Prevod pjesmeeeee On the outside

Prevod pjesmeeeee On the outside

  • Pridružio: 11 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 5

I'll see you on the outside and we'll never be the same
after all that's happened what is it that we've gained?
I've made mistakes before and never lived them down
after all you've done for me I'm bound
(Don't say another word)

To see you on the outside where we can both be sane
(You're speaking for yourself)
I'm bleeding on the inside a place you might have been
but now I know I'll never be the same

Well I heard you got a new place and it's far away from here
Reality has sunken in now confirming all my fears
Not gonna track you down but it's too late to stop
thinking 'bout the time that we have lost
(I'm happy without you)

I'm trying to forget you and everything we had
(We didn't stand a chance)
We're miserable and it's true we haven't learned a thing
but now I know I'll trust no one else

(There was a time when we were back and forth, it was not easy)
I guess we're back where we belong
one thing is for sure, it wasn't strong

I'll see you on the outside where we can both feel same
(You've never been more right)
I'm dying on the inside, you're never coming back
and now I know whatever we go through
my heart is stuck with you

(My heart is stuck with you)

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