jt ::Sta zanci D2D system?
Disk To Disk.
Nije to tako jednostavno kao sto obicno misli. Naime prvo trebas da imas ukljucenu opciju u biosu ( D2D Enable, ne znam gde se tacno nalazi kod tebe ), dalje moras imati particiju na koju pravis backup, obicno je to drugi disk. Tek onda mozes da koristis tu opciju.
Inace postupak ide ovako:
Create backup
You can create and save backup images to hard disk, CD or DVD.
1 Boot to Windows XP or Vista
2 Press Alt + F10 to open the Acer eRecovery Management utility.
3 Enter the password to proceed. The default password is six zeros.
4 In the Acer eRecovery Management window, select Recovery settings and click Next.
5 In the Recovery settings window, select Backup snapshot image and
click Next.
6 Select the backup method a Use Backup to HDD to store the backup disk image on drive D:
b Backup to optical device to store the backup image on CD or DVD.
7 After choosing the backup method, click Next.
Follow the instructions on screen to complete the process.