Charlie Wilson's War

Charlie Wilson's War

  • Acid_Burn  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Glavni moderator foruma Zabava
  • Hellraiser
  • Demon to some. Angel to others
  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 25503
  • Gde živiš: Beneath the Black Sky

Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Phillip Seymour Hoffman u istinitoj priči o troje ljudi koji su se udružili kako bi proterali Ruse iz Afganistana što je za posledicu imalo kraj Hladnog rata i pad SSSR-a u jednoj od najvećih i najbolje izvedenih tajnih operacija koje su ikada sprovedene a efekti te operacije osećaju se i dan danas....

Plot Summary: "Charlie Wilson's War" is the true story of how a playboy congressman, a renegade CIA agent and a beautiful Houston socialite joined forces to lead the largest and most successful covert operation in history. Their efforts contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, with consequences that reverberate throughout the world today. Oscar® winners Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and Philip Seymour Hoffman team with Academy Award®-winning director Mike Nichols and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin to bring George Crile's best-selling book to the screen.

Charlie Wilson (Hanks) was a bachelor congressman from Texas who had a habit of showing up in hot tubs with strippers and cocaine. His "Good Time Charlie" exterior, however, masked an extraordinary mind, a deep sense of patriotism and a passion for the underdog, and in the early 1980s the underdog was Afghanistan—which had just been brutally invaded by the Russians.

Charlie's longtime friend and patron and sometime lover was Joanne Herring (Roberts), one of the wealthiest women in Texas and a virulent anti-communist. Believing the American response to the Russian invasion was anemic at best, she prods Charlie into doing more for the Mujahideen (Afghan freedom fighters).

Charlie's partner in this uphill endeavor is CIA Agent Gust Avrakotos (Hoffman), a blue-collar operative in a company of Ivy League blue bloods. Together, the three of them—Charlie, Joanne and Gust—travel the world to form unlikely alliances among the Pakistanis, Israelis, Egyptians, arms dealers, law makers and a belly dancer.

Their success was remarkable. Funding for covert operations against the Soviets went from $5 million to $1 billion annually. The Red Army retreated out of Afghanistan. When asked how a group of peasants was able to deliver such a decisive blow to the army of a superpower, Pakistani President Mohammad Zia ul-Haq responded simply, "Charlie did it.

Director: Mike Nichols

Screenwriter: Aaron Sorkin

Starring: Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Adams, Ned Beatty

Genre: Drama

Official Website: Charlie Wilson's War

Trailer (High Definition): Charlie Wilson's War

Trailer (WMP Hi-Res): Charlie Wilson's War

IMDB: Charlie Wilson's War

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  • srdjos  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2005
  • Poruke: 678

hm, priča nekako obećava da će film biti interesantan za gledanje

  • Pridružio: 20 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 3

...izgleda zanimljiva prica,a dalje kad odgledam...

  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2007
  • Poruke: 8

eee..opet divna, slavna i superuspesna amerika! bljak!
kao da je to tako jednostavno.sednu troje i sruse svet?! ima iza te price vise toga, puuuuno vise. toliko o prici i mom misljenju. a o filmu..kad ga budem videla..

  • srdjos  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2005
  • Poruke: 678

pa slažem se, komercijala pun gas
šta ćeš, narod se loži na to i eto

lično, više ruske i filmove sa istočne strane sveta,
ima odličnih sa odličnom tematikom

Sunchitza ::eee..opet divna, slavna i superuspesna amerika! bljak!
kao da je to tako jednostavno.sednu troje i sruse svet?! ima iza te price vise toga, puuuuno vise. toliko o prici i mom misljenju. a o filmu..kad ga budem videla..

  • Bojan  Male
  • Prijatelj foruma
  • Pridružio: 13 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 11059
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Poceo sam gledati film i posle pola sata prekinuo jer nisam mogao svariti taj americki fazon. Bas sam hteo pogledati film i bas sam se trudio ali ne ide Smile

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