Šta je EU učinila za svoje građane: Pola veka blagostanja

Šta je EU učinila za svoje građane: Pola veka blagostanja

  • ZoNi  Male
  • Free Your Mind!
  • Pridružio: 26 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 5757
  • Gde živiš: Singidunum

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Šta je EU učinila za svoje građane
Pola veka blagostanja

... avionske karte u proteklih deset godina pojeftinile za 40 odsto, a telefoniranje za 80 odsto u proteklih 20 godina.

... uspela svojim građanima da obezbedi boljitak u gotovo svim aspektima života - od radnog prava i socijalne zaštite, to slobodnog i olakšanog putovanja i čistije životne sredine.

Turisti imaju puno zdravstveno osiguranje ukoliko im u bilo kojoj članici EU iznenada zatreba lekarska pomoć. Vozačka dozvola izdata u jednoj zemlji EU važi i u svim ostalim. ... Evropljani danas, pedeset godina posle potpisivanja sporazuma u Rimu, mogu da rade i žive gde god hoće u granicama EU. Tu mogućnost je iskoristilo čak 15 miliona Evropljana. Državljanin jedne članice EU koji živi u drugoj članici ima ista prava i socijalnu zaštitu kao svi ostali državljani te zemlje, a može čak i da se kandiduje na lokalnim izborima za Evropski parlament.

EU je uklonila sve barijere na polju konkurencije u vazdušnom saobraćaju krajem prošlog veka. Posledica - između 1992. i 2000. godine cene avionskih karata su pale za 40 odsto. Istovremeno, putnici imaju na raspolaganju mnogo više prevoznika i destinacija, dok je broj maršruta koje povezuju članice EU porastao za gotovo 50 odsto. Izgrađeni su graditeljski giganti poput mosta Oresund između Kopenhagena i Malmea, tunel ispod Lamanša, a planira se i prokop tunela ispod Gibraltara koji bi povezao Evropu sa Afrikom.

EU se izborila za čistiji vazduh, čistije reke i plaže. Tako je Direktiva o preradi otpadnih voda u gradskoj sredini dovela do dramatičnog poboljšanja kvaliteta vode u rekama u proteklih 30 godina, što je, između ostalog, doprinelo povratku vidri na britansko selo. Drugi zakoni su znatno smanjili problem kiselih kiša - Velika Britanija, koja je nekad važila za „evropsku aljkavušu“, smanjila je emisiju sumpora za čitavih 73 odsto između 1990. i 2002. Iako pre 30 godina većina britanskih plaža nije zadovoljavala Direktivu o čistoći vode za kupanje, danas 98 plaža može da se pohvali prelaznom ocenom.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Freia  Female
  • Prijatelj foruma
  • Pridružio: 31 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 1899


50 reasons to love the European Union

As the EU celebrates its anniversary, The Independent looks at 50 benefits it has brought, and asks: "What has Europe done for us?"

1 The end of war between European nations
2 Democracy is now flourishing in 27 countries
3 Once-poor countries, such as Ireland, Greece and Portugal, are prospering
4 The creation of the world's largest internal trading market
5 Unparalleled rights for European consumers
6 Co-operation on continent-wide immigration policy
7 Co-operation on crime, through Europol
8 Laws that make it easier for British people to buy property in Europe
9 Cleaner beaches and rivers throughout Europe
10 Four weeks statutory paid holiday a year for workers in Europe
11 No death penalty (it is incompatible with EU membership)
12 Competition from privatised companies means cheaper phone calls
13 Small EU bureaucracy (24,000 employees, fewer than the BBC)
14 Making the French eat British beef again
15 Minority languages, such as Irish, Welsh and Catalan recognised and protected
16 Europe is helping to save the planet with regulatory cuts in CO2
17 One currency from Bantry to Berlin (but not Britain)
18 Europe-wide travel bans on tyrants such as Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe
19 The EU gives twice as much aid to developing countries as the United States
20 Strict safety standards for cars, buses and aircraft
21 Free medical help for tourists
22 EU peacekeepers operate in trouble spots throughout the world
23 Europe's single market has brought cheap flights to the masses, and new prosperity for forgotten cities
24 Introduction of pet passports
25 It now takes only 2 hrs 35 mins from London to Paris by Eurostar
26 Prospect of EU membership has forced modernisation on Turkey
27 Shopping without frontiers gives consumers more power to shape markets
28 Cheap travel and study programmes means greater mobility for Europe's youth
29 Food labelling is much clearer
30 No tiresome border checks (apart from in the UK)
31 Compensation for passengers suffering air delays
32 Strict ban on animal testing for the cosmetic industry
33 Greater protection for Europe's wildlife
34 Regional development fund has aided the deprived parts of Britain
35 European driving licences recognised across the EU
36 Britons now feel a lot less insular
37 Europe's bananas remain bent, despite sceptics' fears
38 Strong economic growth - greater than the United States last year
39 Single market has brought the best continental footballers to Britain
40 Human rights legislation has protected the rights of the individual
41 European Parliament provides democratic checks on all EU laws
42 EU gives more, not less, sovereignty to nation states
43 Maturing EU is a proper counterweight to the power of US and China
44 European immigration has boosted the British economy
45 Europeans are increasingly multilingual - except Britons, who are less so
46 Europe has set Britain an example how properly to fund a national health service
47 British restaurants now much more cosmopolitan
48 Total mobility for career professionals in Europe
49 Europe has revolutionised British attitudes to food and cooking
50 Lists like this drive the Eurosceptics mad

Published: 21 March 2007

A na netu nadjoh ovaj direktan izvor..tj direktan izvor ovog teksta od 23 marta. Confused

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