Kill From The Heart - PUNK i HARD CORE Enciklopedija

Kill From The Heart - PUNK i HARD CORE Enciklopedija

  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 968
  • Gde živiš: Skopje

Neverovatna PUNK i HARD CORE dokumentacija
Nacicete sve benove sto ste culi u zivotu, discografije, omote albuma iz celog sveta....
Evo koji su iz JUGOSLAVIJE :


2 Minuta Mrznje
III Kategorija
KUD Idijoti
Odpadki Civilizacije
Pekinska Patka
Solunski Front
Vrisak Generacije


Welcome to KILL FROM THE HEART, a page devoted to documenting and discussing the roots of hardcore punk rock. The goal of this project is to make information, especially primary documents like interviews, available to as many people as possible. It is not meant to be a glorification of the past. If anything, we hope that access to documents from "back in the day" will demystify the early scene, which has been mythologized as some kind of paradise lost by many jaded elitists. There were great bands before the early 80's and there are plenty of great bands around today. In truth, punk was just as full of bullshit and bad ideas then as it is now. The punk scene is a place of contested meaning and competing definitions. Don't look through the info we've collected hoping to find some absolute, pure definition of what punk was or should be. This is impossible in a culture that has always been self-defined by the people who are creating it at a given place and time. This page collects artifacts from what was, at one time, punk rock. Right now the context, and therefore the meanings of what punk is, are totally different than they were then. Make up your own mind and draw your own conclusions about what is important.

In the present age of information as commodity, the DIY punk scene is under threat of losing our vital history to the vaults of collectors who covet records, zines, and other memorbillia of the past because of its exclusive value as a rare possession. This site is in opposition to that kind of hoarding collector culture and its foundation of elitism. It is limited by our knowledge and abilities, but in punk rock everyone is an expert. We hope others will be inspired to help out in expanding the site to include a more international focus. We want personal stories, band information, photos, zine articles, or anything else people can contribute. We also created this page so that people could add their own record reviews. Please note that although the vast majority of this site is in English, contributions in other languages are more than welcome and will certainly be added to the site.

In order to make the workload on the site slightly more managable, we are imposing the semi-arbitrary cutoff line of 1989, and therefore Kill From The Heart will only cover bands that started before 1990 (with only a few exceptions). Anyway, that's enough babbling for now. Enjoy this site, and go make your own!

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Ko je trenutno na forumu

Ukupno su 946 korisnika na forumu :: 61 registrovanih, 6 sakrivenih i 879 gosta   ::   [ Administrator ] [ Supermoderator ] [ Moderator ] :: Detaljnije

Najviše korisnika na forumu ikad bilo je 3466 - dana 01 Jun 2021 17:07

Korisnici koji su trenutno na forumu:
Korisnici trenutno na forumu: Automaticar, bigfoot, bojan_t, bojank, Boris BM, Boris90, brause, cemix, Crazzer, dijica, doom83, Duh16, Dukelander, Electron, gacesam, Haris, janbo, jarovitt, Jezekijel, Kolimator, ljuba, LostInSpaceandTime, LUDI, Marko Marković, mercedesamg, mihael4, miki kv, Miki281, Milos ZA, Milos1389, Mineral, MK10, mrgud2025, nekdo, nevjerna beba, oganj123, Orijen, Phalanx, Pilence, PlayerOne, Povratak1912, procesor, RAKITNICA, Ratnik84, Relixiran, rodoljub, Rothmans, Sančo, sedan, Shinobi, slavonac69, ss10, stagezin, stegonosa, Stoorb, SympathyForTheDevil, tihi-posmatrac, volimpivuvolimrakiju, YU-UKI, zlaya011, Žoržo