Nova ST igra koja prati ST:XI

Nova ST igra koja prati ST:XI

  • Pridružio: 11 Dec 2004
  • Poruke: 1908
  • Gde živiš: Šid

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Citat:At the CBS Products’ presentation at the Las Vegas Creation Star Trek Convention CBS Exec Paula Block stated they are just starting development for "really exciting new products" to tie into the new Star Trek movie. CBS still didn’t know themselves what those products will be, but in the Q&A follow-up it was said that ‘there is sure’ to be some kind of PC game tie. Block told that (besides Pocket Books) no licensees have been selected for the new film - so it should not be automatically assumed that current license holders (such as Diamond Select for toys or Bethesda for games) will be doing the products. The new film is the biggest merchandising opportunity for the franchise since the launch of TNG and let’s hope that they get this right. Block tells that there is a lot of new interest from companies that haven’t worked with Trek before and so hopefully we truly will see ‘exiting new products.’ One new item that was announced was a new ‘overview’ (tentatively titled ‘Star Trek 101′) from Pocket Books covering everything about Trek including a comprehensive episode guide from every series. The book will be released next fall just in time for the new Star Trek feature…

Mnogi Star Trek fanovi koji zeljno iscekuju Star Trek: Online su zabrinuti jer postoji mogucnost da obe igre i film izadju u isto vreme, sto bi znatno ugrozilo uspeh ST: Online -a cije ce se igranje zasnivati na principu mesecne pretplate (monthly fee). Oni smatraju da ce dosta igraca radije kupiti tu "obicnu" igru nego MMO tj. da ce se igracka zajednica ST: Online -a uglavnom sadrzati od MMORGP igraca koji nemaju ili imaju vrlo malo znanja o Star Trek svetu.

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