Blue Ray najverovatnije postaje standard


Blue Ray najverovatnije postaje standard

  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2004
  • Poruke: 1190
  • Gde živiš: Ispod nivoa mora

Bеst Buy одлучио да продаје БЛУ РЕИ. ХД ДВД све ближи крају.

Citat:Best Buy to Recommend Blu-ray as the Customer's Digital Format Choice
Monday February 11, 3:31 pm ET

MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE: BBY - News) is taking a step forward in addressing consumer confusion about high-definition formats. Beginning in early March, the leading consumer electronics retailer will prominently showcase Blu-ray hardware and software products in its Best Buy retail and online channels in the United States.

“Consumers have told us that they want us to help lead the way. We’ve listened to our customers, and we are responding. Best Buy will recommend Blu-ray as the preferred format,” said Brian Dunn, Best Buy’s president and chief operating officer. “Our decision to shine a spotlight on Blu-ray Disc players and other Blu-ray products is a strong signal to our customers that we believe Blu-ray is the right format choice for them.”.....

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И још један снимак да вам појасни ситуацију Very Happy

Dopuna: 17 Feb 2008 6:51

И не да највероватније постаје стандард него ће и постати после ове вести. ВолМарт, највећи ланац у Америци, се одлучио за продају БлуРеi дискова.

Citat:Wal-Mart on Blu-ray bandwagon
Retailer will only sell Sony's hi-def movie discs, phasing out Toshiba's HD-DVD discs in its 4,000 Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores this year.

NEW YORK ( -- National discount retailer Wal-Mart announced Friday that it had decided to only sell Sony's Blu-ray hi-definition movie discs, and will phase out Toshiba's competing HD-DVD formatted discs over the next several months.

Wal-Mart said that by June, its 4,000 Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores would sell only Blu-ray discs and Blu-ray hardware players. Blu-ray and Toshiba's HD-DVD format are not compatible.

"We've listened to our customers, who are showing a clear preference toward Blu-ray products and movies with their purchases," said Gary Severson, Wal-Mart's Senior Vice President of Home Entertainment in a statement.

Wal-Mart said it would continue selling HD-DVD products, but over the next 30 days, customers will see a significant shift in emphasis to Blu-ray in both brick-and-mortar stores and online. The retailer said it will continue to sell DVDs and standard-definition hardware.

Wal-Mart is the latest movie vendor to choose Blu-ray over HD-DVD. Earlier this week, online movie rental company Netflix (NFLX) announced its support for Blu-ray, and said it would phase out HD-DVD as well. Video publishers Walt Disney (DIS, Fortune 500), Sony's Sony Pictures, News Corp.'s (NWS, Fortune 500) Twentieth Century Fox, and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer have all endorsed Blu-ray.

In a rivalry that mirrors the Betamax-VHS dispute of the 1970s, Sony (SNE) and Toshiba have been battling each other to define the industry's hi-definition video standard. The winner will see a boost in the sale of hardware needed to play the hi-definition discs.

Dopuna: 17 Feb 2008 6:55

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  • Acid_Burn  Male
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  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2005
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  • Gde živiš: Beneath the Black Sky

Ja sam uvek i tipovao da ce BRD da postane standard jer se zaista radi o novoj tehnologiji i daleko naprednijoj od hd dvd koji zapravo po meni predstavlja blago unapredjeni dvd....

Sada jos samo da padnu cene brd diskovima,rezachima i playerima pa da nesto od toga uzmemo Smile

Shto kazhe ona reklama za BRD:

The Future Is Blue
Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2004
  • Poruke: 1190
  • Gde živiš: Ispod nivoa mora

Мени и сам назив...БЛУРЕИ... "ПЛАВИ ЗРАК" ...Звучи моћно

Замисли неког у радњи и пита:
Молим један хадедеведе (а продавачица одговара да не прича јапански нити арапски) Very Happy

А када кажеш
Молим један бlуреи , е то одмах звучи како треба Very Happy

  • Acid_Burn  Male
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  • Hellraiser
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  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2005
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  • Gde živiš: Beneath the Black Sky

Morskisrle ::
А када кажеш
Молим један бlуреи , е то одмах звучи како треба Very Happy

Moze da se desi da trazhis bluray a dobijes odgovor nemamo te naocare nego samo rayban Mr. Green

  • aloe  Male
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  • Pridružio: 01 Nov 2004
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Bas me interesuje kako ce sada da se zovu Premium HD i Sky HD , Sky Blu-ray. Smile

  • Pridružio: 11 Sep 2007
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Secam se jos davno dok sa bio aktivni citalac naseg magazina Digital! jedne kratke price(nazovimo intervju-a) cika Billija,u kome on prica o smrti DVD diskova do najkasnije 2010 godine...U pocetnu nisam verovao u tako nesto,ali izgleda da je bio u pravu...Ako nadjem taj broj u nekoj od mojih kutija,dobicete ga na uvid...

  • Acid_Burn  Male
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  • Hellraiser
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  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 25503
  • Gde živiš: Beneath the Black Sky

Nakon dvd-a i blue ray diskova sledece sto nas ceka kroz nekih 5-10 godina a mozda i ranije su hologramski diskovi Smile

  • Pridružio: 19 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 1783

A koja je razlika HD i BlueRay-a ?

Hologramski diskovi ? Mr. Green

  • Rogi  Male
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  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
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  • Acid_Burn  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Glavni moderator foruma Zabava
  • Hellraiser
  • Demon to some. Angel to others
  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 25503
  • Gde živiš: Beneath the Black Sky

mrkavac ::Hologramski diskovi ? Mr. Green

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