Džejson Stetam igra trostrukog trkačkog šampiona Džensena Ejmsa, bivšeg zatvorenika, kome je podmetnuto svirepo ubistvo. Nemilosrdna upravnica zatvora Henesi daje Ejmsu dve opcije: da vozi Trku smrti ili da nikada više ne vidi svoju devojčicu. Izbor je jednostavan. Ejms je prisiljen da nosi masku legendarnog vozača Frankenštajna, miljenika publike, koga je, čini se, nemoguće ubiti.
Lica skrivenog iza grozomorne maske, bivši zatvorenik započinje trodnevno takmičenje da bi dobio svoju slobodu. Međutim, da bi osvojio glavnu nagradu, Ejms mora da preživi napade najokorelijih kriminalaca – uključujući i nepobedivog Džoa Mašinku (Tajriz Gibson) – i sve to u najgorem zatvoru u zemlji. Trener (Ijan Mekšejn) podučava Ejmsa da upravlja čudovišnim mustangom V8 fastbek opremljenim sa dva dodatna mini-topa, bacačima plamena i napalmom. Ovaj nedužni čovek uništiće sve što mu se nađe na putu da bi pobedio u najizopačenijem sportu na Zemlji.
Movie Info: The Transporter star Jason Statham takes the wheel in director Paul W.S. Anderson's remake of the Roger Corman classic about a hyper-violent cross-country race that breaks all of the traditional rules of the road. The time is the not-so-distant future, and as America's prisons begin overflowing with violent criminals, the powers that be devise a grisly game that will free up space in the cells and entertain the masses at the same time. Jensen Ames (Statham) is a three-time speedway champion with a dark past.
A survival expert and ex-con whose sordid history comes back to haunt him when he is framed for a murder he didn't commit, Ames is forced to choose between donning the metallic mask of a mythical racer known as Frankenstein or languishing away on Terminal Island -- America's most notorious penitentiary. Over the course of the next three days, this unlikely champion will get behind the wheel of a nightmare machine outfitted with machine guns, grenade launchers, and flamethrowers in a desperate attempt to outrun some of the most violent criminals ever imprisoned.
Should Ames be the first to cross the checkered flag, he will win his freedom; should he come in second, however, death would be preferable to a grim future in a cramped concrete cell. Co-stars include Joan Allen, Ian McShane, Natalie Martinez, and Tyrese Gibson, who takes over the role of Machine Gun Joe, made famous by Sylvester Stallone in the original.
Directed by: Paul W.S. Anderson
Produced by: Paul W. S. Anderson, Jeremy Bolt, Roger Corman, Paula Wagner
Written By: Paul Anderson
Starring: Jason Statham, Joan Allen, Tyrese Gibson, Ian McShane, Natalie Martinez