About Counter-Strike 2D
Counter-Strike 2D is a 2D Clone of the most famous Multiplayer Game ever: Counter-Strike by Valve Software
Programming Language
Counter-Strike 2D is programmed in Blitz 3D!
Counter-Strike 2D is based on a simple tile engine and uses 3D acceleration for amazing light, shadow and smoke effects.
- Online Gaming (WWW & Lan)
- Offline Gaming with and versus intelligent Bots
- A lot of different Weapons
- Different Missions such as Hostage Rescue or Bomb Planting
- 3D accelerated Special FX
- 3D Sounds
- Fog of War for tactical Gaming
- Entity System
- Console & Scripting
- Easy to use Map Editor
- U.S.G.N. (Unreal Software Gaming Network) Support
...and many more!
sta reci... Trazio Quake 2D i slucajno naleto na ovo cudo... I jedan tip: trebace vam malo vremena da se naviknete na ovakav rad misa i tastature... TO je lose odradjeno ali kad se malo naviknes... eh...
igra je free,teska je 6.586 kb i moze se uzeti odavde:
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
m.p. Server u grckoj je vrlo brz pa vam njega preporucujem