Režiserski debi Josepha Gordona-Levitta kada su dugometražni filmovi u pitanju je priča o Jon Martellu koga prijatelji zovu Don Jon jer devojke menja kao čarape a možda i češće ali i pored toga njegova najveća opsesija je da sedi ispred kompjutera i da gleda filmove za odrasle.
Njegova skoro pa identična strana ali iz ženskog sveta je Barbara Sugarman (Scarlett Johansson ) koja je odrastala uz romantične filmove i koja i dalje veruje i traži princa na belom konju....
Kako će izgledati kada se sudare svetovi Jona Martella i Barbare Sugarman videćemo kada film stigne u bioskope i naše domove
Plot Summary: Jon Martello (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a strong, handsome, good old fashioned guy. His buddies call him Don Jon due to his ability to "pull" a different woman every weekend, but even the finest fling doesn't compare to the bliss he finds alone in front of the computer watching (film-za-odrasle)-ography. Barbara Sugarman (Scarlett Johansson) is a bright, beautiful, good old fashioned girl. Raised on romantic Hollywood movies, she's determined to find her Prince Charming and ride off into the sunset. Wrestling with good old fashioned expectations of the opposite sex, Jon and Barbara struggle against a media culture full of false fantasies to try and find true intimacy in this unexpected comedy written and directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Director: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Screenwriter: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Starring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore, Tony Danza, Brie Larson, Glenne Headly
Production Stills:
Official Website: Don Jon
IMDB: Don Jon