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Jako nevreme u Njujorku i okolini
16. april 2007. | 14:11 | Izvor: B92
Njujork -- Jaka oluja, koja je pogodila Njujork, možda je najgora u poslednjih 15 godina, smatraju meteorolozi.
Ulicama tog američkog grada, usled jake kiše, teku reke, a jak vetar prouzrokovao je dosta materijalne štete. Neka područja grada su poplavljena i ostala bez struje, tako da su građani evakuisani. Inače, preko 3.000 pripadnika Nacionalne garde već je na terenu u pripravnosti.
Njujorčani objašnjavaju kako im izgleda dan po takvom vremenu:
"Skroz sam mokra. Ne mogu da verujem. Moj mobilni je natopljen vodom, čarape i jakna su mi potpuno mokri. Nisam verovala da će biti ovako loše vreme. Čula sam da je ovo rekordna oluja, ali ovo je kao da reka Nil teče ulicama grada."
"Ja sam se spakovao. Nikada ne znate šta će se desiti, moramo da budemo spremni."
Oluja je izazvala kolaps u drumskom i avio-saobraćaju. Na tri glavna aerodroma u tom regionu otkazano je više od 400 letova, a veliki broj putnika je zarobljen u aerodromskim zgradama.
Uzbuna za oluju je na snazi duž cele Istočne obale, od Severne Karoline do Njujorka.
I u drugim američkim državama građani se bore sa kišnim i snežnim olujama i štetama koje one nanose.
Meteorolozi prognoziraju da će ovako loše vreme potrajati još dva dana.
W. Virginia, New Jersey call states of emergency
POSTED: 9:45 a.m. EDT, April 16, 2007
• NEW: Sunday to Monday rain total: 7.81 inches in Central Park
• NEW: More than 190,000 customers lose power
• N.J., W.V. declare states of emergency amid floods, rain, wind
• Boston Marathon forecast: 30-mph wind, temps in 30s
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NEW YORK (AP) -- A fierce nor'easter drenched the Northeast, with record rainfall causing severe flooding that canceled schools, cut electricity, forced people to evacuate and slowed the morning commute Monday.
Rain began falling early Sunday along the East Coast from Florida to New England and continued Monday morning in the New York area and New England.
The storm was especially harsh in the suburbs north of New York City, where flooding led two communities to declare states of emergency and the National Guard was sent to help with rescue and evacuation efforts. (Watch rescuers save West Virginians from flooded homes )
Firefighters plucked Kathleen Reale and her twin boys from their window in suburban Mamaroneck using a front-end-loader. Water reached up to her knees in her garage and basement and her family was evacuated to a shelter.
"I mean everything will be ruined," she said Monday. "Everything will be gone. It's unbelievable."
The shelter was filled to capacity Monday morning with about 300 people sleeping on cots. Mamaroneck, in Westchester County, called for a voluntary evacuation for coastal areas on Long Island Sound.
The rain totaled 7.81 inches in Central Park from early Sunday to Monday morning, the National Weather Service said. (Watch the New York storm surge demonstrate the nor'easter's dangers )
The previous record in the park for April 15 was just 1.8 inches, set in 1906. On Sunday, more than 5.5 inches fell. Suburban New Rochelle recorded more than 6.75 inches.
In Westchester County, north of New York City, all public schools were closed Monday. Cars were stalled in water on numerous roads and several major highways were closed at times by flooding. Schools were also reported closed in parts of New Jersey, where numerous highways were flooded.
More than 190,000 homes and businesses lost power because of the storm.