Novi oblik DDOS napada

Novi oblik DDOS napada

  • Puky  Male
  • Scottish rebel
  • Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 5815
  • Gde živiš: u Zmajevom gnjezdu

DNS recursion leads to nastier DoS attacks
Dawn Kawamoto
March 17, 2006, 10:05 GMT

A new kind of denial-of-service (DoS) attack has emerged that delivers a heftier blow to organisations' systems than previously seen DoS threats, according to VeriSign's security chief.
The new DoS attacks first emerged in late December and kicked into high gear in January, before dying down four weeks ago, said Ken Silva, VeriSign's chief security officer. In less than two months, 1,500 separate IP addresses were attacked using this method, he noted.
"These attacks have been significantly larger than anything we've seen," he said.
Under a more common distributed DoS (DDos) attack, a botnet - a network of compromised PCs being remotely controlled - directly inundates a victim's Web server, name server or mail server with a multitude of queries. The goal of a DoS attack is to crash the victim's system or take their Web site offline, as either tries to respond to the requests.
But in this latest spate of DDoS attacks, bots are sending queries to DNS servers with the return address pointed at the targeted victim. As a result, the DNS server, rather than the bot, makes the direct attack on the victim. The net result is a stronger attack and an increased difficulty in stopping it, Silva said.
While it is possible to stop a bot-delivered DDoS attack by blocking the bots' IP addresses, blocking queries from DNS servers would prove more difficult, Silva said. He noted that companies could reconfigure their DNS servers to prevent the so-called recursive name service feature, as a possible solution. But he added that companies may be loath to prevent potential customers, partners, researchers and others from sending queries to their DNS.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Peca  Male
  • Glavni Administrator
  • Predrag Damnjanović
  • SysAdmin i programer
  • Pridružio: 17 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 23211
  • Gde živiš: Niš

DDoS je ozbiljna stvar, za koju internet zajednica baš i nema leka...
Samo veliki igrači mogu da priušte sebi rutere sa anti-ddos zaštitom, koji koštaju kao 2 moje kuće, a svi ostali mogu samo da se nadaju da neće postati meta.
Uostalom, i sami smo videli Telekomovu i Neobee zaštitu od DDoS-a - isključe MC na par dana, i molimo boga da se dasa smiluje i prestane da nas DDoS-uje. To je naša zaštita...
Mada...... da je Leya bila 'oklopljena' iptables konfiguracijom kakvu je Dark postavio sada na MC serveru, DDoS ne bi ni osetili. Ali, takva konfiguracija ima i svoje mane, recimo FTP server ne bi radio u Passive modu, i verovatno zato i nije postavljena na Leyi...
MC je sada oklopljen, ne možeš ga ni pingovati...

No, opet, ima načina da se doskoči i toj zaštiti... umesto DDoS-a on će da nas flood-uje gomilom HTTP zahteva.
Ima zaštita i od toga, ali... sve je to igra bez kraja....

  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2006
  • Poruke: 36

DDoS je posebno ubojit postao zadnjih nekoliko godina zbog masovnog prelaska na brze, "uvijek dostupne" i nezaštićene broadband linije home usera. I ne samo njih, mreže mnogih malih, srednjih pa i velikih firmi su nerijetko gotovo u potpunosti bile zaražene botovima. Užasno veliki potencijal današnjih botneta nas može i mora ozbiljno zabrinuti, nekog učikovitog rješenja za njihovo uništavanje i nema.

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