Alien Quadriology

Alien Quadriology

  • Pridružio: 04 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 728
  • Gde živiš: Loznica

Tokom povratka na Zemlju, trgovački svemirski brod "Nostromo" hvata isprekidani SOS signal sa udaljene planete. Sedmočlana posada broda budi se iz hiper-sna i brod kasnije sleće na planetu.

Dok je istražuju, tri člana posade otkrivaju napušteni i zapušteni svemirski brod unutar koga je velika komora sa hiljadama jaja.

Kada jedan od radoznalih članova ovog istraživačkog tima priđe suviše blizu jajetu, parazit iz jajeta ga napada i onesvešćuje ga držeći mu se za lice. Istraživački tim ga donosi na brod sa sve parazitom suprotno propisima o karantinu.

Iako parazit ubrzo ugine, a napadnuti član posade se vrati u svesno stanje, ostatak posade nije svestan noćne more koja će ih zadesiti kada vanzemaljsko biće napusti svog nesrećnog domaćina.

Movie Info: In deep space, the crew of the commercial ship Nostromo--comprised of five men and two women--is awakened from their cryo-sleep capsules, halfway through their journey home to investigate a distress call from an alien vessel.

The tale unfolds as they further look into the S.O.S. distress call from that battered commercial space vessel--only to discover that it's a warning call, rather than a call for help.

However, it is too late to turn back as three members of the crew have already left to investigate the derelict ship. Far away in space and time, all five encounter an awesome galactic horror, that begins to kill the crew members one by one.

Directed by: Ridley Scott

Produced by: Gordon Carroll, David Giler, Walter Hill

Starring: Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hurt, Ian Holm, Yaphet Kotto

Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi

Release date: May 25, 1979



IMDb: Alien


57 godina nakon iscrpljujuće borbe sa vanzemaljskim bićem, Ellen Ripley spašava spasilački tim i budi je iz hiper sna.
Kada iznenada izgube kontakt sa kolonijom inženjera koja je naselila planetu LV-426 na kom je Nostromo naišao na tuđina, Ripley dobija ponudu da se udruži sa grupom prekaljenih marinaca da se spuste na planetu i istraže prisustvo vanzemaljskog života.
Odlučna da prekine sećanja na tuđina, Ripley pristaje i još jednom se vraća u užas koji je preživela.

Movie Info: Big-budget special effects, swiftly paced action, and a distinct feminist subtext from writer/director James Cameron turned what should have been a by-the-numbers sci-fi sequel into both a blockbuster and a seven-time Oscar nominee. Sigourney Weaver returns as Ellen Ripley, the last surviving crew member of a corporate spaceship destroyed after an attack by a vicious, virtually unbeatable alien life form.

Adrift in space for half a century, Ripley grapples with depression until she's informed by her company's representative, Carter Burke (Paul Reiser) that the planet where her crew discovered the alien has since been settled by colonists. Contact with the colony has suddenly been lost, and a detachment of colonial marines is being sent to investigate. Invited along as an advisor, Ripley predicts disaster, and sure enough, the aliens have infested the colony, leaving a sole survivor, the young girl Newt (Carrie Henn).

With the soldiers picked off one by one, a final all-female showdown brews between the alien queen and Ripley, who's become a surrogate mother to Newt. Several future stars made early career appearances in Aliens (1986), including Lance Henriksen, Bill Paxton, and Reiser.

Directed by: James Cameron

Produced by: Gale Anne Hurd, Gordon Carroll, David Giler, Walter Hill

Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Carrie Henn, Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen, William Hope, Paul Reiser

Genre: Action & Adventure, Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy

Release date: July 18, 1986



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IMDb: Aliens

Alien 3

Film nastavlja tamo gdje je stao drugi dio kad se borac protiv opasnih aliena - Elen Ripley i preživjeli vraćaju kući. Međutim, njihova se letjelica sruši na planet naseljen zatvorenicima - bivšim ubojicama i silovateljima. Ostali članovi kapsule ne preživljavaju pad, a uskoro se pokaže da je u njoj zaostao i embrio aliena. Kažnjenicima planeta nije dopušteno držanje nikakvoga oružja, te se moraju snalaziti kako znaju i umiju da zaustave ovu novu smrtonosnu formu, što dodatno otežava situaciju. No Ripley tek naknadno shvaća da je pravi neprijatelj prikriven i mnogo opasniji od aliena.

Movie Info: Crash landing on a barren penal-colony planet with an unwelcomed visitor in tow, Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) contends with a group of hardened convicts while using nothing but her wits to battle a terrifying new breed of alien. The sole survivor of her crashed escape pod, Ripley is rescued from the craft by the remaining inhabitants of Fiorina 161, a group of rapists and murders who chose to repent for their sins in deep space after the penal colony was officially decommissioned.

When remaining warden Andrews (Brian Glover) announces Ripley's presence to the inmates, their spiritual leader, Dillon (Charles S. Dutton), begins to fear that her presence will stir up trouble. As a result, Ripley is placed in the care of prison doctor Clemens (Charles Dance), and restricted to the infirmary until a rescue ship arrives. But Ripley isn't the only new visitor on Fiorina 161; an alien stowaway survived the crash as well, and it has planted its seed in a feral dog. Before long, a new breed of alien has burst from the dog's chest, a stealthy hunter that moves on all fours and can navigate the darkened prison corridors virtually undetected.

When the inmates start to disappear, the remaining survivors must fight for their lives without weapons to defend themselves. The only person who knows the alien well enough to beat it is Ripley, and while her plan to corner and kill the creature just might work, a horrifying discovery reveals that her fight is far from over.

Directed by: David Fincher

Produced by: Gordon Carroll, David Giler, Walter Hill

Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton, Charles Dance, Brian Glover, Ralph Brown, Paul McGann, Danny Webb, Pete Postlethwaite, Lance Henriksen, Leon Herbert, Peter Guinness

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Horror

Release date: May 22, 1992



IMDb: Alien 3

Alien: Resurrection

200 godina nakon završetka iz trećeg dela, kompanija uspeva da vaskrsne Ripli kroz proces kloniranja i naučnici su uspešno izvadili Kraljicu iz nje. Medjutim, Riplina DNK se izmešala sa Kraljičinom i ona počinje da razvija odredjene karakteristike vanzemaljca. Naučnici počinju da uzgajaju vanzemaljce ali oni ubrzo uspevaju da se oslobode. Ubrzo zenomorfi pomahnitalo jure brodom koji je na putu ka Zemlji. Kraljica radja smrtonosnu novu vrstu vanzemaljca, koji bi mogao da dovede do propasti cele ljudske rase. Ripli i banda svemirskih pirata moraju da zaustave brod pre nego što dospe na Zemlju.

Movie Info: Two centuries after Ellen Ripley's death, doctors aboard the space station Auriga clone her using a blood sample taken from Fiorna 161, in hopes of harvesting the queen embryo that was incubating inside of her when she was trapped on the remote penal planet. Finally succeeding after numerous attempts, they remove the alien and repair the clone for further study. Before long, the Ripley clone has gained consciousness, and displays superhuman capabilities that suggest it possesses alien DNA.

When Ripley discovers that General Perez (Dan Hedaya) is keeping the queen in a heavily fortified room of the space station, she warns the military man and his scientists that the creature cannot be contained no matter how hard they try. Meanwhile, General Perez has hired a crew of space pirates to deliver the cryogenically frozen bodies of another ship to the Auriga so they can be used to breed more aliens. The leader of the pirates is Johner (Ron Perlman), a gruff mercenary who engages Ripley to no avail. When Call (Winona Ryder), one of Johner's crewmembers, admits that she was sent to assassinate Ripley, General Perez attempts to have the pirates executed.

The result is a tense standoff between the pirates and the military men, with the aliens causing havoc after breaking free of their containment cells. Attempting a daring escape, Ripley and the pirates discover the lab where she was cloned before being forced to swim through the mess hall, which has been submerged in water during the aliens' escape. Discovering a carefully guarded secret about Call's past, Ripley attempts to convince her to alter the Auruga's course, which was set to Earth when the ship went into emergency mode. With the fate of mankind hanging in the balance, Ripley is captured by the aliens and taken to their nest, where she comes face to face with the mutated results of the scientists' experiments.

Directed by: Jean-Pierre Jeunet

Produced by: Gordon Carroll, David Giler, Walter Hill, Bill Badalato

Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Winona Ryder, Ron Perlman, Dominique Pinon, Gary Dourdan, Michael Wincott, Brad Dourif, Leland Orser, Dan Hedaya, J. E. Freeman, Kim Flowers, Raymond Cruz

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Horror

Release date: November 26, 1997


Trailer HD :

IMDb: Alien: Resurrection

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  • 100%Milanista
  • Information Technology
  • Pridružio: 23 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2634
  • Gde živiš: Milan, Italy

Gledao sam sve djelove ovog filma, cudno da vec nemaju teme o svim djelovima na forumu. Very Happy Film je dobar, solidna prica moja preporuka ne samo ovaj dio nego svih 4 ako se ne varam zaboravio sam koliko ima djelova. Smile

  • Pridružio: 04 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 728
  • Gde živiš: Loznica

Springfield ::Gledao sam sve djelove ovog filma
Takođe, po nekoliko puta i nikad ne dosade. I ako je film urađen '79-e spec. efekti ne zaostaju mnogo za filmovima koji su urađeni u skorije vreme.

Citat: cudno da vec nemaju teme o svim djelovima na forumu
Biće, biće Mr. Green

Citat:Film je dobar, solidna prica moja preporuka ne samo ovaj dio nego svih 4 ako se ne varam zaboravio sam koliko ima djelova. Smile
Takođe sve preporuke Smile
Ima 5 delova, računajući i Prometheus.

  • Acid_Burn  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Glavni moderator foruma Zabava
  • Hellraiser
  • Demon to some. Angel to others
  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 25503
  • Gde živiš: Beneath the Black Sky

Citat:cudno da vec nemaju teme o svim djelovima na forumu.

Ja sam bio ubedjen takodje da ima tema o ovim filmovima ali nema Confused

U svakom slucaju jedan od meni omiljenih serijala.

Bez obzira sto znam filmove napamet opet se najezim kada ih gledam.

White Knight ::Biće, biće Mr. Green

Spoje sve delove u jednu temu.
Nemoj otvarati posebnu temu za svaki deo
Nema potreba za tolikum brojem tema

White Knight ::Ima 5 delova, računajući i Prometheus.

Prometheus nema veze sa Alienom (barem ne u pravom smislu,jer se radi o prequelu) osim sto je Ridley Scott reziser i radnja donekle podseca na prvi deo.

  • Pridružio: 04 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 728
  • Gde živiš: Loznica

Acid_Burn ::Spoje sve delove u jednu temu.
Nemoj otvarati posebnu temu za svaki deo
Nema potreba za tolikum brojem tema

Može u ovu temu?

Acid_Burn ::Prometheus nema veze sa Alienom (barem ne u pravom smislu,jer se radi o prequelu) osim sto je Ridley Scott reziser i radnja donekle podseca na prvi deo.
Dvoumio sam se da li da uvstim i Prometheus u Alien franšizu Confused
Moja greška Wink

  • Acid_Burn  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Glavni moderator foruma Zabava
  • Hellraiser
  • Demon to some. Angel to others
  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 25503
  • Gde živiš: Beneath the Black Sky

White Knight ::

Može u ovu temu?

Moze naravno Wink

White Knight ::
Dvoumio sam se da li da uvstim i Prometheus u Alien franšizu Confused
Moja greška Wink

Imamo vec temu za Prometheusa Wink

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