help needed - prevod pesme "breathless" - Nick Cav

help needed - prevod pesme "breathless" - Nick Cav

  • Annami  Female
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 26 Avg 2009
  • Poruke: 6

It's up in the morning and on the downs
Little white clouds like gambolling lambs
And I am breathless over you
And the red-breasted robin beats his wings
His throat it trembles when he sings
For he is helpless before you
The happy hooded bluebells bow
And bend their heads all a-down
Heavied by the early morning dew
At the whispering stream, at the bubbling brook
The fishes leap up to take a look
For they are breathless over you
Still your hands
And still your heart
For still your face comes shining through
And all the morning glows anew
Still your mind
Still your soul
For still, the fare of love is true
And I am breathless without you
The wind circles among the trees
And it bangs about the new-made leaves
For it is breathless without you
The fox chases the rabbit round
The rabbit hides beneath the ground
For he is defenceless without you
The sky of daytime dies away
And all the earthly things they stop to play
For we are all breathless without you
I listen to my juddering bones
The blood in my veins and the wind in my lungs
And I am breathless without you
Still your hands
And still your heart
For still your face comes shining through
And all the morning glows anew
Still your soul
Still your mind
Still, the fire of love is true
And I am breathless without you

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 987
  • Gde živiš: na putu za jedno ostrvo

nemam obicaj da prevodim pesme ovde na mc. ali ova je prelepa i zasluzuje prepev. ja mogu da ti ponudim samo poetican prevod

Jutro se dize nad brdima
Bele se oblaci kao razigrani jaganjci
A meni ti oduzimas dah
Crvendac mase krilima
Grlo mu treperi dok peva
I on je bespomocan pred tobom
Srecni plavi zvoncici se klanjaju pred tobom
Glava im u dubokom naklonu
Na njima jutarnja rosa
Potocic sapuce, drugi rumori
Ribe se pracakaju samo da te vide
I njima oduzimas dah
Ruke su ti mirne
Srce je nemo
I mirno lice jos uvek sja
Jutro ponovo blista
Tvoj um je miran
I dusa je u snu
Za usnulu samo istinska ljubav
Jer ja ne mogu da disem bez tebe
Vetar kruzi medju drvecem
Udara u mlado lisce
Ni on ne moze da dise bez tebe
Lisica juri zeca
Zec se krije pod zemljom
Jer bez tebe, on ne ume ni da se brani
Dan se polako gasi
Ovozemaljska bica prestaju sa igrom
Jer niko ne moze da dise bez tebe
Slusam kako mi kosti drhte
Krv u zilama i vetar u plucima
Ruke su ti mirne
Srce je nemo
I mirno lice jos uvek sja
Jutro ponovo blista
Tvoj um je miran
I dusa je u snu
Za usnulu samo istinska ljubav
Jer ja ne mogu da disem bez tebe

  • Annami  Female
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 26 Avg 2009
  • Poruke: 6

Fantasticno, hvala puno!

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