The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12404

Upotreba :
U toku igre pritisnuti tildu ("~") i uneti kod.

Kodovi :

tgm - God mod
tcl - Duh
player.setav - podešavanje HP, Magicku, itd.
player.setlevel - Nivo 1-100
tmm 1 - Sve lokacije na mapi su otključane
PSB - Sve magije, upozorenje može crashovati igru, sačuvajte pre upotrebe
TFC - Lutajuća kamera
kill - Ubija selektovanu metu
resurrect - Oživljava selektovanu metu
player.modav carryweight <###> - pomera ograničenje maksimalne težine koju možete nositi
player.setav dragonsouls <###> - daje igraču 'dragonsoul'
player.modav speedmult <##> - brzina trčanja (20-30 preporučljivo)

Dodavanje stvari igraču :

Svaki predmet ima svoj broj, dole je lista brojeva za većinu korisnih itema :
player.additem <#> - dodaje stvari


iron - 5ace4
steel - 5ace5
silver - 5ace3
gold - 5ad9e
corundum - 5ad93
orichalcum - 5ad99
ebony - 5ad9d
dwarven - db8a2
quicksilver - 5ada0
moonstone - 5ad9f
malachite - 5ada1
dragon scales - 3ada3
dragon bones - 3ada4
leather strips - 800e4
leather - db5d2
daedra heart - 3ad5b

Primer : player.additem 3ada4

Perkovi :

player.addperk #####



novice destruction - f2ca8
apprentice destruction - c44bf
adept destruction - c44c0
expert destruction - c44c1
master destruction - c44c2
destruction dual casting - 153cf
augmented flames - 581e7 - 10fcf8
augmented frost - 581ea - 10fcf9
augmented shock - 58200 - 10fcfa
impact - 153d2
rune master - 105f32
deep freeze - f3933
intense flames - f392e
disintegrate - f3f0e


novice restoration - f2caa
apprentice restoration - c44c7
adept restoration - c44c8
expert restoration - c44c9
master restoration - c44ca
restoration dual casting - 153d1
regeneration - 581f8
recovery - 581f4 - 581f5
avoid death - a3f54
necromage - 581e4
ward absorb - 68bcc


nove alteration - f2ca6
apprentice alteration - c44b7
adept alteration - c44b8
expert alteration - c44b9
master alteration - c44ba
atronach - 581f7
stability - 581fc
mage armor - d7999 - d799a - d799b
magic resistance - 53128 - 53129 - 5312a
alteration dual casting - 153cd


novice illusion - f2ca9
apprentice illusion - c44c3
adept illusion - c44c4
expert illusion - c44c5
master illusion - c44c6
animage - 581e1
hypnotic gaze - 59b77
kindred mage - 581e2
aspect of terror - 59b78
rage - c44b5
quiet casting - 581fd
master of the mind - 58b76


novice conjuration - f2ca7
aprrentice conjuration - c44bb
adept conjuration - c44bc
expert conjuration - c44bd
master conjuration - c44be
summoner - 105f30 - 105f31
conjuration dual casting - 153ce
mystic binding - 640b3
atromancy - cb419
necromancy - 581dd
soul stealer - d799e
oblivion binding - d799c
elemental potency - cb41a
dark souls - 581de
twin souls - d5f1c


Heavy armor:

juggernaut - 7935e - 79361 - 79362 - 79374 - bcd2a
fists of steel - 58f6e
well fitted - 58f6f
cushioned - bcd2b
conditioning - 58f6d
tower of strength - 58f6c
matching set - 107832
reflect blows - 105f33

Light armor:

agile defender - 79367 - 79389 - 79362 - 79374 - bcd2a
custom fit - 51b1b
unhindered - 51b1c
wind walker - 105f22
matching set - 51b17
deft movement - 107831


shield wall - 79355 - 79356 - 79357 - 79358 - bccae
power bash - 58f67
deflect arrows - d8c33
quick reflexes - 58f68
deadly bash - 5f594
elemental protection - 58f69
block runner - 106253
disarming bash - 58f66
shield charge - 58f6a


One handed:

armsman - 79342 - 79343 -79344 - 79345 - babe4
fighting stance - 52d50
dual flurry - 106256 - 106257
hack and slash - 3fffa - c3678 - c3679
bonebreaker - 5f592 - c1e92 - c1e93
bladesman - 5f56f - c1e90 - c1e91
critical charge - cb406
savage strike - 3af81
dual savagery - 106258
paralyzing strike - 3afa6

2 Handed:

barbarian - 79346 - 79347 - 79348 -79349 - 1ce16
limbsplitter - c5c05 - c5c06 - c5c07
deep wounds - 3af83 - c1e94 - c1e95
skullcrusher - 3af84 - c1e96 - c1e97
champion stance - 52d51
great critcal charge - cb407
devastating blow - 52d52
sweep - 3af9e
warmaster - 3afa7

Marksman or Archery:

overdraw - 7934a - 7934b - 7934d - 79354 - babed
eagle eye - 58f61
steady hand - 104ada - 103adb
critical shot - 105f1c - 105f1e - 105f1f
power shot - 58f62
hunters discipline - 51b12
ranger - 58f63
quickshot - 105f19
bullseye - 58f64



stealth - be126 - c07c6 - co7c7 - co7c8 - coc79
muffled movement - 58213
backstab - 58210
deadly aim - 1036f0
assassin's blade - 58211
light feet - 5820c
silent roll - 105f23
silence - 105f24
shadow warrior - 58214


light fingers - 18e6a - 18e6b - 18e6c - 18e6d - be124
night thief - 58202
poisoned - 105f28
cutpurse - 58204
extra pockets - 96590
keymaster - d79a0
misdirection - 58201
perfect touch - 58205


novice locks - f392a
apprentice locks - be125
adept locks - c3680
expert locks - c3681
master locks - c3682
quick hands - 106259
wax key - 107830
golden touch - 5820a
treasure hunter - 105f26
locksmith - 58208
unbreakable - 58209


haggling - be128 - c07ce - c07cf - c07d0 - c07d1
bribery - 58f72
allure - 58f75
merchant - 58f7a
persuasion - 1090a2
investor - 58f7b
intimidation - 105f29
fence - 58f79
master trader - 1090a5

Razno :


alchemist - be127 - c07ca - co7cb - c07cc - c07cd
physician - 58215
poisoner - 58217
benefactor - 58216
conectrated poison - 105f2f
experimenter - 58218 - 105f2a - 105f2b
green thumb - 105f2e
snakeblood - 105f2c
purity - 5821d


enchanter - bee97 - c367c - c367d - c367e - c367f
fire enchanter - 58f80
frost enchanter - 58f81
storm enchanter - 58f82
insightful enchanter - 58f7e
corpus enchanter - 58f7d
soul squeezer - 58f7c
soul siphon - 108a44
extra effect - 58f7f


steel smithing - cb40d
dwarven smithing - cb40e
elven smithing - cb40f
arcane smithing - 5218e
orcish smithing - cb410
ebony smithing - cb412
glass smithing - cb411
daedric smithing - cb413
advanced smithing - cb414
dragon armor - 52190

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