Trazi se ime price ili autora

Trazi se ime price ili autora

  • plejko 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 8

Davno sam citao pricu nekog poznatog stranog pisca sledeceg sadrzaja:

Covek prati kovceg sa pokojnikom koji se transportuje vagonom teretnog voza. Takođe je poneo sa sobom i zavezljaj sira, koga je spustio pored kovcega. Tokom dugog putovanja, pokojnik u kovcegu pocinje nesnosno da smrdi, tako da je covek morao da otvara prozor i udise ledeni vazduh od spolja, ne mogavsi da izdrzi smrad, zbog cega se jako razboleo. Tek kad je stigao na odrediste, shvatio je da je miris poticao od ukvarenog sira, a ne od pokojnika, tako da je mogao sebe lako postedeti muka i sacuvati zdravlje, ali naravno, bilo je kasno.

Uzaludno ceprkam po delima Mopasana, Poa, Cehova, ne bih li nasao tu pricu ali uzalud. Molim pomoc.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 3097
  • Gde živiš: "Daleko od Negdje"

mislim da je ovo:

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • plejko 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 8

HVALAAA !!! Ella, ne znam nista o Vama osim da ste genije, suvi genije. To je to, iz prve ste odgovorili na pitanje na koje odgovor nisu znali direktori biblioteka, profesori srpskog jezika i vlasnici knjizara. Preostaje da nadjem to i na sprskom, sto ce biti malo teze jer sam juce obisao sve knjizare od Slavije do Kalemegdana, i niz Bulevar. Nigde nemaju Tvenove pripovetke (znam da ima nekoliko izdanja kod nas), samo lektira (Tom Sojer i sl).

To nimalo ne umanjuje Vase zasluge, jos jednom MNOGO HVALA, vec sam izgubio nadu da cu ikada vise procitati tu pripovetku, a knjigu cu naci lako, to vise nije problem.

Imam jos jednu slicnu pricu za pronalazenje, i to je to sve sto me za sada zanima. Ako je ne nadjem medju Tvenovim pripovetkama, uzecu slobodu da postavim jos jedno pitanje u ovoj temi. OK?

  • Sad radim sve ono što pre nisam stizao.
  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 18646
  • Gde živiš: I ja se pitam...

Ella je brend našeg foruma... Zagrljaj

  • Srđan Jovanović
  • Pridružio: 12 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 1461
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Kakav odgovor i pomoc posle samo nekoliko minuta!

  • Pridružio: 17 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 3097
  • Gde živiš: "Daleko od Negdje"

ta man'te se ljudi hvale. ja najvise volim kad sam u krivu i kad me kude.

gosn. plejko, moje je zadovoljstvo sto sam bila u mogucnosti da vam pomognem odgonetnuti 'zagonetku'. vjerujte mi na rijec, da mi je ta mala mentalna vjezba dobro dosla. znaci, nisam pomogla samo vama - nego i sebi. a ako ne nadjete tu drugu pricu koju trazite, slobodno bacite pitanje ovdje pa cemo da listamo po stranicama memorije i da vidimo ko se cega sjeca.

ostajte zdravo i veselo!


  • plejko 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 8

Za dragu gospodju Ellu, ili drugog ljubitelja dobrih prica, jos jedna pitalica.

Pre vise od 20 godina gledao sam film radjen po delu veoma poznatog pisca. Prica je sledeca: mladi kralj, osudjen na smrt, ceka kaznu u podrumu zamka. Lako bi mogao dokazati nevinost, jer je priroda zlocina za koji je lazno optuzen takva da ga je mogao izvrsiti samo muskarac, a on je, ustvari, devojka obucena u kraljevo odelo. Medjutim, u toj zemlji na snazi je zakon da ukoliko zenska osoba sedne na presto, mora biti pogubljena. Znaci, u svakom slucaju ishod je isti.

Moram napomenuti da me je Acid burn iz teme Filmomanija na isto pitanje izvanredno uputio na Aleksandra Dimu i film Covek sa gvozdenom maskom, i zaista, scenografija je vrlo slicna, vreme radnje srednji vek, cak i radnja na par mesta podseca na film i delo iz mog pitanja, tako da mislim da je iz mojih sturih podataka on izvukao maksimum.

Da vidimo mogu li citaoci knjiga da pomognu u ovom slucaju.

  • Pridružio: 17 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 3097
  • Gde živiš: "Daleko od Negdje"

hmmm. samo da pitam, da li je odgovor koji je ponudio kolega Acid tacan ili ne?

nista, nemam nista ovaj put. nista sto bi se uklopilo u opisani scenario. smešak

pokusala sam i da pristupim problemu sa strane, pa sam nasla listu filmova koji su snimljeni po knjigama ( [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] )
i listu filmova cija radanja se odvija u srednjem vijeku ( [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] ) pa sam potrazila listu gdje je kros-dresing upleten ( [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] ), i naravno da nisam kliknula i pretrazila svaki ponudjeni odgovr, ali mozda je dobar start za otkrivanje misterioznog djela.

obzirom da nemam egzaktan odgovor, ponudicu alternativu:
The Prisoner of Zenda - [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] i [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] ; djelo za koje se vjeruje da je inspirisano djelom Covjek-a sa gvozdenom maskom,
Citat:Of course, "The Prisoner of Zenda" could have been inspired by Mark Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper" (1881, first in Canada; the following year, 1882) in the U.S.; which in turn could have been inspired by Alexander Dumas' The Man in the Iron Mask, the final installment of his Three Musketeers saga (late 1840s). All three literary works employ the same conceit of a reigning monarch-character having a lowly look-alike, double, although the Dumas work is probably the most sinister. However, all three are rife with court intrigue and all the possibilities of king-making that comes with such a plot.

medjutim, Prisoner of Zenda je omogucio 'stvaranje' novog 'pravca':
Citat:Many subsequent, fictional works that feature a political decoy can be linked to The Prisoner of Zenda; indeed, this novel spawned the genre known as Ruritanian romance. What follows is a short list of those homages with a clear debt to Anthony Hope's book.

* The 1902 short story "Rupert the Resembler" is one of the so-called New Burlesques, a comedy parody by Bret Harte, full text [1].

* 1926's The Mad King was Burroughs' version of the then popular Ruritanian romance set in Europe immediately before and during World War I, his story differs from the Hope books in a number of details, though sharing much of their basic plot.

* Dornford Yates acknowledged Hope's influence in his two novels Blood Royal (1929) and Fire Below a.k.a. By Royal Command (1930) which were set in the Ruritania-like Principality of Riechtenburg.

* The Magnificent Fraud (1939)—Starring Akim Tamiroff.

* Robert A. Heinlein adapted the Zenda plot line to his science fiction novel Double Star (1956) with great success.

* The 1965 comedy film The Great Race included an extended Zenda-like subplot, including a climactic fencing scene between Tony Curtis and Ross Martin. Curtis swims the moat, scales the wall, and despatches the guards, activities that Ronald Colman performs in the 1937 version of The Prisoner of Zenda.

* Two episodes of the spoof spy television series Get Smart, "The King Lives?" and "To *Sire With Love, Parts 1 and 2", parodied the 1937 movie version, with Don Adams affecting a Ronald Colman-esque voice.

* The 1970 Flashman novel Royal Flash, by George MacDonald Fraser, purports to explain the real story behind The Prisoner of Zenda, and indeed, in an extended literary conceit, claims to be the inspiration for Hope's novel—the narrator of the memoirs, in the framing story, tells his adventures to his lawyer, Hawkins, who can be assumed to be Anthony Hope (Hawkins). Otto von Bismarck and other real people such as Lola Montez are involved in the plot. It was released as a film of the same title in 1975, directed by Richard Lester, starring Malcolm McDowell as Flashman and Oliver Reed as Otto von Bismarck.

* The Seven-Per-Cent Solution (1974) by Nicholas Meyer is a non-canonical addition to the Sherlock Holmes stories. Holmes and Watson meet Rassendyll on a train to Vienna after he has left Ruritania.

* Doctor Who episode "The Androids of Tara" (1978-) had as a working title "The Androids of Zenda" and used a similar plot and setting. It featured Tom Baker as the Doctor and Mary Tamm in four roles: Romana and Princess Strella, and android doubles of each. The 1980 novelisation was by Terrance Dicks, who was script-editor on the 1984 BBC serialisation of Zenda.

* The Zenda Vendetta (TimeWars Book 4) by Simon Hawke (1985) is a science fiction version, part of a series which pits 27th century terrorists the Timekeepers against the Time Commandos of the US Army Temporal Corps. A Commando is the hero, and Antoinette's rôle is adapted as a Timekeeper dominatrix.[clarification needed]

* Moon over Parador (1988-), adapted by Leon Capetanos and directed by Paul Mazursky. More directly a remake of The Magnificent Fraud, the story is set in Latin America with Richard Dreyfus as the President and as the actor Jack Noah, Raúl Juliá as Roberto Strausmann (the "Black Michael" character), and Sonia Braga as Madonna Mendez (the Flavia character). It is a romantic comedy.

* Dave, a 1993 film version adapted by Gary Ross and directed by Ivan Reitman that resets the story to contemporary Washington, DC, with Kevin Kline as the President and his double, Frank Langella in the "Black Michael" role, and Sigourney Weaver as the modern American Flavia. Like Moon Over Parador, it is a romantic comedy.

* John Spurling's novel After Zenda (1995) is a tongue-in-cheek modern adventure in which Karl, the secret great-grandson of Rudolf Rassendyll and Queen Flavia, goes to post-Communist Ruritania, where he gets mixed up with various rebels and religious sects before ending up as constitutional monarch. The use of DNA fingerprinting comes into play, as it had recently done for the Romanovs.

* The Prisoner of Zenda, Inc., a 1996 made-for-television version, is set in the contemporary United States and revolves around a high school boy who is the heir to a large corporation. The writer, Rodman Gregg, was inspired by the 1937 film version. It stars Jonathan Jackson, Richard Lee Jackson, William Shatner, Don S. Davis, Jay Brazeau and Katharine Isabelle.

* De speelgoedzaaier, a Spike and Suzy comic by Willy Vandersteen, is loosely based on The Prisoner of Zenda.

* Emma, a manga series released from 2002–2007, references The Prisoner of Zenda in chapter 37, which gives an overview of the plot as one character reads the novel.

* Pale Fire, a 1962 novel by Vladimir Nabokov, includes Ruritanian elements in the (supposed?) life and events of the exiled king of "Zembla."

* Not really The Prizoner of Zenda, the tenth novel (2003) in the Guardians of the Flame series by Joel C. Rosenberg refers to the novel within the title.

* In The Adventure of the Illustrious Client, one of Conan Doyle´s Sherlock Holmes short stories, Austrian Baron Adelbert Gruner is said to be about to trip to the USA on the ship Ruritania.

* In The Prisoner of Benda, an episode of the animated TV series Futurama, Bender impersonates (or rather, switches bodies with) the Emperor of Robo-Hungary as part of a scheme to steal the crown jewels.
* Michael Arram (possibly a pseudonym) has written a series of novels on the Web using the Zenda plot. These are intertwined with other Web novels containing some of the same characters; all of Arram's stories are thus related. In Arram's stories, Ruritantia has become Rothenia, whose inhabitants include both Germanic and Slavic factions. The Elphbergs and Rassendylls appear in several of the novels as do such locations as Hentzau and Strelsau with slight changes in their names to make them less Germanic. Making Arram's stories distinct is the significant number of gay characters surrounding the Elphbergs and Rassendylls. Also, some of the stories involve the supernatural. The stories are grouped under either "The Peacher Stories" (14 Web novels, all set in the current day) or "The Crown of Tassilo" (3 Web novels starting around 1880 and extending to the period between World War I and World War II); Arram continues to write new Web novels in these series. They may be found on such Web sites as CRVBoy (look there under "Authors") and It's Only Me From Across the Sea (look under "Story Shelf").

varijacije na temu.

  • plejko 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 8

Postovana Ella, koliko se secam nije bilo musketara u tom filmu, znaci verovatno nije Dima, prica je bila sjajna i na kraju sam se iznenadio kad sam video po cijem je delu radjen film.

Dali ste mi dovoljno materijala za traganje i mnogo Vam hvala na ulozenom trudu. Svestan sam cinjenice da sam dao suvise malo podataka iz kojih je nemoguce izvuci nesto vise. Nadam se da cu se uskoro javiti sa necim konkretnim. Veliki pozdrav.

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