

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

"Well, there's nothing I truly desire
There's nothing that I really want
But the times I find myself in the fire
To choose between the right and the wrong

I wish I could control all my judgements
Understand every move
Take my mind and all of it's voices
Tell me what should I do

Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in your head and I wonder
(Who d'you think you're talking to?)
One day I'll move, get away from these feelings getting stronger
(Who d'you think you're talking to?)
Sometimes I feel like it's not so fun to see what's under
(Who d'you think you're talking to?)
Let me out, let me out, I don't think I can stand it any longer
(Who d'you think you're talking to?)

I remember being part of that era
I remember being so far from home
All the times I needed someone to hear me
Cos I've never felt so much on my own

All the trouble that you have with your future
All the rules that make your life so secure
There are people who will give their opinions
But tell me, what do they know?

Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in your head and I wonder
(Who d'you think you're talking to?)
One day I'll move, get away from these feelings getting stronger
(Who d'you think you're talking to?)
Sometimes I feel like it's not so fun to see what's under
(Who d'you think you're talking to?)
Let me out, let me out, I don't think I can stand it any longer
(Who d'you think you're talking to?)

Who d'you think you're talking to?

Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in your head and I wonder
(Who d'you think you're talking to?)
One day I'll move, get away from these feelings getting stronger
(Who d'you think you're talking to?)
Sometimes I feel like it's not so fun to see what's under
(Who d'you think you're talking to?)
Let me out, let me out, I don't think I can stand it any longer
(Who d'you think you're talking to?)

Who d'you think you're talking to?
Who d'you think you're talking to?
Who d'you think you're talking to?!"

(Five O'Clock Heroes feat. Agyness Deyn)

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