Distribucija: Salix linux


Distribucija: Salix linux

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

Salix GNU/Linux je distribucija zasnovana na Slackware-u. Autori Salix distribucije su nekadasnji Zenwalk developeri.
Salix postuje pravilo "jedna aplikacija za jednu radnju" i pored toga je potpuno kompatibilna sa svim paketima koji stizu za Slackware linux. Desktop okruzenje je xfce a podrazumevani set aplikacija ukljucuje Java Jre, firefox, OpenOffice, Totem, Geany, Gigolo, Wicd i ostalo...

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  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

verzija 13.0.2:
* Fixes for security issues in the kernel, mozilla-firefox and many other packages
* Added simplified user creation mode during installation and some more minor impovements to the installer
* Updated XFCE package that fixes an important bug which caused vfat usb devices to always mount with the sync option
* Included salix-update-notifier, a tool that periodically checks for available package updates and informs the user about them with the display of a non-intrusive tray icon, which can be used to launch the upgrade process with gslapt
* Localized taskbar buttons on the XFCE desktop

Pored toga ovo je prva verzija salixa koja podrzava 64bit sisteme. Sve u svemu definitivno je korak napred i vredi probati.

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  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

Nadjen je bag u v13.0.2 a evo i infoa o tome:
Citat:A bug has been found with the 13.0.2 iso images thanks to stuckinoregon. Apparently the autoinstall feature doesn't work right when the hard drive size is bigger than 15GB. So if your hard drive is bigger than 15GB and you want to dedicate the entire hard drive to Salix, please choose the install option in the installer instead of autoinstall. You can set the partition scheme in any way you want then.

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  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

Lajv verzija Salixa za testiranje je tu:
Citat: Included features:
booting from CD/DVD or USB (read the HOW_TO)
nice bootloader with most options in menu (grub2)
splashy like in the current ISO
language and keyboard selection
automatic login (user: "one")
password for root: live
ssh-keys already generated for root
default sound to 71%
all Salix ISO packages
you can keep your changes uppon reboot by using a software included on Salixlive
you can install Salix by using a software included on Salixlive
lilosetup is included, for managing your lilo config files if you need.
gparted is included
ndiswrapper is included
rdesktop is included

Key codes for experts (to add or modify in the kernel entry line):
lang= (fr_FR.utf8 for example)
keyb= (fr-latin9 for example)
toram (copy all modules to RAM and eject the CD, you need a lot of RAM)
changes= (file to use for changes. you can modify it to use another pattern name)
passwd= (to change root password)
numlock= ("on" to enable numlock on boot)
nosound (to disable sound)
nohotplug (to disable udev)
3 (for example, to boot in runlevel 3, without graphical bootup)

Naglašeno je da pročitate Salix live howto

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  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3261

Napisano: 14 Maj 2011 11:36

Salix OS 13.37 "Xfce"

Salix OS 13.37 "Xfce" je dostupno za preuzimanje.
Pored Xfce tu su izdanja sa Fluxbox, LXDE i KDE grafičkim okruženjem.
Kao i do sada novi Salix OS 13.37 je zasnovan na legendarnom Slackware Linuxu verzije 13.37.
Dolazi nam sa Linux jezgrom verzije, Xfce 4.6.2, Firefox 4.0.1, Claws Mail 3.7.8. i LibreOffice 3.3.2.

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Dopuna: 16 Jun 2011 16:11

Salix OS 13.37 "Fluxbox"

Salix OS 13.37 je dostupan sa Fluxbox okruženjem za preuzimanje.
Dostupan u 32 i 64-bitnoj verziji.
Dolazi sa Linux jezgrom verzije, Fluxbox-om 1.3.1, Firefox-om 4.0.1, Claws-mail-om 3.7.8. LibreOffice-om 3.3.2.

George Vlahavas has announced that the "Fluxbox" edition of Salix OS 13.37, a lightweight Slackware-based distribution, has been released: "Salix Fluxbox 13.37 is here, available in both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. Everyone who has used the 13.1 Fluxbox edition, will find this release very familiar. It comes with Linux kernel, Fluxbox 1.3.1, Firefox 4.0.1 and Claws-mail 3.7.8. LibreOffice 3.3.2 is included by default in full mode installations, replacing OpenOffice.org and localization packages for more than a hundred languages are available through the package management tools. Exaile 0.3.2 is the default music player and the Whaaw Media Player, version 0.2.14, is used as the default movie player."

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Napomena, na video prikazu je instalacija Salix OS 13.37 Fluxbox RC1

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Dopuna: 23 Jul 2011 17:00

Salix OS 13.37 "KDE"

Salix KDE 13.37 je dostupan za preuzimanje.
Grafičko okruženje čini KDE verzije 4.5.5.
Umesto web pretraživača Konqueror dolazi nam Mozilla Firefox 5.0.

Citat:George Vlahavas has announced the release of Salix OS 13.37 "KDE" edition, a Slackware-based desktop distribution: "Salix KDE 13.37 images are now available to download. This release includes KDE 4.5.5, the same as in Slackware 13.37. One major difference since our previous release is the inclusion of the Mozilla Firefox 5.0 web browser in place of Konqueror. We believe that Firefox has improved a lot with its latest releases and provides a better web experience compared to Konqueror. However, if any users want Konqueror back, they only have to install the 'kdebase' package using the package manager, replacing the default kdebase-lite package. Another important change is the switch from Kaffeine to Bangarang as the default media player.

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Dopuna: 19 Avg 2011 17:37

Salix OS 13.37 "LXDE"

Salix OS verzije 13.37 je dostupa i sa LXDE grafičkim okruženjem.
Dostupan je za 32 i 64-bitne računarske arhitekture.

Citat:George Vlahavas has announced the release of Salix OS 13.37 "LXDE" edition, a Slackware-based desktop distribution featuring the lightweight LXDE desktop environment: "Salix LXDE 13.37 has been officially released. This release is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. For everyone that has used our previous LXDE releases there are no surprises here. The application selection has stayed the same for the most part, with all applications being upgraded to newer versions. Important changes in this release are the inclusion of Sourcery, our new graphical tool for managing and installing packages from SlackBuilds, which has been developed from scratch for Salix and also the replacement of SCIM with IBus as the default input platform for Chinese, Japanese, etc.

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Dopuna: 05 Okt 2011 13:45

Salix OS 13.37 "Ratpoison"

Izgleda da je ovo prva verzija Linuxa sa Ratpoison menadžerom prozora.

Citat:George Vlahavas has announced the release of Salix OS 13.37 "Ratpoison" edition, a Slackware-based distribution showcasing the rather unusual Ratpoison window manager: "Salix Ratpoison 13.37 is released. This is probably the first-ever Linux distribution release featuring Ratpoison as the main window manager. The aim of the Ratpoison edition is to create a system that is fully usable with the keyboard only, no mouse required! For everyone that is not familiar with Ratpoison, Ratpoison is a window manager for X 'with no-fat library dependencies, no fancy graphics, no window decorations, and no rodent dependence'. Ratpoison uses a workflow that is similar to that of GNU screen, which is very popular in the terminal world. All interaction with the window manager is done through keystrokes.

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  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3261

Salix OS 13.37 "Live Xfce"

Citat:Cyrille Pontvieux has announced the release of Salix OS 13.37 "Live Xfce" edition, a Slackware-based live CD featuring the latest Xfce desktop: "The Live team is proud to present the final release of Salix OS Live Xfce 13.37. After some months developing, testing and improving a lot of little details, this version is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit variants. It will serve as a base for all other editions of Salix Live, namely KDE, LXDE and Fluxbox. This version is build using SaLT (Salix Live Technology), a new system of live tools for Slackware-based distributions, developed in-house, to build live CDs in a more dynamic fashion with very little modifications from the host system. This includes the same applications and packages as the regular Salix OS Xfce 13.37.

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  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3261

Salix OS 13.37 "Live KDE"

Citat:The Salix Live team is proud to announce the immediate release of Salix Live KDE 13.37. Following Salix Live Xfce 13.37, this release is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. This release is also built using SaLT (Salix Live Technology), a new system of Live tools for Slackware-based distributions, developed in-house, in order to build live CDs in a more dynamic fashion with very little modifications from the host system. SaLT offers considerably more power when creating a live system compared to other tools that were used previously and is the reason that it is now possible to produce 64-bit images to complement the collection of Salix live images. The software included in this release is exactly the same as that present in the standard Salix KDE 13.37 release.

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  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3261

Salix OS 13.37 "MATE"

Citat:Salix MATE 13.37 is now officially released. Available for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, this release introduces the MATE desktop environment. For anyone not familiar with MATE, it's a GNOME 2 fork, that continues development of the GNOME 2.x branch. MATE uses the traditional desktop metaphor that was abandoned for newer GNOME 3.x releases. All of the GNOME parts that have been forked have been renamed, so that they don't conflict with GNOME 3.x applications, but otherwise the functionality and behavior is exactly the same as it was in GNOME 2.32.x. For example, the Nautilus file manager is now named Caja in MATE, the Evince document viewer is now Atril and the File-Roller archive manager is now Engrampa.

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  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3261

Salix OS 13.37 "Live MATE"

Citat:Salix Live MATE 13.37 has been officially released and is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. This is another live release created using SaLT (Salix Live Technology) a new powerful system of live tools for Slackware-based distributions, developed in-house. This is also the first-ever Salix release to incorporate isohybrid technology. The Salix Live MATE 13.37 release, mirrors our previous 'standard installation' MATE release in terms of featured software. The MATE 1.2 desktop environment is included. MATE will be extremely familiar to every previous GNOME 2 user, as it is a direct fork of it, providing the user with all the functionality and work patterns they were accustomed to. All major GNOME 2 desktop applications have been ported and have been renamed.

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  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3261

Salix OS 14.0 "Xfce"

Citat:Salix Xfce 14.0 is ready. With Xfce 4.10 being the centerpiece of this release, CD images for the i686 and x86_64 architectures are available for immediate download. Apart from Xfce 4.10, software that comes installed includes Linux kernel 3.2.29, Midori 0.4.7 as the default web browser, Claws-Mail 3.8.1 as the application to use for accessing your e-mail accounts, LibreOffice 3.6.3 for all your office needs, GIMP 2.8.2 for everything that has to do with image editing and manipulation, Viewnior 1.3 as the default image viewer, Parole as the default movie player, Exaile 3.3.0 as the application to use for managing your music collection and more.

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