Snazni zemljotres zahvatio Indiju

Snazni zemljotres zahvatio Indiju

  • SSpin 
  • Saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 09 Dec 2004
  • Poruke: 6488
  • Gde živiš: Nis -> ***Durlan City***

A powerful earthquake hit India's Nicobar Islands and part of Indonesia, triggering panic in some areas and a tsunami warning in Thailand, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or destruction.

The magnitude-7.2 earthquake late Sunday night was felt in several parts of the zone struck by the December 26 quake-spawned Indian Ocean tsunami, which killed more than 178,000 people in 11 countries and left nearly 50,000 more missing, with most presumed dead.

Sunday night's quake jolted people from their sleep in Indonesia's Aceh province, and prompted residents of at least one coastal village in Sri Lanka to flee to a Buddhist temple on higher ground, fearing killer waves were on the way.


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