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Nema nista od Open Sourcea u celoj prici, osim jednog naslova koji je stvorio konfuziju, i koji je bio samo marketinska packa.
U sustini, OEM partneri ce dobiti pristup delu koda kako bi mogli jos vise da integrisu svoje dodatne aplikacije u sam OS (da ne mozemo vise da se otarasimo aplikacije koje Vodafone ili neko drugi pakuje u telefone).
Nema nista od pristupa obicnih smrtnika kodu kernela ili bilo cega slicnog, pa da dobrovoljci ispravljaju greske koje se vec generacijama provlace kroz Symbian.
Citat:Gregory Barc says:
March 31, 2011 at 5:39 pm
Please do enlighten us, in what way and towards whom is Symbian fully open. The way I see it, Symbian is not even close to openness to some of its competitors like Android. I am neither a developer nor a phone manufacturer but just your standard nokia customer. We do not have the means to fully mess around with our phones. If you want Symbian to be fully open, let us edit and flash your firmwares onto our phones. There exists a large symbian modding scene who continually improve your phones (even the ones you stopped supporting) but they are restricted to s60v5. Fine don’t give us the tools for this purpose but give us the know how. Just describe the rofx/rofs format for the new S^3 phones. That would be a nice way to start being open to your phone users who already have the tools to download official firmwares and flash them. Just let us, those who have paid full retail to get our unlocked phones have the ability to play around with them.
Citat:Petra says:
March 31, 2011 at 6:03 pm
Thanks for the comment, you are correct Gregory. The platform code that we share here is open source code for OEMs and others who develop the platform with Nokia. The commercial product which is sold to customers is not “fully open” in the sense that you describe due to various consumer protection legislation, warranty and security reasons.
However, we recognise the need for continuous improvement, and have taken a big step forward in getting the latest software updates over to consumers with any Symbian^3 device. Read e.g. here [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Citat:Sarah says:
April 1, 2011 at 9:52 pm
So petra, you’re admitting that this is a lie and the title of this post: “We are Open!” is blatently false. YOU. ARE. NOT.
I’d expect something like that from the new Microsoft Phone division that Nokia has become. Just rebrand yourselves as such and get it over with.
Citat:Kim B. Christensen says:
April 2, 2011 at 10:09 pm
Petra, could you please stop calling this “Open Source”? It is nothing but closed.
Calling this ‘open’ is just plain wrong. Try reading the actual license. I won’t touch this with a ten-foot pole.
For an brief analysis, please see Groklaw:
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]