Otkriven Leonardov portret

Otkriven Leonardov portret

  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Experts unveil new Leonardo portrait

ROME (AP) — Experts unveiled Thursday a previously unknown portrait of Leonardo da Vinci showing the artist and inventor as a middle-aged man with piercing eyes and long, flowing hair.

The painting, displayed at a news conference in Rome, was discovered in December in the collection of a family from Italy’s southern Basilicata region. Who made the painting and when it was done is still being investigated, but experts have ruled out it being a self-portrait.

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Dopuna: 10 Apr 2009 11:27

iz jos jednog ugla:

Previously unknown portrait of Leonardo da Vinci was unveiled in Rome Thursday by, centre, Professor Alessandro Vezzosi, director of a Leonardo da Vinci museum in Vinci, and right, medieval historian Nicola Barbatelli. At left is Barbatelli's lawyer Gianni Glinni. (Gregorio Borgia/Associated Press)
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  • Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 2528
  • Gde živiš: VII kat

Napisano: 19 Apr 2009 16:44

Ovo sa Leonardovim portretima izgleda nije nikakva ekskluziva. Malo, malo pa pronađu neki Very Happy

Ovoga puta u pitanju je vitraž, Leonardov lik je navodno predstavljen među posmatračima scene Lazarevog vaskrsnuća. No, kako kažu:
Citat:"When studying Leonardo, everything should be considered an hypothesis," Carlo Pedretti, director of the Armand Hammer Center for Leonardo Studies at the University of California at Los Angeles

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Kad smo već ovde, Discovery nudi test ličnosti. Odgovarajući na pitanja poput "A local church has asked you to paint its walls ... " saznaćete kojoj strani Leonardove ličnosti ste najbliži.
Ja ispadoh Leonardo ratnik Mr. Green

Test ličnosti

Dopuna: 26 Apr 2009 8:51

Citat:ATLANTA, GA.- The High will unveil two works newly attributed to Leonardo da Vinci with the opening of “Leonardo da Vinci: Hand of the Genius” in October 2009. The recent cleaning of Andrea del Verrocchio’s “Beheading of the Baptist” (1477–1483) relief for the Silver Altar of the Florentine Baptistery has enabled a detailed examination of its individual components, revealing that two of the figures were made very differently than the others.
“Proposing a new attribution to Leonardo is not something I take lightly,” said Radke, “but when I saw the relief after it was recently cleaned and had the privilege of looking at the figures from both front and back, two of them jumped out at me. Verrocchio, who was Leonardo’s teacher, was a great artist and mentor, but these figures stand apart from the others. They are brilliantly posed and extraordinarily modeled down to the last detail. They pay homage to a very special teacher/student relationship and collaboration, recalling the presence of Leonardo’s splendid angel kneeling in the foreground of Verrocchio’s ‘Baptism of Christ.’”

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Dopuna: 15 Okt 2009 0:40

Ovog puta nije pronađen Leonardov portret, već portret koji je Leonardo naslikao. Nije baš pronađen, slika, odnosno crtež, je poznat, samo što je do sada pripisivan nepoznatom nemačkom autoru iz 19. veka. Sada se tvrdi da je Leonardovo delo, i to na osnovu metoda atribucije koji je u obzir uzeo i jedva vidljiv otiska prsta.

Citat:The 33 x 23cm (13 x 9in) picture, in chalk, pen and ink, appeared at auction at Christie’s, New York, in 1998, catalogued as “German school, early 19th century”. It sold for $19,000 (£11,400). Now a growing number of leading art experts agree that it is almost certainly by Leonardo da Vinci and worth about £100 million.

Carbon dating and infra-red analysis of the artist’s technique are consistent with such a conclusion, but the most compelling evidence is that fragment of a fingerprint.

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Dopuna: 06 Jan 2010 18:56

Još nisu dovoljno proučili onaj otisak prsta iz prethodne vesti (nisu svi sigurni u autentičnost crteža), a stižu vesti o novom Leonardu.

Glasine je pokrenuo Vašington post, prema čijem pisanju je neimenovani izvor izjavio da Muzej lepih umetnosti u Bostonu trenutno razmatra autentičnost neke nove Leonardove slike. Eksperti smatraju da su šanse da je ta vest istinita veoma male.

Citat:The Washington Post receives a tip from a source who wishes to remain anonymous that the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, has in its possession a painting believed to be by the Italian master, and is in the process of authenticating it. Were it deemed a true Leonardo, such a painting would be only the second one in all the Americas. (The first hangs here, in the National Gallery of Art.)
The fact is, where da Vinci is concerned, hype and art have become inextricably entwined. "It would change the fortunes of the MFA if they had a real Leonardo," says Nagel, the art history professor. " . . . If you can make this definitely a work by Leonardo, a lot of money is going to be changing hands. When that's the dominant concern, there's great pressure to want something to be the real thing."
Stamping any new finding as definitively da Vinci's -- he was, after all, one of the world's most copied artists -- would be exceedingly difficult, says John Brewer, author of "The American Leonardo: A Tale of Obsession, Art and Money."

"We all have this fantasy that we've gotten better and better at authenticating," he says. But the new technologies -- forensics, infrared imaging and so forth -- "will only tell you whether it's not by someone. Scientific technology is good at spotting bad fakes. But to be able to say yes as opposed to saying no, that depends on the cultured eye of the expert. And that's intuitive."

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