Manjaro Linux is a Linux Distribution based on Arch Linux. It is still under development, but an initial testing release is already available. Our aim is to create a light linux distribution, which is simple, up-to-date, fast and user friendly and which follows the K.I.S.S principle. We are using the Desktop Environment Xfce, which is light but powerfull. Arch Linux is a great GNU/Linux distribution, but installing and configuring it, needs some time and experience. So we improved Arch Linux. We created a more user friendly installation process, wrote bash scripts for managing graphic drivers, configured xfce with some useful functions and a GUI settings manager is also planed. Just try it.
Manjaro Linux
Architectures: i686(currently not available) x86_64
Version: 0.1.1 (experimental!)
License: GPLv2/v3
Desktop Environment: Xfce
Live CD size: 684MB
Manjaro sam davno probao, tacnije cim se pojavio, i tada je bila samo 64-bitna verzija. Iskreno, nije me nesto odusevila, bese nekih silnih bagova, no ne sumnjam da je do sada dosta stvari ispravljeno.
Inace ukoliko neko zeli Arch, a pritom graficki instaler, mislim da je mnogo bolja varijanta Kahel, e sad jedina mana moze biti gnome3, a koji ja licno ne volim, no ko voli moze probati.
konačno, došla nam je i nova verzija i ovog puta, dostupna je i za 32 bitne mašine
We kept the public mostly in the dark. Some might thought that we are dead or something else. This was necessary to create our new distribution-framework. Currently we have one root-server hosting our main-repository and all our development tools and blog. Four official Manjaro Linux mirrors supply you guys with all our fresh packages, which are tested snapshots of Archlinux with our own packages in the mix. This means we are 100% compatible to Arch-Linux but yet standing on our own feet. Using AUR-repository is possible.
We are proud to announce our default Manjaro Edition featuring XFCE 4.10, Kernel 3.4.9, Xorg 7.6 with Xorg-Server 1.12.3 and gcc 4.7.1. Other editions will follow shortly.
Manjaro Linux targets beginners and advanced users at the same time. We provide UI-tools and scripts to make your life much more easier.
Manjaro supports Nvidia’s Optimus Technology out of the box. You can choose between nouveau/intel or nvidia/intel drivers combination.Manjaro hardware detection tool will configure your graphic-cards automatically and with help of bumblebee/bbswitch it is possible to switch to your desired graphic mode.
Ovo deo je naručito zanimljiv za nas koji imamo optimus nVidiu
Manjaro supports Nvidia’s Optimus Technology out of the box. You can choose between nouveau/intel or nvidia/intel drivers combination.Manjaro hardware detection tool will configure your graphic-cards automatically and with help of bumblebee/bbswitch it is possible to switch to your desired graphic mode.
To je i bilo najavljeno ali mislim sa sadašnjim stabilnim kernelom 3.5.1.
Možda se i varam.
Nije mi baš najjasnije kako ide (naprasito) isključivanje Intel i uključivanje nVidia katre i obratno ali probaćemo (ovi iz nVidie kažu da je to nemoguće, premda je Intelova karta integrisana u CPU).
Mpman, postoji li beše live mod za Manjaro?
Skoro sam se igrao sa njim, predhodna verzija, ali se ne sećam da li je bilo preko virtual mašine ili u live modu.