Galerija iskusila modernu umetnost na sopstvenoj fasadi

Galerija iskusila modernu umetnost na sopstvenoj fasadi

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Mada se savremenim galerijama svašta može proturiti pod etiketom umetničkog, Kevinu Harmenu nije pošlo za rukom da to učini sa svojim delom. Harmen, postdiplomac Umetničkog koledža u Edinburgu, morao je da plati kaznu u iznosu od 200 funti zbog lomljenja izloga jedne edinburške galerije. On staklo nije polomio u vandalskom, već u umetničkom činu, izlog je nastradao u okviru izvođenja njegovog umetničkog rada. Iako je odmah platio iznos od 350 funti kako bi nadoknadio štetu koju je načinio, galerija je rešila i da ga tuži zbog tog incidenta, nemajući nimalo razumevanja za njegove umetničke intencije.

Ua za galeriju. Evil or Very Mad

Citat:The student, who has a piece in the current show of the Royal Scottish Academy, explained that he was less distressed by the fine than by the Collective's dismissal of his work as "vandalism", as the charge sheet put it. "There have got to be serious questions asked of their position as arbiters of art," he told the Guardian.
The idea of reconfiguring existing structures has long interested artists. In 1978, German sculptor Bogomir Ecker sawed 8cm off the Eiffel Tower. During the same decade, the American artist Gordon Matta-Clark carved up (usually) condemned houses in New York and Paris. More recently, Richard Wilson has successfully distorted building facades. Art galleries have been contaminated with mud (Antony Gormley) and suitcases of putrefying cheese (Dieter Roth) – admittedly after permission was sought.
The wider world will soon be able to judge for themselves. The film of Harman's action has been made available, while an installation featuring the shattered window and court documents, will be unveiled in spring.

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  • tuzor  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Sep 2007
  • Poruke: 4115
  • Gde živiš: U Kraljevstvu duha

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