problem sa štampačem ili...?

problem sa štampačem ili...?

  • Pridružio: 31 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 76
  • Gde živiš: Paraćin

kada sam juče hteo da odštampam nešto sa yahoo maila štampač je ukočio i štampa sporo i kada on hoće sat,dva posle izdate naredbe,a danas mi je ZoneAlarm Free ovo signalizirao:ZoneAlarm, A Check Point Software Technologies, Inc. Company
ZoneAlarm Alert
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SmartDefense Advisor Overview Technical Info Details Hacker ID

ZoneAlarm blocked access to port 137 on your computer
No breach in your security has occurred. Your computer is safe.

What happened?

ZoneAlarm prevented a remote computer from connecting to port 137 on your computer. This connection attempt was probably legitimate traffic from the Internet or your local network. If you are sharing files or printers on a local network, someone may have tried to access your shares. If you are not sharing resources, this alert may have resulted from a failed domain name lookup.

Should I be concerned?

No. ZoneAlarm blocked the connection attempt, so no harm can come to your computer from it. However, blocking traffic on this port can keep you from sharing files and other resources with other computers on a Local Area Network (LAN). Also, Windows file sharing can represent a security vulnerability if you do not password-protect your shared files.

What should I do?

Click OK to close the alert box. This does not let any traffic into or out of your computer.

If you are sharing files on a local network, password-protect your shared files to keep them secure. See Windows help for instructions on how to do this.

If you are on a home or business local network, and you are receiving repeated alerts on port 137, do the following:

1. Make sure the Internet Lock and Stop button are not engaged.
2. Make sure the local computers you want to share files with, or your entire local network, have been added to the Trusted Zone.
3. If the above steps do not reduce the number of alerts, use the Alerts and Logs panel to suppress the alert box.

See ZoneAlarm online help for instructions on how to perform these steps.

Why upgrade to ZoneAlarm Pro?

Complete your online security with advanced email-borne virus protection, Internet ad blocking, as well as a more detailed analysis of intrusion attempts. ZoneAlarm Pro is the next generation in PC firewall protection. It provides 100% peace-of-mind from hackers and identity thieves. The exclusive Privacy Panel allows you to surf more anonymously by controlling cookies and blocking referring url strings.

As a current ZoneAlarm user, you are a perfect candidate for the advanced protection in ZoneAlarm Pro...ZoneAlarm Pro will pick up all your current ZoneAlarm settings! If you want to increase the security of your personal and private information online, you need the advanced protection of ZoneAlarm Pro. Protect your PC and your privacy from the prying eyes of hackers and data thieves with these ZoneAlarm Pro EXCLUSIVES!
Stop hazardous email viruses from infecting your PC.
Block annoying pop-up windows and banner ads.
Eliminate Web site tracking devices.
Pinpoint the source of intrusion attempts.
Lock down your security settings with password protection.

SPECIAL OFFER! Buy ZoneAlarm Pro NOW and get a special offer!
Download Now

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Izgleda je ZA blokirao UDP port neophodan za rad stampaca. Vidi u ZA da li je omogucena upotreba portova: UDP 137, 138; TCP 139, 445.

  • Pridružio: 13 Apr 2007
  • Poruke: 452
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Meni se desavalo ovo sa kasnim stampanjem na Samsungu ML-1610
Na kraju se ispostavilo da sam skinuo neki drajver koji nije dobar...
Mozda je isto i kod tebe...Probaj...

Ali izgleda da tebe ipak Zone Alarm zeza...

  • Pridružio: 31 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 76
  • Gde živiš: Paraćin

m4rk0 ::Izgleda je ZA blokirao UDP port neophodan za rad stampaca. Vidi u ZA da li je omogucena upotreba portova: UDP 137, 138; TCP 139, 445.

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