Cube- Open source 3D FPS

Cube- Open source 3D FPS

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

[ A B O U T ]:

Cube is an open source multiplayer and singleplayer first person shooter game built on an entirely new and very unconventional engine. Cube is a landscape-style engine that pretends to be an indoor FPS engine, which combines very high precision dynamic occlusion culling with a form of geometric mipmapping on the whole world for dynamic LOD for configurable fps & graphic detail on most machines. Uses OpenGL & SDL.

Allows in-engine editing of geometry in full 3D (you fly around the map, point / drag stuff to select it / modify it), which can even be done simultaneously with others in multiplayer (a first!). Has simplistic but effective fine grain vertex lighting that looks like lightmapping and can do dynamic lights & shadows. Doesn't need any kind of map precompilation, even lighting is done on the fly. Has very simplistic quad-tree world structure that can do slopes (heightfields with caps) and slants, water, does decent collision detection & physics, has client/server networking that goes a long way in giving a lag-free game experience, and features a Doom/Quake-style singleplayer (2 game modes, savegames) and multiplayer (12 game modes, master server / server browser, demo recording) game with some uncompromising brutal oldskool gameplay.

Most of the engine design is targeted at reaching feature richness through simplicity of structure and brute force, rather than finely tuned complexity.

You can always download the latest release in the file section. Officially supported platforms (client & server) are win32, linux & bsd (x86), macosx (ppc) and pocketpc (xscale), and includes source code (open source: ZLIB license). A recent readme is here that gives some more information.


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jel probao neko? Ja zbog problema sa netom ne mogu sad da skidam ali bih rado probao... Mape me malikce podsecaju na SS: The Second Encounter ali kad sam video izbliza... Vise me onda baca ka Quake-u 3 Arena-i...

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  • Data Center Engineer
  • Pridružio: 13 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 3050
  • Gde živiš: Holandija

U pravu si, grafika nije nista narocito (mada to tezi da bude tako kod open-source igara). Skinucu ja danas, sa obzirom da je oko 30 MB, pa cu baciti utiske.

Dopuna: 04 Dec 2005 14:43

Sad sam ga isprobao malo...mnogo podseca na Q3 engine, uglavnom zbog grafike. Naravno, kao i kod svake druge open-source igre, ima tu jos puno da se radi. U igru dolazi i desetak singleplayer mapa, a ima i podrske za multiplayer. Zahtevnost je na minimumu, tako da ce uglavnom svi moci da poteraju. Nista specijalno, cisto da se vidi sta se sve moze uraditi uz malo ucenja i truda.

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