Pokusao sam otvorio ftp.pdvdfreehost.com. logirao sa pasvord i username i hteo da prebacim
sa od mog sajta copy na njegod host paste ali nije mi uspelo .
Napravio sam sajt pa hocu da ga prikacim na ovaj free host ima slike i 4 mala filma ali
stvarno ne mogu da se snadjem kako ,evo ovo mi daje sponzor (za free host ) pomozite kako da
uradim pod domen .hocu da prebacim moj sajt sa Total commander.Ovo Hostnames sam ja izmislio
dali je dobro ??Inace nemam domen jos pocetnik sam pa hocu da vidim kako ide ovo .ovo mi
daje sponzor
Free Site Hosting
FTP Access
Login via FTP to ftp.pdvdfreehost.com. Use your
reseller ID ....and your password to login. You are
allowed to upload HTML pages and images. You must upload
at least an index.html page.
Once you have uploaded at least an index.html page,
you can access and link to your free site here:
You can now use your own domains for free hosting.
Use a full domain, such as example.com, or a
sub-domain, such as lesbian.example.com.
The hostname was added.
Name Servers
You will need to change your domain to use our name servers.
Set your domain to use ns0.pdvdfreehost.com and ns1.pdvdfreehost.com.
You must do this at your domain registrar. If you don't know how
to do this, ask whoever you registered your domain with for help.
Alternatively, you may delegate the individual hostnames to our
name servers. You do this by adding NS records for that
hostname with our name servers as the target.
Here is an example for BIND:
lesbian.example.com. 86400 IN NS ns0.pdvdfreehost.com.
lesbian.example.com. 86400 IN NS ns1.pdvdfreehost.com.
Dopuna: 14 Okt 2005 21:20
pokusao sam i pojavljuje mi se
upload as: index.html.htm
upload in background(separate thread)
convert file names to lowercase
aj sad zar niko ne zna da mi odgovori kod ovih dva dali treba nesto da stikliram ili