Poslao: 18 Avg 2007 14:36
- sejla82
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Avg 2007
- Poruke: 3
Molim vas hitno mi je potrebna pomoć oko prevoda kraćeg teksta:
Svaki krajnji cilj je vrhunski rezultat, ostvaren na najvišem nivou takmičenja, a da bi se realizovao željeni cilj duži niz godina se mora pažljivo temeljito planirati i pratiti rad reprezentativne selekcije i akcent staviti na one nedostajuće ili zapostavljene komponente. Da bi došli do rezultata, pored svih navedenih taktičkih oblika nezamislivo je da se ne nastupi na velikom broju jakih takmičenja, gdje bi takmičar stekao veliko iskustvo.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 18 Avg 2007 16:38
- ljubicasta
- Prijatelj foruma
- Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
- Poruke: 2673
- Gde živiš: u pokretu...
every ultimate goal is a top-notch result, achieved at a competition of the highest level, and in order to realize the desired goal, it is necessary to thoroughly plan and monitor the work of the representative selection for several years, and special attention should be devoted to components that are missing or are neglected. in order to achieve results, besides all of the above mentioned tactical modes, participating at large number of strong competitions is a must, since the competitor gains great experience there.
na primer.
Poslao: 21 Nov 2011 19:06
- Pridružio: 11 Sep 2011
- Poruke: 32
ee,jel mi neko moze prevesti ovaj tekst ili barem dio:
Hamletov je otac umro,a majka se nakon dva mjeseca udaje za Klaudija, Hamletova strica i brata pokojnoga muža. Hamlet, koji jako tuguje za ocem, kudi svoju majku što je tako brzo pošla za strica, ali istovremeno zna da mora šutjeti. Stražari mu javljaju da su vidjeli Duha pa i Hamlet odlazi da se u to uvjeri. Duh govori Hamletu da ga osveti - osuđen je obilaziti noću, a danju biti u ognju sve dok ga plamen ne očisti od grijeha koje je počinio. Hamlet saznaje da je njegov otac zapravo ubijen, iako su u cijeloj Danskoj razglasili da ga je u vrtu ujela zmija. Zapravo mu je Klaudije, njegov brat, sasuo tisov sok u uho te ga grešnog umorio. Duh ga traži osvetu, a govori mu da i majku prepusti nebu. Hamlet traga za istinom te počinje hiniti ludilo, koje najviše pogađa mladu Ofeliju koja je u njega zaljubljena. Greškom ubija Polonija, Ofelijina i Laertova oca. Uvjerava se u riječi duha kada daje glumcima, koji slučajno dolaze do dvora, da odglume scenu sličnu ubojstvu njegova oca te upozorava svog prijatelja Horacija da pripazi na Klaudijevo ponašanje. Nakon predstave uvjerava se u Klaudijevu krivnju. Kralj ga na prevaru šalje u Englesku, da bi umro, ali Hamlet to otkriva i vraća se u Dansku na dan pogreba Ofelije, koja se zbog nesretnih okolnosti ubila. Hamlet i Horacije razgovaraju s grobarima. Laert, Ofelijin brat, krivi Hamleta za sestrinu i očevu smrt i želi se osvetiti. Poziva Hamleta na dvoboj. Laert i Klaudije odluče prevariti Hamleta. Laertov mač je otrovan, a kao dodatno sredstvo ubojstva pripremljen je i pehar s otrovanim vinom. Laert rani Hamleta, ali u dvoboju su mačevi zamijenjeni. Hamlet rani Laerta. Kraljica u međuvremenu uzima pehar s otrovanim vinom, kako bi nazdravila Hamletu, i pada mrtva. Hamlet u bijesu, bez planiranja, probada kralja. Kralj umire, Laert umire i na kraju Hamlet. Ulazi Fortinbras, koji ima prava na kraljevstvu, čudi se tolikim ubojstvima. Odlučuje dati počast Hamletu i tragedija završava posmrtnom koračnicom.
Poslao: 21 Nov 2011 23:44
- g0c47777
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 07 Nov 2008
- Poruke: 1158
- Gde živiš: Land Of Maybe
Two months after Hamlet's father had died, his mother got married to Claudius, Hamlet's uncle and a brother of her died husband. Hamlet, who is very sad because of his father's death, blames his mother for being with his uncle so quickly, but at the same time he knows he must shut up. Guards tell him that they saw a ghost, and Hamlet goes to make it sure. The ghost tells Hamlet to get revenge for him (?) - he is sentenced to walk around during the night and to be on fire during the day until he is not cleaned from the sins he made. Hamlet found out that his father is actually killed, although the whole Denmark is informed that he is bitten by a snake from the garden. Actually, his brother Claudius poured ____ juice (tisov sok?) in his ear so that he killed him. The ghost wants the revenge (?) and tells him that he let his mother to go to heaven, too. Hamlet is seeking for the truth so he starts (sta je 'hiniti'?) madness which attacks the most young Ophelia who is in love with him. He mistakenly kills Polonius, Ophelia's and Laerte's father. He becomes persuaded in what the ghost talks when he gives actors, who come to palace by accident, a play which is similar to the murder of his father so he warns his friend Horatio to keep an eye on behavior of Claudius. After the performance he is persuaded in guiltiness of Claudius. The king cheats him and sends to die in England, but Hamlet discovers that and arrives in Denmark on the day of Ophelia's funeral, who killed herself because of the hard circumstances. Hamlet and Horatio talk to grave diggers. Laerte, Ophelia's father, blames Hamlet for his father's and sister's death and he wants revenge. He calls Hamlet to have a duel. (?) Laerte and Claudius decide to cheat Hamlet. Laerte's sword is poisonous and they also provide a cup of poisonous wine. Laerte wounds Hamlet, but the swords are replaced in the duel. Hamlet wounds Laerte too. In meanwhile, the queen takes a cup of poisoned wine to drink to Hamlet and she is dying. Angry Hamlet, with no plans, stabs the king. The king is dying, Learte is dying and in the end Hamlet too. Fortinbras, who is the heir to the throne, comes and he is wondering about so many deaths. He decides to give honor to Hamlet and the tragedy ends up with the posthumous march.
Nesrecan prevod, ali ipak prevod. Trenutno sam obnevidela, a bilo bi super da neko prepravi sve delove koji su vise u srpskom nego u engleskom duhu, kao i ostale greske.