Hram star 4.000 godina otkriven u Peruu

Hram star 4.000 godina otkriven u Peruu

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Peru: Hram star 4.000 godina
12. novembar 2007. | 10:48 | Izvor: FoNet
Lima -- Hram star oko 4.000 godina, ukrašen brojnim zidnim slikama, otkriven na severnoj obali Perua.

Reč je o jednom od najstarijih otkrića u Americi, izjavio je arheolog koji je vodio radove. Hram okružen ostacima zidina ima i stepenice koje vode do mesta na kom su prinošene žrtve, a nalazi se u mestu Ventaron, rekao je vođa arheološkog tima Valter Alva.

Hram se nalazi u dolini Lambajekve, blizu drevnog grada Sipan, koji je Alva otkrio pre dvadesetak godina. Ventaron je sagrađen dosta pre Sipana, oko 2.000 godina pre nove ere, rekaoje Alva.

"Iznenađuju način gradnje, konstrukcija, pogotovo murali, možda najstariji u Americi", dodao je on.

Lambajekve se nalazi na 760 kilometara od Lime.
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Temple built 4,000 years ago unearthed in Peru

By Marco Aquino
Sat Nov 10, 8:38 PM ET

LIMA (Reuters) - A 4,000-year-old temple filled with murals has been unearthed on the northern coast of Peru, making it one of the oldest finds in the Americas, a leading archaeologist said on Saturday.

The temple, inside a larger ruin, includes a staircase that leads up to an altar used for fire worship at a site scientists have called Ventarron, said Peruvian archaeologist Walter Alva, who led the dig.

It sits in the Lambayeque valley, near the ancient Sipan complex that Alva unearthed in the 1980s. Ventarron was built long before Sipan, about 2,000 years before Christ, he said.

"It's a temple that is about 4,000 years old," Alva, director of the Museum Tumbas Reales (Royal Tombs) of Sipan, told Reuters by telephone after announcing the results of carbon dating at a ceremony north of Lima sponsored by Peru's government.

"What's surprising are the construction methods, the architectural design and most of all the existence of murals that could be the oldest in the Americas," he said.

Lambayeque is 472 miles from Lima, Peru's capital.

Discoveries at Sipan, an administrative and religious center of the Moche culture, have included a gold-filled tomb built 1,700 years ago for a pre-Incan king.

Peru is rich in archaeological treasures, including the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu in the Andes.

Until the arrival of the Spanish in the 1500s, the Incas ruled an empire for several centuries that stretched from Colombia and Ecuador in the north to what are now Peru and Chile in the south.

"The discovery of this temple reveals evidence suggesting the region of Lambayeque was one of great cultural exchange between the Pacific coast and the rest of Peru," said Alva.

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dada i ja sam cuo to ali kad su ga pronasli?

Dopuna: 18 Nov 2007 13:58

dadad i ja sam cuo to

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