Treba mi hitno jedan mali prevod sa srp na eng - pljiz - :)

Treba mi hitno jedan mali prevod sa srp na eng - pljiz - :)

  • SSpin 
  • Saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 09 Dec 2004
  • Poruke: 6488
  • Gde živiš: Nis -> ***Durlan City***

Stvarno bih bio nekom zahvalan kad bi mi ovo ucinio Zagrljaj

Velike crne senke, na zavesi. Cudni zvuci vetra [ mozda samo u mojoj glavi ]. Mali krug, u obliku glave zamisljenog vanzemaljca. To je bio moj prvi strah : )
O da, zamisljao sam kako mi je mali zeleni, jeo noge hahaha.
Kada se secam tih godina bezbriznosti, zaista ne vidim kako sam mogao da se plasim nekih stvari. Obicno, za nedeljnu veceru otac je voleo da popije casu vina. Kada bi mi rekao da sidjem u podrum po vlasu, sam bih se najezio, jer znam sta me dole ceka. U stvari bio sam glup haha, dete. Plasio sam se ostave, i jedne velike braon kutije, kao da u njoj zivi.. ne znam ni ja sta. Smesno, ali istinito : ) Smrznut od straha, sa kapljicama znoja, drhtavih ruku doneo bih mu flasu.
I bio sam uvrnuto dete, zaista.

Sva deca se raduju moru. Ceka ih plaza, sunce, more, odmor.. ali ja.. Jedna od najvecih trauma u mom detinjstvu su bila putovanja. Ohh samo kad se setim. Imao sam skoro fobiju od autobusa, povracanja, uzanso... Uopste nisam voleo da putujem. I pored toga sto su mi roditelji pricali da nemam razloga za brigu, ja sam bio uplasen jer sam znao sta me ceka. Ustvari, sve je to bilo u mojoj glavi... blesavo.

Dok rastemo menjaju nam se pogledi na svet, upoznajemo nove ljude, i suocavamo se sa novim strahovima.Strahovi su uvek blizu nas.
Danas, sa 16 godina mnogo toga se promenilo... mnogo toga. Sada su strahovi nesto drugaciji, mozda ozbiljniji, ali ih i dalje ima. Svakodnevni starh od profesora, od testa, od ocene... ne pogadja me toliko.
Cudno je zaista, kako najlepse osecanje na svetu moze proizvesti strah. Ceo dan je u meni, u mojim mislima,... greje me. Naravno govorim o ljubavi. Ona mi daje sangu da se suocim sa problemima, daje mi zelju da disem. Ispunjava mi zivot srecnijim nego ikad, pun ljubavnog zanosa. Naravno, dodju trenuci svadje, tuge... ali ljubav ostaje, traje.
Sada je moj jedini strah njene reci. Plasim se dana, kada mi male zelene oci budu rekle da me vise nema u njenom srcu.

pljiz Zagrljaj

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Civil Works Team Leader @ IKEA Centres Russia
  • Pridružio: 22 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 7912
  • Gde živiš: Moskva, Rusija

Big black shadows on the curtain. The strange sounds of the wind [maybe in my head only]. A small circle, shaped as a head of an imaginary alien. That was my first fear.

Oh, yes, I've imagined a little green man eating my feet, ha-ha!

When I bring back those heedless years, I really cannot figure how some things managed to frighten me. My father would, occasionally, like to have a glass of wine with the Sunday lunch. It has always been giving me shivers when he'd asked me to go down to the cellar to fetch a bottle, for I knew what had waited for me down there. In fact, I was stupid, ha-ha, a child! I was afraid of the store-room and of a big brown box, as there was something... I don't even know what, living inside it. It's funny, alright, but it's the truth. Smile Frozen with fear, with beads of sweat rolling down my forehead, I would bring him the bottle. I was a weird child, indeed.

All the children are looking forward to go to the seashore. The beach awaits them, the sun, the sea, the vacation... But me... Some of the biggest fears of my childhood were bind to the travels. Oh, when only I bring those to my remembrance! I had developed a bus-phobia of some sort; I was terrified of vomiting... Terrible... I didn't like to travel at all. And even besides my parents telling me that there is nothing to be afraid of, I was scared, for I knew what had awaited me. In fact, all of that was in my head... Silly.

As we grow older, our views of the world change; we meet new people and face new fears. The fears are always close by.

Today, at my age of 16, a lot had changed.... Really a lot. The fears now are different, more serious maybe, but they are still there. An everyday fear of the professors, of the tests, fears for the grades... They just don't have that big effect on me anymore.

It's strange, really, how the most beautiful feelings in the world can be produced by fear itself. It is in my mind the whole day... It makes me warm. I am talking about love, of course. It gives me strength to face the problems, gives me the strength to breathe. If fulfills my life, making it as happy as never before, making it full of love enthusiasm. The moments of fight and come, of course, the moments of sorrow too... But the love stays. It lasts. Now, the only fear I have is of her words. I am afraid of the day when those little green eyes would tell me that there is no myself in her heart anymore.

  • SSpin 
  • Saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 09 Dec 2004
  • Poruke: 6488
  • Gde živiš: Nis -> ***Durlan City***

Hvala... hvala najlepse prijatelju Smile !

  • Jana 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 1701
  • Gde živiš: Nis

Eto ti pomoc.... Wink sto li trosis kredit na me! Wink pozz! Smile

  • SSpin 
  • Saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 09 Dec 2004
  • Poruke: 6488
  • Gde živiš: Nis -> ***Durlan City***

Pa znam ko zna znanje, zato sam te zvao, a Moskovac se nasao Wink

  • Data Center Engineer
  • Pridružio: 13 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 3050
  • Gde živiš: Holandija

Mogu malo da ispravim? Smile

MoscowBeast ::Big black shadows on the curtain. The strange sounds of the wind [maybe in my head only]. A small circle, shaped as the head of an imaginary alien. That was my first fear.

Oh, yes, I've imagined a little green man eating my feet, ha-ha!

When I bring back those heedless years, I really cannot figure out how some things managed to frighten me. My father would, occasionally, like to have a glass of wine with the Sunday lunch. It has always been giving me shivers when he'd ask me to go down to the cellar to fetch a bottle, for I knew what had waited for me down there. In fact, I was stupid, ha-ha, a child! I was afraid of the store-room and of a big brown box, as there was something... I don't even know what, living inside it. It's funny, alright, but it's the truth. Smile Frozen with fear, with beads of sweat rolling down my forehead, I would bring him the bottle. I was a weird child, indeed.

All the children are looking forward to go to the seashore. The beach awaits them, the sun, the sea, the vacation... But me... Some of the biggest fears of my childhood were the travels. Oh, when only I bring those to my remembrance! I had developed a bus-phobia of some sort; I was terrified of vomiting... Terrible... I didn't like to travel at all. And even besides my parents telling me that there is nothing to be afraid of, I was scared, for I knew what had awaited me. In fact, all of that was in my head... Silly.

As we grow older, our views of the world change; we meet new people and face new fears. The fears are always close by.

Today, at my age of 16, a lot had changed.... Really a lot. The fears are now different, more serious maybe, but they are still there. An everyday fear of the professors, of the tests, fears for the grades... They just don't have that big of an effect on me anymore.

It's strange, really, how the most beautiful feelings in the world can be produced by fear itself. It is in my mind the whole day... It makes me warm. I am talking about love, of course. It gives me strength to face the problems, gives me the strength to breathe. If fulfills my life, making it as happy as never before, making it full of love enthusiasm. The moments of fight and sorrow come, of course... But the love stays. It lasts. Now, the only fear I have is of her words. I am afraid of the day when those little green eyes would tell me that I am no longer in her heart anymore.

Inače prevod ti je vrh, stvarno. Retko kad vidim ovakav primer bogatog rečnika, svaka čast. Exclamation

  • Pridružio: 19 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 5224
  • Gde živiš: Oslo

Citat:Cudno je zaista, kako najlepse osecanje na svetu moze proizvesti strah.

Citat:It's strange, really, how the most beautiful feelings in the world can be produced by fear itself.

ako samo dozvolite jedan komentar. Ovde mi je bilo malo nejasno, u srpskoj verziji (kao u 'dete je pojelo prase'), da li strah proizvodi najlepse osecanje (produced by fear) ili najlepse osecanje proizvodi strah. Po logici bih rekla da je strah proizveden by ljubav... ali mozda i gresim (nekako bih i volela da gresim).

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
  • Gde živiš: u pokretu...

Tamtitam ::Citat:Cudno je zaista, kako najlepse osecanje na svetu moze proizvesti strah.

Citat:It's strange, really, how the most beautiful feelings in the world can be produced by fear itself.

ako samo dozvolite jedan komentar. Ovde mi je bilo malo nejasno, u srpskoj verziji (kao u 'dete je pojelo prase'), da li strah proizvodi najlepse osecanje (produced by fear) ili najlepse osecanje proizvodi strah. Po logici bih rekla da je strah proizveden by ljubav... ali mozda i gresim (nekako bih i volela da gresim).

Tamti, i meni ovde izgleda kao da je ljubav ta koja proizvodi strah. strah je ovde valjda objekat. ako bi pisalo 'cudno je zaista, kako strah moze proizvesti najlepse osecanje na svetu' onda bi strah bio taj koji stvara ljubav..

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