besplatni fps MP

besplatni fps MP

  • ISB 
  • Građanin
  • Pridružio: 04 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 222

Free Modern/Historic First Person Shooters
America's Army

America's Army is a free team-based tactical first-person shooter developed by the United States Army.
Minimum system requirements: 2.4 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, video card with 128MB memory. Homepage

Combat Arms

Combat Arms is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter. Combat Arms is entirely a multiplayer game that contains 5 game modes and 11 maps.
Minimum system requirements: 1 GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, GeForce 2 MX. Homepage / Combat Arms EU

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a free online first-person shooter set in World War II. The game includes 5 character classes and hundreds of downloadable custom maps.
Minimum system requirements: 600 MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, 32MB OpenGL video card. Homepage

Operation 7

Operation 7 is a free FPS where you can build your own weapons.
Minimum system requirements: 1.7 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, GeForce FX 5200 / ATI 9000. Homepage / Operation 7 EU


BlackShot is a free-to-play militaristic first-person shooter which takes place in various environments.
Minimum system requirements: 2.0 GHz Pentium 4, 512MB RAM, GeForce FX 5700 / Radeon 9550. Homepage / BlackShot North America

War Rock

War Rock is a tactical, modern multiplayer first-person shooter. War Rock has three play modes that differ in size of the map, the number of respawns allowed and the availability of vehicles.
Minimum system requirements: 800 MHz CPU, 512MB RAM, Radeon 8500LE / GeForce MX400. Homepage


Crossfire is a free military FPS published by Suba Games. Crossfire features many maps, 4 game modes and 30+ weapons.
Minimum system requirements: 1.5 GHz Pentium 4, 512MB RAM, GeForce 5600. Homepage

Soldier Front

Soldier Front is an action-packed military first-person shooter. Soldier Front offers realistic gameplay and character growth system.
Minimum system requirements: 833 MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, GeForce 3 64MB. Homepage

Sudden Attack

Sudden Attack is a free MMOFPS developed by the South Korean company, GameHi.
Minimum system requirements: 800 MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, 32MB video card. Homepage

Urban Terror

Urban Terror is a realism based multiplayer shooter that can be played as a stand-alone game or as a Quake III Arena mod.
Minimum system requirements: 1.2 GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, video card with 128MB RAM. Homepage


AssaultCube is a free fast-paced first-person shooter based on Cube engine.
Minimum system requirements: 500 MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, nVidia GeForce 256 (or ATI equivalent). Homepage

True Combat: Elite

True Combat: Elite is a team-based modern world mod for free and popular WW2 shooter, Enemy Territory.
Minimum system requirements: 800 MHz CPU, 320MB RAM, 128MB video card. Homepage

Dispatch of army

Dispatch of Army is a free-to-play MMOFPS set in the 1960s. The game features 10 different characters, 15+ maps and 3 game modes
Minimum system requirements: 800 MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, GeForce 2. Homepage

Kuma\War 2

Kuma\War 2 is a free tactical first-person shooter based on the Source engine.
Minimum system requirements: 2.4 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 128MB DirectX 9 compatible video card. Homepage

Postal 2: MP

This is the free multiplayer version of Postal 2: Share the Pain.
Minimum system requirements: 733 MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, 32MB GeForce 2. Download

Digital Paint: Paintball 2

Digital Paint: Paintball 2 is a fast-paced first-person game based on Quake 2 engine.
Minimum system requirements: unspecified. Homepage

Smokin' Guns

Smokin' Guns is a free stand-alone Wild West conversion of Quake III.
Minimum system requirements: 1 GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, 64MB OpenGL Video Card. Homepage

The Kill Point

The Kill Point is a free FPS developed by Kuma Reality Games.
Minimum system requirements: 2.4 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 128MB DirectX 9 compatible video card. Homepage

D-Day Normandy

D-Day Normandy is a free WW2 first-person shooter based on the Quake 2 engine.
Minimum system requirements: unknown. Homepage
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Free Sci-Fi First Person Shooters
Quake Live

Quake Live is a browser-based variant of Quake III Arena. This game is currently in open beta.
Minimum system requirements: 800 MHz CPU, 512MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX / ATI Radeon 8500 or better video card. Homepage

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is a fast online action shooter developed by Valve. Half-Life 2: DM is only free for ATI and NVIDIA users.
Minimum system requirements: 1.2 GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, DirectX 7 level graphics card. ATI or NVIDIA

F.E.A.R. Combat

F.E.A.R. Combat is a free stand-alone multiplayer component of F.E.A.R. the horror themed first-person shooter.
Minimum system requirements: 1.7 GHz Pentium 4, 512MB RAM, 64 MB GeForce 4 Ti / Radeon 9000. Homepage


Wolfteam is a free first-person shooter with many special features - players can transform into werewolves.
Minimum system requirements: 1.4 GHz Pentium 4, 512MB RAM, GeForce 5700 or higher. Homepage


Nexuiz is a free fast-paced deathmatch FPS. It runs on a heavily modified Quake 1 engine, DarkPlaces.
Minimum system requirements: 1 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, GeForce 2. Homepage


Warsow is a free online FPS with cartoonish graphics, speed and tricks play a big part in the gameplay.
Minimum system requirements: unknown but relatively low. Homepage


Sauerbraten is a free Quake-like first-person shooter. The game also includes an in-game level editor.
Minimum system requirements: 733 MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, 32MB GeForce 2 MX. Homepage


Tremulous is a free team-based FPS with real-time strategy elements. This game features two teams: humans and aliens.
Minimum system requirements: 800 MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 4 / ATI Radeon 9200 or better video card. Homepage

Alien Arena 2008

Alien arena is a free retro Sci-Fi multiplayer FPS based on heavily modified id Tech 2 engine.
Minimum system requirements: 650 MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, OpenGL compatible graphics card. Homepage


OpenArena is a free open-source clone of Quake III Arena. Gameplay is identical to the game it's based on, and even some Q3 mods work with OpenArena.
Minimum system requirements: 233 MHz CPU, 64MB RAM, 16MB video card with OpenGL support. Homepage

World of Padman

World of Padman is a cartoony first-person shooter set in the miniature world of Padman.
Minimum system requirements: 1 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 128MB OpenGL Video Card. Homepage

Rising Eagle

Rising Eagle is a team-based, tactical first-person shooter set in 2040.
Minimum system requirements: 2.4 GHz Pentium 4, 768MB RAM, 128MB video card. Download

Blood Frontier

Blood Frontier is a free and open-source first-person shooter, built as a total conversion of Cube 2 engine.
Minimum system requirements: unknown, probably similar to Sauerbraten. Homepage

Fallen Empire: Legions

Fallen Empire: Legions is a free browser-based Sci-Fi first-person shooter. Many gameplay elements are borrowed from Tribes series.
Minimum system requirements: 2.2 GHz Pentium 4, 512MB RAM, ATI Radeon x800 or NVIDIA GeForce 6800/8400. Homepage

Starsiege: Tribes

Starsiege: Tribes is a multiplayer sci-fi first-person shooter. This free release was to promote the release of Tribes: Vengeance, the upcoming sequel.
Minimum system requirements: 166 MHz CPU, 32 MB RAM, 3D graphics accelerator. Homepage

Tribes 2

Tribes 2 is a sequel to Starsiege: Tribes.
Minimum system requirements: 500 MHz CPU, 64MB RAM, 12MB video card. Homepage


Legends is a fast-paced multiplayer first-person shooter game similar to Tribes.
Minimum system requirements: unknown. Homepage


Cube is a free and open-source Quake style multi-and singleplayer FPS game.
Minimum system requirements: unknown, not high. Homepage

Gore: Special Edition

Gore: Special Edition is a remake of the original Gore: Ultimate Soldier. This free FPS includes new levels, graphical and gameplay tweaks.
Minimum system requirements: 350 MHz CPU, 64MB RAM, 16MB video card. Homepage

Control Monger

Control Monger is a free Sci-Fi first-person shooter in which you take control of a robot.
Minimum system requirements: 1.5GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, 3D capable card 64MB video card. Homepage


Phosphor is a free browser-based first-person shooter created with Macromedia Director.
Minimum system requirements: 1.6 GHz CPU, 64MB video card, Internet Explorer 6.x,
Macromedia Shockwave 10. Homepage

Death Illustrated

Death Illustrated is a free online FPS in black and white. There is no server browser in this game.
Minimum system requirements: unknown, very low. Homepage
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Multiplayer Demos
Battlefield 2 demo

Battlefield 2 is a modern warfare first-person shooter. This demo includes the "Gulf of Oman" map in many versions, and lots of vehicles: tanks, APCs, aircrafts, helicopters, boats and cars.
Minimum system requirements: 1.7 Ghz CPU, 512 MB RAM, 128 MB video card (ATI Radeon 8500 / NVIDIA FX 5700 or above). Download

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars demo

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is a Sci-Fi first-person shooter video game. The demo contains a single map, "Valley" and five classes playable as a human - Earth Defense Force or an alien - Strogg.
Minimum system requirements: 2.8 GHz Pentium 4, 512MB RAM, 128MB NVIDIA FX 5700 or ATI Radeon 9700. Homepage

Unreal Tournament 2004 demo

Unreal Tournament 2004 is a futuristic first-person shooter computer game. This demo contains 7 maps and 7 game modes.
Minimum system requirements: 1.0 GHz CPU, 128MB RAM, DirectX 9.0b compatible 32 MB graphics card. Download

Battlefield 2142 demo

Battlefield 2142 is a first-person shooter video game set in the 22nd century. This demo contains the "Sidi Power Plant" map and two armies.
Minimum system requirements: 1.7 Ghz CPU, 512 MB RAM, 128 MB graphics card with Pixel shader 2.0 and above. Homepage

Halo Combat Evolved demo

Halo: Combat Evolved is a Sci-Fi first-person shooter. This demo includes the "Blood Gulch" map and 5 game modes.
Minimum system requirements: 733 MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, 32 MB T&L capable video card. Download

Battlefield 1942 MP demo

Battlefield 1942 is a World War II FPS. This multiplayer demo includes the "Wake Island" map with many vehicles (planes, tanks, cars, ships etc.).
Minimum system requirements: 500 MHz CPU, 128 MB RAM, 3D accelerated 32 MB video card. Download

Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons of WWII Demo

Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons of WWII is an expansion pack to Battlefield 1942. The demo contains one map, "Hellendoorn" and many new vehicles.
Minimum system requirements: same as Battlefield 1942 demo. Download

Soldier of Fortune 2 MP demo

Soldier of Fortune II is a tactical first-person shooter. The multiplayer demo contains a single map, "mp_shop" and four different game modes: deathmatch, team deathmatch, elimination and infiltration.
Minimum system requirements: 450 MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, 16 MB DirectX-compatible video card. Download
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Other Shooters
Battlefield Heroes

Battlefield Heroes is a free cartoon-style third-person shooter set in World War II. This game is browser-based and currently in closed beta.
Minimum system requirements: 1.0 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 64MB video card with Pixel Shader 2.0 . Homepage

GunZ The Duel

GunZ The Duel is a free third-person online shooting game where you can also use melee weapons like swords and daggers.
Minimum system requirements: 500 MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, Direct3D 9.0 Compatible video card. Homepage

S4 League

S4 League is a free multiplayer third-person shooter with cartoon characters.
Minimum system requirements: 1 GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, GeForce 2 MX440. Homepage


Exteel is a third-person multiplayer shooter in which you take control of a giant mecha.
Minimum system requirements: 800 MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, GeForce 4. Homepage

Counter-Strike 2D

Counter-Strike 2D is a free 2D clone of the famous multiplayer shooter: Counter-Strike. There are also 4 new game modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Construction and Zombies!
Minimum system requirements: 500 MHz CPU, 64MB RAM, 16MB 3D video card. Homepage

Area 51

Area 51 is a Sci-Fi first-person shooter released as freeware by the US Air Force.
Minimum system requirements: 1.4 GHz Pentium 4, 256MB RAM, 64MB video card. Homepage

The Suffering

The Suffering is a free, ad-supported horror themed third/first person shooter.
Minimum system requirements: 1 GHz CPU, 128MB RAM, 32MB video card. Homepage

Cellfactor Revolution

CellFactor: Revolution is a tech demo designed to show off the capabilities of the Ageia PhysX cards.
Minimum system requirements: dual core CPU, 2GB RAM, ATI X1800+ / NVIDIA 7800+. Download


.kkrieger is free FPS that uses only 97,280 bytes of space.
Minimum system requirements: 1.5 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 128MB GeForce 4Ti/ATI Radeon8500 or higher graphics card supporting pixel shader 1.3 . Homepage


Flamewar! is a satire about internet culture.
Minimum system requirements: unknown. Download

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  • Pridružio: 30 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 671

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