Slazem se sa saten, najbolje je da sam napises, mozes cak i na srpskom pa mi da ti prevedemo.
Ali ako te bas mrzi da pises, vidi jel' ti se svidja nesto ovako (jeste da je malo "out of the box", ali . . .):
Being teenager in Serbia? Whell that is a rather interesting question. I suppose that it's similar to being teenager anywhere in the world, excluding cultural and demographic caracteristics. As teenagers we tend to overly obsess about things that later in life we will probably find unimpotrant or somewhat unsettling. So being teenager in Serbia can be, depending on the view, easier or harder than in other countries. Here we, at least majority, do not need to worry about basic life necesities, such as food or fresh water, like many Afrikan teenagers do, nor do we have career oportunities, like say teenagers in Australia. But then again many will argue that being a teenager is not about worrying, that it is about living and enjoying the life, finding pleasure and fun on every corner. In Serbia there are at least a lot of things we can do to have fun, it is not dark and bleak a place like many would like to think. So I try to live my life the best that I can. Of course I plan the future and look forward to it, just not at the expence of the present. For the end I will leve you with a thought:
Is it worthy to sacrifice the present in order to secure the future, considering that we only live here and now, and not tomorrow?