Suse does provide some unsupported Gnome 2.6 packages on its ftp.
These are the yast-source libraries which means that you can tell Yast to look there for updated packages and it will allow you to download and install Gnome 2.6. I did the same thing to update to KDE 3.3.1, another release that wasn't officially supported by Suse, and I had no problems at all. Hoping for the same results with Gnome 2.6 I was left disappointed.
After all the RPMs downloaded and installed successfully, I was left with high hopes. Now the trick was to actually be able to log in to Gnome. KDM, KDE's default greeting screen had always logged me in automatically. The first step was to turn that off. I looked in the KDE control center, under Session Management, provided my root password and turned Automatic Logons off. Then a quick logoff to be presented the KDM greeting screen. There's a session option where you can choose other display managers. I chose Gnome and logged in. What I got was some icons on the desktop and nothing else... no menus, no taskbars, just an error that gnome-panels couldn't start. Well darn. How do I get out of this mess? Luckily by right-clicking on the desktop I could open a terminal window and 'sudo reboot' my machine. Back to KDE and some more thinking.
I'm sure I could have fiddled with it more, but not wanting to risk my system stability entirely, I gave it a rest. Besides, I didn't want Gnome 2.6 anyways, I wanted Gnome 2.8.
More searching on Google revealed that I could install Ximian Desktop from Novell (Gnome 2.8 based I believe) via red-carpet on Suse 9.1 Personal. Ooooh, so many new words and things to try.... was I feeling lucky? Following the instructions on Novell's website gave me either errors or more broken packages. I think it was both, I don't remember. It was hard to focus on the screen through the teary eyes. So much for system integrity.
I was down but not out. I had read in several forums that there is a Gnome 2.8 ULB release specifically made for Suse 9.1. ULB? WTF? Thank god for Google. ULB stands for, a website maintained by James Ogley.
note ::The usr-local-bin APT component contains the latest GNOME packages that I've built for SuSE Linux.
...APT? Great, more stuff I've never heard about. Turns out that APT is a tool similar to the RPM package management component that Yast provides in Suse 9.1. But better yet, it allows you to add a ton of RPM sources (ftp servers) with packages made by other people. This must cause problems, right? Not to this date.....
* And this is how much I managed to recover after my original copy of this article was eaten by Windows XP.... *
To make a long story short, I now am able to run Gnome 2.8 alongside KDE 3.3.1 without any problems thanks to APT and Mr. Ogley's rpm packages. (Why do I always want to type pancakes when trying to type packages?). The process wasn't smooth as butter, there was some manual 'rpm -Uvh package', find the missing dependencies, thank god for google once more, and repeat. But if you're a little savvy and adventures, you can do it, too. You might want to make a backup of your system if you'd hate to lose anything valuable.
Here's how I did it:
Step 1: Installing APT
# Install apt4rpm SuSE packages by executing the following command from a shell (as root):
rpm --install -hv{-libs,}-0.5.15cnc6-0.suse092.rb.6.i586.rpm
The {-libs} means that you want both the plain apt and the apt-libs files.
# Optionally, if you want a nice GUI for apt, install synaptic (highly recommended):
rpm --install
# Initialize APT and check your system's consistency by executing the following command as root:
apt-get check
# Add some sources to your /etc/apt/sources.list file. Change it to look like this
# Uncomment the line below, in case you want to use SuSE's patch rpms.
# Read the information about patch rpms at
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 update-prpm security-prpm
# A very basic sources.list line. Fastest repository first.
# Remove "base" in case you are behind a
# slow connection. Fastest repository first.
# Visit the server to determine which apt components are provided.
rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 base update security
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 base update security suser-guru kde3-stable
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 gnome
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 usr-local-bin
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 kernel-of-the-day
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 update-prpm
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 xorg
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 suse-people
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 suser-ollakka
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 security-prpm
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 packman packman-i686
# rpm 1.5/generic free
# rpm-src 1.5/generic non-free
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 kde-unstable
rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 suser-jogley
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 ximian
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 suser-sbarnin
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 xfree86
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 suser-gbv
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 suser-rbos
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 suser-tcousin
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 suser-scorot
# rpm SuSE/9.1-i386 funktronics
# The list with all available components can be found at:
# Some components provide experimental software, select wisely!
# Consult the link above if you want to include uri's for src rpms
# Note that currently only the like ending in suser-jogley and the base suse security lines are uncommented. You can de/activate the other sources later very easily through synaptic.
# Update the APT cache by executing the following command as root:
apt-get update
# Now you're ready to start synaptic. For more information regarding the apt installation, seeGuru's RPM site.
Step 2: Retrieving the Gnome 2.8 packages
* In synaptic, you will navigate to the Gnome packages on the left (System/GUI/GNOME) and mark pretty much any of the gnome- packages for installation. It should then alert you of all kinds of dependency issues that need to be resolved. Luckily apt does this for you. I think I ended up installing over 150 new packages and removing some 35 packages. The removal initially scared me, but it was basically just my old and outdated, nevermind broken, Gnome 2.6 packages. I also had to turn off the option to verify the packages before download. There are instructions on on how to import the proper key so they can be verified, but I didn't bother.
* You should reboot the X server (at least) before trying to log into Gnome.
Step 3: Finishing up
* If this all sounded too easy for you, that's because it really wasn't all that hard. I was now able to login to Gnome at the greeting screen. I also changed from KDE's greeting screen (kdm) to Gnome's (gdm). I don't recall how I did it, but there are instructions to be found on Google. It involved having to edit a configuration file somewhere I believe.
* After all was said and done, I installed more apps via synaptic, did a brave "Update All" which brought me up to the latest version on all my packages, and so forth. I did have to, on several occasions, manually install RPM files through the command line and then search for missing dependencies. Remember, Google is your friend, and so is the RPM search engine at
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