Poslao: 26 Apr 2012 13:53
- Pridružio: 14 Mar 2012
- Poruke: 115
E, ovako. Muku mučim sa Passive Voice, i sve kapiram, al' me sledeće interesuje. Kad iz aktiva prebacujem iz pasiv, glagol TO BE ide u vreme u treba da ga prebacim, a sam glagol (verb)?
Mislim, aj sad dobijem test i piše rečenica, i prebaci iz aktiva u pasiv. Kako da znam u koje vreme da je prebacim ako nije naznačeno?
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 26 Apr 2012 14:08
- milos97
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 05 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 716
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Pa valjda u recenici stoji nege neka rec koja ti naznacuje..kao npr. He is watching TV NOW. He played football YESTERDAY... I pomocu toga znas koje je vreme.
Poslao: 26 Apr 2012 18:16
- Pridružio: 14 Mar 2012
- Poruke: 115
А чекај, ТО БЕ се мења у зависности у ком времену је реченица у активу? А сви глаголи који иду у пасив се гледају по паст партициплу.
Poslao: 26 Apr 2012 18:50
- Pridružio: 14 Mar 2012
- Poruke: 115
Evo 10 rečenica iz jednog udžbenika. Da se razumemo, ja ih dosad nisam video, tako da ne bude zabune. Dakle, idemo:
1. Shakespeare wrote "Hamlet".
2. People play basketball in our country.
3. An Englishman has visited me.
4. They sell gramophone records in this shop.
5. She looks after the baby well.
6. They will tell me the latest news.
7. Somebody is building a garage here.
8. They will do the work well.
9. I forgot that John had given me instructions.
10. They were building some new roads.
Moji odgovori:
1-"Hamlet" was written by Shakespeare.
2-In our country, basketball play by people.
3-Me has visited by Englishman.
4-In this shop, gramophone records are sold by they.
5-The baby well will be by she.
6-The latest news will be told by they.
7-A garage is built here by somebody.
8-Work wil be done by they.
9-Instructions had been forgoteen by John.
10-New roads were built by they.
Poslao: 26 Apr 2012 22:01
- Inception
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 02 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 488
Добро си пребацио 1. реченицу.
2. Basketball is played in our country.
(подразумева се да га играју људи)
3. I have been visited by an Englishman.
(овде мораш да споменеш Енглеза)
4. Gramophone records are sold in this shop.
(не треба "by them", то се подразумева)
5. The baby is looked after well (by her).
(овде би било добро да споменеш)
6. I will be told the latest news.
(зна ће ко ће рећи вести)
7. A garage is being built here.
(логично је да је бар неко прави)
8. The work will be done well.
(зна се ко ради тај посао)
9. I forgot that I had been given instuctions (by John).
(и овде би било добро да споменеш)
10. Some new roads were being built.
Можда ће неко други боље да ти објасни трајни глагол TO BE.