Kao i za ostalo Nobelova nagrada se dodeljuje i iz oblasti geologije, evo jednog clanka o tome
The Nobel Prize is the most widely recognized award given to scientists. Unfortunately, geology is not one of the three Nobel sciences (physics, chemistry, medicine). What is the nearest thing to a Nobel Prize for geology?
The will of Alfred Nobel laid out a single criterion of merit: the prizes go to people who have "conferred the greatest benefit on mankind." Thus in physics we see awardees like Wilhelm Röntgen, discoverer of x-rays (1901 prize), in chemistry we get Linus Pauling for his profoundly useful explanation of the chemical bond (1954), and in medicine we get Barry Marshall and Robin Warren for showing that stomach ulcers are simply a bacterial disease (2005). It explains why Albert Einstein (1921) is named for his work on the photoelectric effect, not his more fundamental theories of relativity.