- bobby

- Administrator
- Pridružio: 04 Sep 2003
- Poruke: 24135
- Gde živiš: Wien
Danas sam dobio sva maila, kao posledicu mog sledeceg maila na mailing listi:
Someone from this list may remember me, as I have had a lot of help from the people posting on this mailing list.
I'm a member of MC AV-Team, the team that as a primary occupation has a testing of antivirus programs.
Our new, partially finished site, is at
Our programs are developed with Lazarus/Free Pascal.
If there will be interested developers, the programs will be open-sourced.
At the moment our team is composed from:
- me, less experienced programmer, working only in Lazarus (Windows/Linux). I'm the man with the idea, and one that 'spams' other organizations mailboxes until I gain a proper attention :)
- two developers, more experienced, working in Delphi, but moving slowly to Lazarus
- site administrator, experienced in Delphi, but moved to C++ a couple of years ago. Now, he is moving to Lazarus.
- two members on the forum, professional developers, working in Delphi (I help one of them to move to Lazarus/Linux), helping us a lot by giving advices and tips. Their contracts do not allow them to join us, but they are always there, behind the corner ;)
Apart from our development of some apps, we have cooperation with some serious organizations/groups:
- Nepenthes team (
- ClamAV (
- Distributors of the following anti virus programs for Serbia: Kaspersky, F-Secure, AVG, BitDefender. Over the distributors, we also have contacts with Kaspersky Lab, and with F-Secure.
I hope that there is a clear picture that we have a chance to be a recognized player on antivirus-testing scene.
We also contribute back to antivirus developers, by committing the unrecognized malware samples (off course, after the tests are published).
Apart from the whole anti virus thing, we are also the administrators and moderators of [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] forums (in former Yugoslavian languages). The forum is of general discussion genre, with an accent on tech questions and problems.
We have a section dedicated to Delphi/Lazarus/Pascal on the forum, so the Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian-speaking Lazarus users can gain some help from us on that forum.
Summary, what is this mail about:
- I want to say that Lazarus/FreePascal has gained one more organization/group, that uses it as a primary development language
- I want to attract more developers, interested in making programs for testing the abilities of anti virus programs
- I want to let you know that Lazarus is also supported by our forums (I hope this will be also a advertisement for Lazarus). I hope you will not have something against, if we sometime just translate Wiki/forum/mailinglist posts into Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian language. We are just willing to help the people that do not speak English, thus cant ask the questions on Lazarus forums/Mailing list.
I apologize because of my English, I hope its understandable.
Boban Spasic aka bobby
Prvi odgovor glasi:
Mattias Gaertner wrote:
You are welcome to create extra sites about lazarus. Just add notes and
links to the original site, especially the wiki, so that people will find it
and extend it. There are still forums and sites asking questions about
lazarus, that are already answered in the wiki and there are answers, that
are not yet in the wiki.
Drugi odgovor glasi:
Seppo Suutarla wrote:
> i'am Lazarus fan, too
> i wish
> could you do
> and add your own (mother) language www-page
> to lazarus wiki
> and add wikipedia, too
> this is english version:
> (and you can see other language e.g Suomi
> "In other languages" -box
> left
> )
Drugi mail nisam bas razumeo, jer autor (Finac) ne stoji izgleda najbolje sa Engleskim.
Sve u svemu, posto smo podrzali Lazarus na nasem forumu, zamolili su nas da nase steceno znanje na forumu prenesemo i u Lazarus Wiki, i da na nasem forumu postavimo linkove ka Lazarus Wiki-ju (sto cu odmah i da uradim u izdvojenoj temi).
Drugi mail nisam bas razumeo, ali mi se cini kao da imamo poziv da pomognemo u stvaranju Srpskog/Hrvatskog/Bosanskog dela Lazarus Wiki-ja.
Sve u svemu, obavestavacu vas ukoliko dobijem jos koji mail povodom ovoga.
Ima li ovde dobrovoljaca koji bi ucestvovali u razvoju Wiki strane na Srpskom/Hrvatskom/Bosanskom ?
Ja se ogranicavam na samom pocetku od ucesca, posto sam se vec prihvatio vec ogromnog dobrovoljno rada vezanog za druge stvari.