
Oh, who am I"
(Nina Simone)

Astral weeks

If I ventured in the slipstream
Between the viaducts of your dream
Where immobile steel rims (zabranjeno)
And the ditch in the back roads stop
Could you find me?
Would you kiss-a my eyes?
To lay me down
In silence easy
To be born again
To be born again
From the far side of the ocean
If I put the wheels in motion
And I stand with my arms behind me
And Im pushin on the door
Could you find me?
Would you kiss-a my eyes?
To lay me down
In silence easy
To be born again
To be born again
There you go
Standin with the look of avarice
Talkin to huddie ledbetter
Showin pictures on the wall
Whisperin in the hall
And pointin a finger at me
There you go, there you go
Standin in the sun darlin
With your arms behind you
And your eyes before
There you go
Takin good care of your boy
Seein that hes got clean clothes
Puttin on his little red shoes
I see you know hes got clean clothes
A-puttin on his little red shoes
A-pointin a finger at me
And here I am
Standing in your sad arrest
Trying to do my very best
Lookin straight at you
Comin through, darlin
Yeah, yeah, yeah
If I ventured in the slipstream
Between the viaducts of your dreams
Where immobile steel rims (zabranjeno)
And the ditch in the back roads stop
Could you find me
Would you kiss-a my eyes
Lay me down
In silence easy
To be born again
To be born again
To be born again
In another world
In another world
In another time
Got a home on high
Aint nothing but a stranger in this world
Im nothing but a stranger in this world
I got a home on high
In another land
So far away
So far away
Way up in the heaven
Way up in the heaven
Way up in the heaven
Way up in the heaven
In another time
In another place
In another time
In another place
Way up in the heaven
Way up in the heaven
We are goin up to heaven
We are goin to heaven
In another time
In another place
In another time
In another place
In another face

van morrison

Dopuna: 26 Dec 2007 20:09

(mašina je poludela!!gde stoji: -(zabranjeno),trebalo bi da piše - c.rack!!!!!
i pc,je na kraju krajeva,čovekkkkk .....

"Armies have conquered
And fallen in the end
Kingdoms have risen
Then buried by sand
The Earth is our mother
She gives and she takes
She puts us to sleep
In her light we'll awake
We'll all be forgotten
There's no endless fame
But everything we do
It's never in vain

We're part of a story, part of a tale
We're all on this journey
No one's to stay
Where ever it's going
What is the way?

Forests and deserts
Rivers, blue seas
Mountains and valleys
Nothing here stays
While we think we witness
We're part of the scene
This never-ending story
Where will it lead to?
The earth is our mother
She gives and she takes
But she's also a part
A part of the tale

We're part of a story, part of a tale
We're all on this journey
No one is to stay
Where is it going
What is the way?
We're part of a story, part of a tale
Sometimes beautiful and sometimes insane
No one remembers how it began."
Within Temptation

so that is what we are... never ending story... part of someone's memory... Mr. Green or maybe not... and we are living waking life...a pesma je danas tu chisto da se ne zaboravi Cool

"...da li si i ti rashtimovani, uplasheni, siccushni chovek,
na najveccem shkolskom igralishtu sveta,
imash li ogroman budilnik pod rukom i
krila koja udaraju pod dzemper..."
Ana Jergensdoter

Sensitive KInd

Dont take her for granted, she has a hard time
Dont misunderstand her or play with her mind
Treat her so gently, it will pay you in time
Youve got to know shes the sensitive kind
Tell her you love her, each and every night
And you will discover she will treat you right
If you believe, I know you will find
There aint nothing like the sensitive kind
She gets lonely waiting for you
You are the only thing to help her through
Dont take her for granted, she has a hard time
Youve got to know shes the sensitive kind
j.j. cale

igra bez granica

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