Obilazak Abit-ove fabrike

Obilazak Abit-ove fabrike

  • Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 5001
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

deo teksta o testiranju ploca
Beyond sourcing high-quality components, Abit has developed a six-step methodology for testing its motherboards to ensure quality, as well as incorporating quality checks at various stages of its production lines. To give you some idea of the scope of the resources devoted to quality control, Abit says 11% of its workforce in this factory is dedicated to quality.
The six steps in Abit's testing process range from common sense to comical, including compatibility testing with a range of common PC components, burn-in and environmental tests, long-term operational testing, and the dramatic vibration and dropping tests. Each test has a clearly defined methodology and sample rate. For instance, the vibration test uses a "shaking machine" that vibrates the boards from 10 to 60Hz in 10-minute intervals for a total of 60 minutes each. After the vibes die down, each board is checked to see whether it still operates. If failure rates are too high, the factory will tweak the production process to fix the problem. The sample rate for this test is 30 pieces per motherboard model per day. Other tests have lower sample rates because of the equipment invovled. The environmental test, for instance, requires an environmental chamber, so only three samples per model per day are tested.
...This is the chamber for environmental testing. The boards are set up to operate in here, then subjected to temps from 0C to 40C, with relative humidity ranging from zero to 85%. Environmental tests generally last 24 to 96 hours.
...These boards are getting a burn-in test. This tests last 24 to 96 hours, as well, but later stages of the process include an ongoing reliability test where the boards must operate for 168 hours.

i ploce sa novim Intel chipsetovima su vec u proizvodnji
...We look forward to checking out Abit's upcoming Intel 915 and 925X motherboards, which were on display at Computex and visible in the factory during the tour.

ima i par filmova na kojima se mogu videti kako rade masine prilikom stavljanja delova na maticnu plocu, ma najbolje da procitate celi clanak

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