Jos jedna, po meni vrlo korisna aplikacija za doterivanje i instalaciju novih programa za Ubuntu, posle instalacije. Slicnih je mogucnosti kao UbuntuTweak ili Ailurus, ali opet sa par bitnih razlika u mogucnostima i mozda malo jednostavnija.
Citat:Bleeding Edge is a graphical software installer, an application that will make your life easier, allowing you to install the most used and popular software. From multimedia codecs and system fonts, media players and web browsers, to docks and burning software, install additional software repositories, disable the annoying system beep, enable 5.1 sound support, install restricted extras and media players, move the window buttons to the right, install proprietary hardware drivers, and the "Open in Terminal" extension for GNOME/Nautilus and can also clean your system. That means removing locales (language files), removing old kernels, removing apt cache, removing config files for unused .deb packages, and emptying the trash.