X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

  • Pridružio: 04 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 728
  • Gde živiš: Loznica

“X-Men počeci: Wolverine”, kao što i samo ime kaže, predstavlja prvo poglavlje planetarno popularne X-Men sage. Radnja je hronološki smeštena pre svih dosadašnjih nastavaka franšize, pa će gledaoci imati prilike da vide početke i prve pustolovine nekih od najpoznatijih (anti)junaka serijala, kao npr. Cyclopsa,Sabretootha, Gambita i – naravno – Wolverinea.

A cela priča započinje davne 1850. godine, kada braća James Logan i Victor Creed, tada još deca, pobegnu zajedno nakon što je Logan ubio svog očuha. Njih dvojica su nakon toga na mnogim bojištima, pa su praktično odrasli na ratištu, što ih je učinilo savršenim kandidatima za sledeći projekat Williama Strykera. On osniva borbeni tim mutanata koji je predviđen da izvršava samoubilačke misije. Logan i Creed prihvataju poziv, ali Logan ubrzo napušta tim i povlači se u normalan život.

Sa svojom devojkom se skrasio u Kanadi i nakon toga šest godina nije čuo za svoju prošlost. Ipak, jednog dana u posetu mu dolazi Stryker s ponudom da učestvuje u najnovijem tajnom projektu američke vlade. Projekat se zove Weapon X i Logan bi u njemu trebalo da odigra jednu od ključnih uloga. Nesrećnim spletom okolnosti, Logan pristaje. Nakon što postane Wolverine, on saznaje kako Stryker želi da ga prevari i iskoristi.

Movie Info: The gruff, adamantium-clawed Marvel superhero Wolverine strikes out on his own in this X-Men spin-off starring series regular Hugh Jackman. The story gets under way as the boy who will become Wolverine makes a shocking discovery about his family bloodline, and gains a brother in the process. Flash forward to find the mutant siblings battling side by side through two world wars and Vietnam -- where they are sentenced to death for killing a commanding officer -- and Logan (Hugh Jackman) and his brother, Victor Creed (aka Sabretooth, played by Liev Schreiber), have joined a top-secret government task force.

When their targets begin to include innocent civilians, conscientious Logan escapes to the Canadian Rockies, where he builds a home with pretty schoolteacher Kayla Silverfox (Lynn Collins). Informed by his old commanding officer William Stryker (Danny Huston) that the members of his old team are being targeted for death, Logan is heartbroken when Victor finds and kills Kayla. Vowing revenge, Logan agrees to take part in a dangerous experiment that will fuse his bones with a powerful metal alloy called adamantium, which makes him virtually indestructible and gives him the strength needed to defeat his powerful brother.

Subsequently betrayed by Stryker, Logan (now Wolverine) sets out to find his blood-lusting brother and stop the cycle of violence once and for all. Along the way, the temperamental hero is joined by fellow mutants John Wraith (Will.i.Am) and Remy LeBeau (aka Gambit, played by Taylor Kitsch). But before Wolverine can seek vengeance against Striker and his brother, he'll have to do battle with Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) a formidable mutant instilled with many powers.

Directed by: Gavin Hood

Produced by: Hugh Jackman, Lauren Shuler Donner, Ralph Winter, Peter MacDonald, Richard Donner, Stan Lee, John Palermo, Louis G. Friedman, Marsha L. Swinton, Whitney Thomas, Kurt Williams, Avi Arad

Starring: Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, Lynn Collins, Danny Huston, Dominic Monaghan, Ryan Reynolds

Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

Release date: May 1, 2009



[img:a7de60bab4]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eYK7V0KgR5k/Tf5X0b0NgpI/AAAAAAAACS0/jn7INjYD6cI/s1600/X-Men-Origins-Wolverine.jpg" border="0" />

Official Website: X-Men Origins: Wolverine


IMDb: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

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Pogledao sam film jos pre, sjajan je! Smile

I kao sto rekoh vec par puta, obozavam Marvel crtace, stripove i filmove, tako da sam sa uzivanjem gledao i ovaj film. Very Happy

Dead Pool is pretty cool. Cool

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