Knjiga: "Van Gogovo uvo: Pol Gogen i pakt ćutanja"

Knjiga: "Van Gogovo uvo: Pol Gogen i pakt ćutanja"

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Dvoje nemačkih istoričara umetnosti objavilo je knjigu u kojoj tvrde da van Gog nije sam sebi odsekao uvo, već da je to u nastupu besa učinio njegov prijatelj Gogen, a da su se njih dvojica zatim dogovorili da istinu sakriju od javnosti.

Citat:According to official versions, the disturbed Dutch painter cut off his ear with a razor after a row with Gauguin in 1888. Bleeding heavily, Van Gogh then walked to a brothel and presented the severed ear to an astonished prostitute called Rachel before going home to sleep in a blood-drenched bed.

But two German art historians, who have spent 10 years reviewing the police investigations, witness accounts and the artists' letters, argue that Gauguin, a fencing ace, most likely sliced off the ear with his sword during a fight, and the two artists agreed to hush up the truth.


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 3686
  • Gde živiš: The Circle

Loodilo. Confused

Gauguin nije bio bas cist, a ni sam gogisa.. Smile

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Stižu nove teorije. Very Happy
Na slici "Mrtva priroda: tabla za crtanje sa lukom i voskom" naslikana je i koverta pisma koju je Martin Bejli protumačio kao okidač koji je Vinsenta naveo na odsecanje uva. Na osnovu poštanskog žiga može se zaključiti da je pismo poslao njegov brat Teo, u vreme kada se verio sa svojom budućom suprugom, i da je u tom pismu bratu saopštio novosti. Bejli smatra da je Vinsent usled straha od mogućnosti da će brat prestati da ga izdržava očajnički postupio i odsekao sebi uvo.

Citat:The letter in the painting probably arrived in Arles on 23 December 1888, the fateful day when Vincent mutilated his ear in the late evening. It almost certainly contained news that Theo had fallen in love with Johanna (Jo) Bonger, and Vincent was fearful that he might lose his brother’s emotional and financial support.
The postmark directly over the two postage stamps reads “Jour de l’An” (New Year’s Day). This was spotted by Dutch specialists working on the new edition of Van Gogh’s letters, which was published in October. They concluded that the letter had been posted during “the busy period around New Year” and it had possibly arrived on 23 December, the date Vincent received his 100 francs financial allowance from Theo by post. The letter was probably posted the day before from Paris.

The established view is that Vincent did not learn of Theo’s engagement until after he mutilated his ear, but our research suggests that news of the love affair reached him on 23 December. Theo and Jo had met (for a second time, after a long break) in Paris in mid-December and decided to marry just a few days later. On 21 December Theo wrote to his mother, asking for permission. His brother must surely have been among the next to know.

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