Prevod teksta "Odeca i izgled" (prevedeno)

Prevod teksta "Odeca i izgled" (prevedeno)

  • Pridružio: 26 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 19

Napisano: 18 Dec 2010 11:54

potreban mi je prevod ovog teksta:
Odeca i izgled

"Odelo cini coveka"

"Oduvek je poznato da nacin na koji se oblacite, bez obzira da li ste
muškarac ili žena ima ogromnog uticaja na Vaše samopouzdanje i na to
kako se ljudi odnose prema Vama. Kada muškarac ili žena znaju da
izgledaju dobro, to uvecava poslovne efekte iznad ocekivanja" (Elizabeth
Emanuel, modni kreator).

Svi mi reagujemo makar i podsvesno, na izgled ljudi sa kojima
kontaktiramo. Preporucujemo da iako možda volite da eksperimentišete u
odevanju, ostavite to za vreme kada ne radite.
Postoje pravila koja se odnose na sve elemente garderobe poslovnog sveta,
bez obzira da li se radi o odeci, obuci ili ukrasnim predmetima: sklad boja,
jednostavnost, neupadljivost, odmerenost, umerenost.

Standardi ženske poslovne doteranosti

Ako je žena loše obucena, primeticete odecu,
ali ako je besprekorno obucena - primeticete ženu.

Koko Šanel smešak

• Dužina suknje treba da bude umerena. Bez obzira da li se nose kratke ili
veoma kratke suknje, najmanje ce biti iznenadenja ako je suknja na
radnom mestu najkrace 5cm iznad kolena ili duža.
• Obuca na radnom mestu treba da bude cista, udobna i elegantna.
Preporucuju se potpetice srednje visine ili niske, zimi zatvorena cipela, a leti
laka obuca sa zatvorenim prstima.
• Na radnom mestu nije dozvoljeno nositi farmerke i uopšte džins, helanke,
vunene i dezenirane carape i odecu dubokog izreza spreda i pozadi.
• Nakit treba koristiti sa merom. Preterano prstenje i narukvice, lancici i
minduše, odaju neukus i ne uklapaju se u poslovni ambijent.
• Šminka se preporucuje sa odredenom dozom mere, uz izbegavanje
izrazito jarkih i tamnih tonova i previše jakih i dugih linija oko ociju.
• Preporucuju se blagi parfemi.

Koncept odevanja muškaraca podrazumeva nošenje odela i kravate u
svakoj poslovnoj prilici.

• Preporucuju se poslovna odela, kao i kombinacija sakoa i pantalona mirnih

• U periodima visokih temperatura, na radnom mestu je dozvoljeno nošenje
košulja kratkih rukava, ali je kravata i tada obavezna. Sako je pri ruci i
treba ga obuci pre nego što gost ude u kancelariju. Košulja mora biti
uredno zakopcana.

• Poželjne su tamnije boje obuce i carapa. U letnjim mesecima su dozvoljeni
svetlija obuca i carape. Carape moraju biti po boji i stilu u skladu sa
pantalonama i cipelama, i moraju pokrivati deo noge izmedu cipela i
• Kosa kod muškarca treba uvek da bude cista i uredno podšišana. Nije
poželjna ekstravagantna frizura.

• Lice treba da je negovano i sveže izbrijano. Dozvoljeno je negovanje
brade i brkova.
Obavezna je upotreba dezodoransa, a preporucuje se i upotreba muških
losiona i mirisa.

Dopuna: 18 Dec 2010 20:04

AAAA>???bar neko nesto malo??

Dopuna: 18 Dec 2010 20:42

"Clothes make the man"

”Always is known that the way you dress, whether you are
man or woman has a huge impact on your self-confidence and to
how people relate to you. When a man or woman knows that
look good, it increases business results above expectations.” (Elizabeth
Emanuel, modni kreator).

We all react even subconsciously, the appearance of the people
contacted. We recommend that while you may prefer to experiment in
clothing, leave it for the time when you are not working.
There are rules that apply to all elements of the clothing business,
whether it is clothes, shoes or decorative objects: the harmony of colors,
simplicity, restraint, moderation.

Refined standards for business women:

*The length of skirts should be modest. No matter if you are wearing short or
very short skirts, at least will be a surprise if the skirt at
Workplace shortest 5cm above the knee or longer.

*Shoes in the workplace should be clean, comfortable and elegant.
Recommended heels medium height or low, closed shoes in the winter, in the summer
light shoes with closed toes.

*At the workplace is not allowed to wear jeans and generally jeans, tights,
and woolen socks and clothes pattern of deep neck front and back.

*Jewelry should be used to measure. Excessive rings and bracelets, chains and
earrings, reveal a lack of taste and does not fit the business environment.

*Makeup is recommended with a certain dose of action, while avoiding
extremely bright and dark tones and too strong and long lines around the eyes.

• Recommended mild perfumes.

Refined standards for business man:

The concept of dressing men wearing suits and includes a tie in
every business opportunity.

• Recommended business suits, and the combination of jacket and trousers.

da li je ovo dobro napisano???

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 36
  • Gde živiš: Banja Luka

Clothes make the man!

I've always known that the way they dress, whether you
man or woman has a huge impact on your self-confidence and to
how people relate to you. When a man or woman knows that
look good, it increases business results beyond expectations (Elizabeth
Emanuel, fashion designer).

We all react even subconsciously, the appearance of the people
contacted. We recommend that while you may prefer to experiment in
clothing, leave it for the time when you are not working.
There are rules that apply to all elements of the clothing business,
whether it is clothes, shoes or decorative objects: the harmony of colors,
simplicity, restraint, moderation.Refined standards for business women

If a woman is badly dressed, you will notice the clothes,
but if the impeccably dressed - a woman will notice.

Coco Chanel

• The length of skirts should be modest. No matter if you are wearing short or
very short skirts, at least will be a surprise if the skirt
Workplace shortest 5 cm above the knee or longer.
• training in the workplace should be clean, comfortable and elegant.
Recommended heels medium height or low, closed shoes in the winter and summer
light shoes with closed toes.
• The workplace is not allowed to wear jeans and generally jeans, tights,
and woolen socks and clothes pattern of deep neck front and back.
• Jewelry should be used to measure. Excessive rings and bracelets, chains and
earrings, reveal a lack of taste and does not fit the business environment.
• Makeup is recommended with a certain dose of action, while avoiding
extremely bright and dark tones and too strong and long lines around the eyes.
• Recommended mild perfumes.

The concept of dressing men wearing suits and includes a tie in
every business opportunity.

• Recommended business suits, and the combination of jacket and trousers peaceful

• During periods of high temperatures, in the workplace is allowed to carry
short-sleeved shirt, but the tie is then required. Jack is at hand
should be training before the guest enters the office. The shirt must be
properly fastened.
• The person should be cared for and clean-shaven. Allowed the cultivation of
beard and mustache.
It is obligatory to use deodorant, and recommended the use of male
lotions and fragrances.

Prevela sam!Nadam se da je dobro! Smile

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