ova distribucija mi se mnoogo svidela jedan od razloga je taj sto ima jako puno programa i mislim da se u ovoj distribuciji nalaze programi (kontam da nisam ni pola pregledao ) koji ce ikad trebati nekom prosecnom (mozda cak i naprednom) PC useru. Sve preporuke. Jeste da zauzima 3.3 gb al vredi
Eeee,da,ja jesam, ali ono.........nisam oduševljen, u principu je samo napucana svim mogućim programima za sve moguće. Da su nekako to lepše kategorizovali u podmenije i sve pa i ajde, ali ovako.....Sound and Video meni se 20 sekundi lista na primer, ima 1000 programa :S
OK je kada dobijes distro sa svim onim osnovnim stvarima, tipa spreman za rad odmah po instalaciji, medjuti ovoliko toga natrpanog mi je skroz bzvz.
Vise sam za tip Arch-a gde biras sta ces instalirati nego da mi drugi po default-u stavljaju sta se njima svidja.
rank ::OK je kada dobijes distro sa svim onim osnovnim stvarima, tipa spreman za rad odmah po instalaciji, medjuti ovoliko toga natrpanog mi je skroz bzvz.
Vise sam za tip Arch-a gde biras sta ces instalirati nego da mi drugi po default-u stavljaju sta se njima svidja.
Ma ajde da su stavili šta im se sviđa, pa i da poštujem, al su natrpali SVE, ne samo ono "što je dobro".
ArtistX 1.1 je dostupa za preuzimanje.
Nekadašnji naziv ove distribucije je Mediainlinux.
ArtistX 1.1 je zasnovan na Linux Ubuntuu 11.04, dolazi kao live DVD.
Obiluje programima za kreativne umetnike.
Dolazi sa Linux jezgrom 2.6.38, GNOME 2.32 ili KDE 4.6 grafičkim okruženjem, Compiz Fusion i 2.500 free multimedijalnih softver paketa.
Citat:[Marco Ghirlanda has announced the release of ArtistX 1.1, an Ubuntu-based distribution with a large collection of applications designed for creative artists: "After many years of continuous development and ten versions, the ArtistX 1.1 multimedia studio on a DVD is finally here. It's an Ubuntu 11.04-based live DVD that turns a common computer into a full multimedia production studio. ArtistX 1.1 is created with the Remastersys software for live DVDs and includes the 2.6.38 Linux kernel, GNOME 2.32 and KDE 4.6, Compiz Fusion and about 2,500 free multimedia software packages, nearly everything that exists for the GNU/Linux operating system organized in the GNOME menu. Main features: based on Ubuntu 11.04 'Natty Narwhal' with all updates (from April 2011), Compiz for 3D desktop effects; most of GNU/Linux multimedia packages and the very easy Ubiquity installer.
Nepomena, na video prikazu je predhodna verzija ArtistX 1.0
Citat:After nearly ten years of development and more than ten versions, the ArtistX 1.3 multimedia studio on a DVD is finally here. It's an Ubuntu 12.04-based live DVD that turns a common computer into a full multimedia production studio. ArtistX 1.3 includes the 3.2 Linux kernel, GNOME 3 and KDE 4.8 and about 2,500 free multimedia software packages, nearly everything that exists for the GNU/Linux operating system organized in the GNOME menu. Main features: based on Ubuntu 12.04 without Unity and with all updates (from April 2012); most of GNU/Linux multimedia packages and the very easy Ubiquity installer. A partial list of software included in the DVD: graphic software - GIMP, Inkscape, Nip2, Krita, Synfig, Rawstudio, Skencil, Hugin, Blender, Wings3D, K3D....