Moze hitno pomoc za prevod?

Moze hitno pomoc za prevod?

  • Pridružio: 07 Apr 2007
  • Poruke: 2

Jel mi neko moze pomoci za prevod na engleski???

Ono što umjetnika brine kada je u pitanju opšti hit jeste odrednica koja lokalizuje cijelu stvar. No, hitljivost i pevljivost te pjesme ostaje sve ove godine. Pjevana je i ovdje i po raznim gradovima svjeta. Više bi se pjevala da se zove „April je u gradu mom“, ali zbog lokalizacije dobija u tom autentičnom smislu.
Ljudi su vezali moju vojsku sa ovom pjesmom, što nije tačno. To je autorski doživljaj Kornelija Kovača koji je služio rok u Beogradu. Moja je vojska došla četiri godine kasnije. U pjesmi su se našli mnogi mladi u uniformi. Ja sam je u potpunosti shvatio služeći u Topčideru. Prošao sam kroz pjesmu kao stotine hiljada beogradskih vojnika, kroz generacije. Širina te autobiografske slike je veoma univerzalna i prenosna. Zato je voljena.
Ni Bata Kovač ni ja nismo iz Beograda, a ni svi oni koji su se u njoj pronašli. Pjesmu na neki poseban način dijele Beograd, njegovi vojnici i njihove djevojke.
Očekivao sam da pjesma takvih harmonija i atmosfere može dugo živjeti, ali da će postati jedna od prepoznatljivosti Beograda, iskreno nisam. Melodija je pravljena da se dopadne i prihvati. Plasirana je u Španiji i drugim zemljama, ali jedino ovdje ima tu posebnost.
Volim aprilsko buđenje Beograda. Kad odjednom sve napupi, bukne, ozeleni i procvjeta. U rano proljeće vezan sam za Adu. Nema gradski šmek, ni ulica, ali ima posebnost i mir. Drag mi je Kosančićev venac, kada se na kaldrmi susretne starost šetača i radoznalost klinaca. To je oaza koja mora da se sredi, jer je različita po autentičnosti od Skadarlije.
Ušće je lijepo. Pogotovo onaj dio sa novobeogradske strane. Puca pogled na dvije rijeke i panoramu grada koji je središte Balkana. Beograd je mnogo važniji nego što to danas prepoznajemo. Meni su ostale u sjećanju papine riječi: Narodi moraju biti zajedno kao te dve velike rijeke što protičući spajaju razne zemlje. Tako moraju i ljudi. Sava teče od Dolinjske do Kalemegdana, prihvatajući druge rijeke i povezujući narode. Dunav još više.
Te dvije rijeke nose simboliku, geografsku, tehničku i humanu. Zato je ovaj grad bitan. Mene uvek iznova fascinira njegovo zelenilo, pozicija i neposrednost. Skora prošlost je ostavila tragove na mnogim fasadama. Volio bih da se osvježe i bljesnu. Kao čovjek kad obuče novo odjelo. Ulice se uređuju, rasvjeta je popravljena. No, grjeh je zapuštenost toliko lijepih zdanja. To grad, zadužbinari i arhitekti ne zaslužuju. Kad odeš vani, vidiš koliko se brine o svojim gradovima. Recimo, kako je Lion sređen i očuvan! Mora se misliti o tome, jer iza tih fasada mi živimo i tu rastu oni koji će Beograd nositi diljem svijeta sportom, naukom, umjetnošću. Pa i pjesmom.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Data Center Engineer
  • Pridružio: 13 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 3050
  • Gde živiš: Holandija

Prevešću ja ovo do sutra uveče.

Dopuna: 08 Apr 2007 18:31

The primary concern of the artist, when it comes to a succesful song, is the direction that localises the whole deal. However, the song is still catchy after all these years. It has been performed here and in various other cities of the world. It would have been performed more often if it were called "April is in my city", but localisation gives it an authentic feeling.
People have connected my military service to this song, which is incorrect. It is based on the personal experiences of Kornelije Kovač while he was serving in the military in Belgrade. I served 4 years later. The song contained many of the uniformed youth. I completely understood it while I was serving in Topčider. I've been through that song like hundreds of thousands of others did, generation after generation. The autobiographic images' greatness is very universal and ad can be passed on. That's why people like it.
Neither Bata Kovač or myself are from Belgrade, and neither are others who have recognised themselves in the song. It is, in a way, shared by Belgrade, its soldiers and their girlfriends.
I expected that a song with such harmony and atmosphere can live long, but what I didn't expect was that it would also become one of the things Belgrade is famous for. The melody is meant to be accepted and liked. It is present in Spain and other countries, but it's only special here.
I love it when Belgrade wakes up in april. Everything blooms, turns green and livens up suddenly. I frequent Ada in early april. It doesn't have that "city" feel or streets, but it does have peace and a certain special something. I'm fond of Kosančićev venac, where the age of strollers meets the curiosity of children. It's an oasis which needs fixing up, because it's different from Skadarlija as far as authenticity goes.
Ušće is beautiful. Especially the new Belgrade part. It boasts a view of the two rivers and a panorama of the city which s the center of the Balkans. Belgrade is much more important than we think. I still remember the pope's words: People must stay together like the two rivers which connect different countries as they flow. People should follow its example. The river Sava flows from Dolinjska to Kalemegdan, accepting other rivers and connecting people along the way. The Danube does this even moreso.
These two rivers bear geographical, technical and human symbolism. That's why this city is important. It always fascinates me with its greensm position and direct nature. The recent past left marks on many facades. I'd like to see them spruced up and shining. Like when someone puts on a new suit. Streets are cleaned, lights are fixed. However, it's a sin to leave such beautiful architecture in such poor shape. The city, its architects and officials don't deserve it. When you go out into the world, you see how other cities are taken care of. For example, Lyon looks so maintained and looked after! This has to be brought to attention, because we live underneath those facades, along with others who will one day grow up and take Belgrade's name into the world with sports, science and art. And with song.

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