Poslao: 01 Okt 2010 15:05
- losmi:)
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Avg 2010
- Poruke: 12
Treba mi sastav nalik ovog teksta (ne isto..)
My name is Michel and I am twenty-two .I come from Belgium but at the moment I am studying English in London .I love painting and want to be a professional artist in the future .I also belong to a youth theatre group in Liege and I enjoy acting .I dont have time for sport at the moment but I like swimming.I also like crime novels .Thanks to my course ,I think my English is getting better naw I understand more when people speak to me.My friends say that I am romantic and cheerful.Oh I am also crasy about football.
Napisao sam ovo da znate sta mi otprilike treba...
Bio bih vam jako zahvalan kad bi ste mi sastavili sastav..
(neke vazne informacije za sastav :
moje ime je Milos
imam 15 godina
volim plivanje,fudbal,odbojku...
volim da citam knjige
ako vam treba neki podatak ,vi napisite ..ja cu vam odgovoriti ...
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 01 Okt 2010 15:18
- mcrule

- Legendarni građanin
- Michael
- Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
- Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
- Poruke: 16934
- Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W
Mozes mi samo reci NAZIV teme?
I da te pitam taj Text iznad odakle ti to, ti pisao ili?
Poslao: 01 Okt 2010 15:45
- losmi:)
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Avg 2010
- Poruke: 12
Nema naslov ..to je kao neki EMAIL u kojoj trebam da napisem ( da se predstavim..napr ko u onom tekstu ..)... nisam ja pisao..
Poslao: 01 Okt 2010 16:15
- mcrule

- Legendarni građanin
- Michael
- Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
- Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
- Poruke: 16934
- Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W
Napisano: 01 Okt 2010 16:13
@ losmi
Jel znas ti engleski ovako, ako znas sto bar ne pokusas da uradis sam
Sto se tice podataka nisi dao bas mnogo, ali nema veze, mogu ja recimo da improvizujem, pa napisem neke stvari koje mozda ni ne volis/ ne radis jel moze? Msm nece ti biti problem?
Ako ce ti to predstavljati problem onda napisi jos neke stvari o sebi.
Dopuna: 01 Okt 2010 16:15
Ako ne znas sam da napises(ako ne znas engleski) napisacu ti ja, samo za kad ti to treba?
Ja sad idem negde, pa kad se vratim uvece onda cu ti napisati jel moze tako?
Poslao: 01 Okt 2010 16:32
- losmi:)
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Avg 2010
- Poruke: 12
Ma nzm bas dobro engleski..
mozes slobodno napisati ..ne bitno je..i nece mi stvarati problem !!
Pa mogao bi da mi napises ...msm ako hoces (posto mi vazan
ovaj sastav)Moze uvece ili sutra ,ako ne mozes za danas !!
Poslao: 01 Okt 2010 19:29
- mcrule

- Legendarni građanin
- Michael
- Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
- Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
- Poruke: 16934
- Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W
Napisano: 01 Okt 2010 16:38
losmi:) ::Ma nzm bas dobro engleski..
mozes slobodno napisati ..ne bitno je..i nece mi stvarati problem !!
Pa mogao bi da mi napises ...msm ako hoces (posto mi vazan
ovaj sastav)Moze uvece ili sutra ,ako ne mozes za danas !!
Ne znas bas dobro engleski?
Hmm pa to znaci da znas nesto ipak vidis
A mogao bi da napises ti to sam, sto bar ne probas?
Meni nije problem napisati samo ti kazem potrudi se i ti malo
Ma mogu danas kao sto rekoh, ali ce to biti tamo oko 8,9 mozda i 10 posto rekoh idem sad negde za 5 Pozz.
Dopuna: 01 Okt 2010 19:29
losmi:) ::Treba mi sastav nalik ovog teksta (ne isto..)
My name is Michel and I am twenty-two .I come from Belgium but at the moment I am studying English in London .I love painting and want to be a professional artist in the future .I also belong to a youth theatre group in Liege and I enjoy acting .I dont have time for sport at the moment but I like swimming.I also like crime novels .Thanks to my course ,I think my English is getting better naw I understand more when people speak to me.My friends say that I am romantic and cheerful.Oh I am also crasy about football.
(neke vazne informacije za sastav):
moje ime je Milos
imam 15 godina
volim plivanje,fudbal,odbojku...
volim da citam knjige
ako vam treba neki podatak ,vi napisite ..ja cu vam odgovoriti
U tom tekstu sam vec uocio 2 greske(Boldovane su).
Evo ti sad jedan jednostavan sastav:
My name is Milos, I'm fifteen years old and I live in Serbia.
As for as my hobbies go, well, I love playing football and Volleyball those two sports are one of my favorites, I really enjoy playing them.
I also like swimming.
Another thing I also like to do is reading.I read a lot, if I have to pick which one is my favorite book, well I would say it's "Jurassic Park".
I don't know why, but I was always impressed with dinosaurs.
Fortunately for me, I have lot of hobbies, and in my personal opinion, that's great, because the more hobbies and interest people have, the better.Interests affect people personalities, the more interests you have the richer is your personality and willingness to learn. Luckily I have plenty of interest, and every day I want to learn something new.
Knowledge is one of the most important things so that's exactly why I want to learn more and more every day.
At the moment I'm attending high school in Belgrade and of course after that I want to go to college, but at the moment I'm not sure which one.
But there is plenty of time to think about that, right now I'm only focused on High school, today is what matters, we never know what the future will bring.
I have some good, positive sides, for example I really like to help others when they need help, and I'm not selfish, by the way I have a brother and I always like to share everything with him.But on the other hand, I have negatives sides of course as any other human being, after all, we are not perfect.
My negative sides are, well, sometimes I can be a bit of stubborn and sometimes I lie, but that's only in certain cases, like that one time when a police officer asked me if I knew where is my friend, I said I don't know, even thought I knew I couldn't tell him because he wants to take him in custody/Prison for a crime he didn't commit and I care too much for my friend to see him rotten in prison, so in my opinion, sometimes we have to lie to protect our love ones.Now don't get me wrong, lying is bad, but in this cases sometimes we just have to lie.
I'm not actually very popular in school but I have a few true friends who I can count on.
To me, school is on the first place, but I try to organize my day so I can have time for other things such as going out with my friends or going to the gym to work on my body.
Eto to bi bilo to.
To sam sad na brzinu napisao, pa ako treba nesto da se doda/promeni ti kazi.
Poslao: 01 Okt 2010 19:43
- DreamingStar

- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 16 Mar 2010
- Poruke: 481
- Gde živiš: ...pod zvezdanim krakom...
mcrule ::
Evo ti sad jedan jednostavan sastav:
My name is Milos, I'm fifteen years old and I live in Serbia.
As for as my hobbies go, well, I love playing football and Volleyball those two sports are one of my favorites, I really enjoy playing them.
I also like swimming.
Another thing I also like to do is reading.I read a lot, if I have to pick which one is my favorite book, well I would say it's "Jurassic Park".
I don't know why, but dinosaures always impress me .
Fortunately for me(mislim da ti ovo ne treba), I have lot of hobbies, and in my personal opinion, that's great, because the more hobbies and interest people have, the better.Interests affect people personalities, the more interests you have the richer is your personality and willingness to learn. Luckily I have plenty of interest, and every day I want to learn something new.
Knowledge is one of the most important things so that's exactly why I want to learn more and more every day.
At the moment I'm attending high school in Belgrade and of course after that I want to go to college, but at the moment I'm not sure which one.
But there is plenty of time to think about that, right now I'm only focused on High school, today is what matters, we never know what the future will bring.
I have some good, positive sides, for example I really like to help others when they need help, and I'm not selfish, by the way I have a brother and I always like to share everything with him.But on the other hand, I have negatives sides of course as any other human being, after all, we are not perfect.
My negative sides are, well, sometimes I can be a bit of stubborn and sometimes I lie, but that's only in certain cases, like that one time when a police officer asked me if I knew where is my friend, I said I don't know, even thought I knew I couldn't tell him because he wants to take him in custody/Prison for a crime he didn't commit and I care too much for my friend to see him rotten in prison, so in my opinion, sometimes we have to lie to protect our love ones.Now don't get me wrong, lying is bad, but in this cases sometimes we just have to lie.
I'm not actually very popular in school but I have a few true friends who I can count on.
To me, school is on the first place, but I try to organize my day so I can have time for other things such as going(ovde možda bolje da ide hang) out with my friends or going to the gym to work on my body.
Eto to bi bilo to.
To sam sad na brzinu napisao, pa ako treba nesto da se doda/promeni ti kazi.
Ja sam samo malkice stavila nešto što mislim da bi bilo bolje da se promeni,ali sastav je ovako dobar...mada i ja sam umorna možda mi je još nešto promaklo a i ovo je samo moje mišljenje
Poslao: 01 Okt 2010 20:13
- mcrule

- Legendarni građanin
- Michael
- Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
- Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
- Poruke: 16934
- Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W
DreamingStar ::mcrule ::
Evo ti sad jedan jednostavan sastav:
My name is Milos, I'm fifteen years old and I live in Serbia.
As for as my hobbies go, well, I love playing football and Volleyball those two sports are one of my favorites, I really enjoy playing them.
I also like swimming.
Another thing I also like to do is reading.I read a lot, if I have to pick which one is my favorite book, well I would say it's "Jurassic Park".
I don't know why, but dinosaures always impress me .
Fortunately for me(mislim da ti ovo ne treba), I have lot of hobbies, and in my personal opinion, that's great, because the more hobbies and interest people have, the better.Interests affect people personalities, the more interests you have the richer is your personality and willingness to learn. Luckily I have plenty of interest, and every day I want to learn something new.
Knowledge is one of the most important things so that's exactly why I want to learn more and more every day.
At the moment I'm attending high school in Belgrade and of course after that I want to go to college, but at the moment I'm not sure which one.
But there is plenty of time to think about that, right now I'm only focused on High school, today is what matters, we never know what the future will bring.
I have some good, positive sides, for example I really like to help others when they need help, and I'm not selfish, by the way I have a brother and I always like to share everything with him.But on the other hand, I have negatives sides of course as any other human being, after all, we are not perfect.
My negative sides are, well, sometimes I can be a bit of stubborn and sometimes I lie, but that's only in certain cases, like that one time when a police officer asked me if I knew where is my friend, I said I don't know, even thought I knew I couldn't tell him because he wants to take him in custody/Prison for a crime he didn't commit and I care too much for my friend to see him rotten in prison, so in my opinion, sometimes we have to lie to protect our love ones.Now don't get me wrong, lying is bad, but in this cases sometimes we just have to lie.
I'm not actually very popular in school but I have a few true friends who I can count on.
To me, school is on the first place, but I try to organize my day so I can have time for other things such as going(ovde možda bolje da ide hang) out with my friends or going to the gym to work on my body.
Eto to bi bilo to.
To sam sad na brzinu napisao, pa ako treba nesto da se doda/promeni ti kazi.
Ja sam samo malkice stavila nešto što mislim da bi bilo bolje da se promeni,ali sastav je ovako dobar...mada i ja sam umorna možda mi je još nešto promaklo a i ovo je samo moje mišljenje
Da, cenim, hvala!
I ja sam umoran i nesto zurio i znao sam da cu imati bar jednu gresku
Hvala ti sto si me ispravila.
Kod prvog se slazem dakle "always impress me" samo ja sam to hteo u proslom vremenu...
Drugo ono "For me" se slazem da je nepotrebno
E sad, ono trece, sto mislis da bi bolje bilo "Hang"? znam moze i to slazem se ali kod toga je apsolutno svejedno koje ces staviti zar ne?
Dakle moje misljenje je da je svejedno da li ces staviti "Hang out" ili "Going out" u ovom slucaju
Correct me if I'm wrong
Poslao: 01 Okt 2010 20:22
- DreamingStar

- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 16 Mar 2010
- Poruke: 481
- Gde živiš: ...pod zvezdanim krakom...
mcrule ::DreamingStar ::mcrule ::
Evo ti sad jedan jednostavan sastav:
My name is Milos, I'm fifteen years old and I live in Serbia.
As for as my hobbies go, well, I love playing football and Volleyball those two sports are one of my favorites, I really enjoy playing them.
I also like swimming.
Another thing I also like to do is reading.I read a lot, if I have to pick which one is my favorite book, well I would say it's "Jurassic Park".
I don't know why, but dinosaures always impress me .
Fortunately for me(mislim da ti ovo ne treba), I have lot of hobbies, and in my personal opinion, that's great, because the more hobbies and interest people have, the better.Interests affect people personalities, the more interests you have the richer is your personality and willingness to learn. Luckily I have plenty of interest, and every day I want to learn something new.
Knowledge is one of the most important things so that's exactly why I want to learn more and more every day.
At the moment I'm attending high school in Belgrade and of course after that I want to go to college, but at the moment I'm not sure which one.
But there is plenty of time to think about that, right now I'm only focused on High school, today is what matters, we never know what the future will bring.
I have some good, positive sides, for example I really like to help others when they need help, and I'm not selfish, by the way I have a brother and I always like to share everything with him.But on the other hand, I have negatives sides of course as any other human being, after all, we are not perfect.
My negative sides are, well, sometimes I can be a bit of stubborn and sometimes I lie, but that's only in certain cases, like that one time when a police officer asked me if I knew where is my friend, I said I don't know, even thought I knew I couldn't tell him because he wants to take him in custody/Prison for a crime he didn't commit and I care too much for my friend to see him rotten in prison, so in my opinion, sometimes we have to lie to protect our love ones.Now don't get me wrong, lying is bad, but in this cases sometimes we just have to lie.
I'm not actually very popular in school but I have a few true friends who I can count on.
To me, school is on the first place, but I try to organize my day so I can have time for other things such as going(ovde možda bolje da ide hang) out with my friends or going to the gym to work on my body.
Eto to bi bilo to.
To sam sad na brzinu napisao, pa ako treba nesto da se doda/promeni ti kazi.
Ja sam samo malkice stavila nešto što mislim da bi bilo bolje da se promeni,ali sastav je ovako dobar...mada i ja sam umorna možda mi je još nešto promaklo a i ovo je samo moje mišljenje
Da, cenim, hvala!
I ja sam umoran i nesto zurio i znao sam da cu imati bar jednu gresku
Hvala ti sto si me ispravila.
Kod prvog se slazem dakle "always impress me" samo ja sam to hteo u proslom vremenu...
Drugo ono "For me" se slazem da je nepotrebno
E sad, ono trece, sto mislis da bi bolje bilo "Hang"? znam moze i to slazem se ali kod toga je apsolutno svejedno koje ces staviti zar ne?
Dakle moje misljenje je da je svejedno da li ces staviti "Hang out" ili "Going out" u ovom slucaju
Correct me if I'm wrong
Pa jeste svejedno ali meni nekako više zvuči hang out...jer je hang out više onako za druženje sa prijateljima,mada kao što si rekao svejedno koje ćeš staviti
Poslao: 02 Okt 2010 07:00
- ceda2010
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 02 Jun 2010
- Poruke: 15
Evo ti sad jedan jednostavan sastav:
My name is Milos, I'm fifteen years old and I live in Serbia.
As FAR as my hobbies go, well, I love playing football and Volleyball. Those two sports are one of my favorites AND I really enjoy playing them.
I also like swimming.
Another thing I also like is reading. I read a lot. if I HAD to pick my favorite book, I would say it WOULD BE "Jurassic Park".
I don't know why, but dinosaurs HAVE always IMPRESSED me .
Fortunately for me (mislim da ti ovo ne treba), I have LOTS of hobbies, and in my personal opinion, that's great, because the more hobbies and interest people have, the better. Interests affect people personalities, the more interests you have the richer your personality IS and willingness to learn. Luckily I have plenty of interest, and every day I want to learn something new.
Knowledge is one of the most important things AND BECAUSE OF THAT I want to learn more and more every day.
At the moment I'm attending A high school in Belgrade and of course after that I want to go to college, but at the moment I'm not sure which one.
But there is A plenty of time to think about that, right now I'm only focused on High school, today is what matters, we never know what the future MIGHT bring.
I have some good, positive sides, for example I really like to help others when they need help, and I'm not selfish, by the way I have a brother and I always like to share everything with him.But on the other hand, I have negatives sides of course as any other human being, after all, we are not perfect.
My negative sides are, well, sometimes I can be a bit of stubborn and sometimes I lie, but that's only in certain cases, like that one time when a police officer asked me if I knew where my friend WAS, I said I DIDN'T, even thought I knew I couldn't tell him because he WANTED to take him in custody/Prison for a crime he didn't commit and I care too much for my friend to see him ROTTING in prison, so in my opinion, sometimes we have to lie to protect our LOVED ones.Now don't get me wrong, lying is bad, but in SOME cases we just have to lie.
I'm not actually very popular in school but I have a few true friends who I can count on.
To me, the school COMES FIRST, but I try to organize my day so I can have time for other things such as going(ovde možda bolje da ide hang) out with my friends or going to the gym to work on my body.