Gamestar Special Linux Edition

Gamestar Special Linux Edition

  • gamzzy 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 10725
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

The German gaming magizine Gamestar will issue a special Linux Edition the day after tomorrow 8. Dez 2004.

The magazine explains a step by step installation for SuSE Linux and for drivers of 3D GFX cards. It deals with serveral commercial and free Linux games as well as Windows games with TransGaming's Cedega. Altogether there are 20 articles about games and 9 about gameservers.

On the DVD you will find a special editon of SuSE Linux 9.1, which includes all needed things to play games. To test the Cedega reviews a 45-days-version of Cedega 4.0.1 is included. To simplify the entrance to the Linux gaming world there are many patches and installers from LIFLG on the DVD.

The magazine is for beginners as well for expirienced Linux users.

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